MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

You have to think Rad was hired for this sole purpose. It certainly wasn’t about hiring coaches (baseball is a prime, bad example). Let’s just give this a little time and space and hope that we ultimately end up creating our own destiny rather than relying on others to create it for us.

No offense to baseball fans... it's a great sport... but college baseball isn't revenue generating. It makes no sense to spend any time or money on a baseball coach. It goes in the same bucket as the olympic sports or women's sports. Nothing against those sports but when you're already at a revenue disadvantage against the SEC and B1G, it makes no sense to blow money on improving sports that won't ever bring money in no matter how good your team is.
@McGahee2TheHouse … just the cool side of the pillow you were looking for to help sleep at night…

We can rest easy now… this is above athletics …
Thank the Lord! If anyone has proven to be even more competent than the AD over the last 20 years, it’s the administrators above them! We are in good hands Canesfam.
My guess is Rudy Fernandez is running the show, but I know nothing.

I'd say that's a pretty good guess. Frenk and/or the board has delegated big athletics decisions to him in the past (hiring Rad and Mario for example), and this is equally impactful.

Would also say that because Miami is private, we can move in silence much more than FSU or Clemson for example. Every university would prefer to keep quiet on realignment if they could, but for the public ones, it's much harder. In Miami's case, there are no sunshine laws to worry about... they don't apply. FSU was vocal because they had to be per sunshine laws.

There's no state university system to worry about. UNC is leaking info because they have a board that governs both them and NC State, and the rest of the Carolina universities.

Miami doesn't have any state politics to worry about. There's no meddling AG like Virginia has. There's no state legislature up for election that will use us as a pawn to get votes.

UM doesn't have to worry about anyone except UM. We can keep the circle tight in a way that other schools just can't do.
I'd say that's a pretty good guess. Frenk and/or the board has delegated big athletics decisions to him in the past (hiring Rad and Mario for example), and this is equally impactful.

Would also say that because Miami is private, we can move in silence much more than FSU or Clemson for example. Every university would prefer to keep quiet on realignment if they could, but for the public ones, it's much harder. In Miami's case, there are no sunshine laws to worry about... they don't apply. FSU was vocal because they had to be per sunshine laws.

There's no state university system to worry about. UNC is leaking info because they have a board that governs both them and NC State, and the rest of the Carolina universities. UM doesn't have to worry about anyone except UM. We can keep the circle tight in a way that other schools just can't do.
Agree with everything you said. I really hope we’re pro FSU and Clemson’s efforts and acting as a covert party (for now) to their public efforts.

I always go back to the early 2022 leaks/news of Miami seeking ACC buyout options as evidence that we want out ASAP. Things quickly went silent and dried but I hope there was volition to that and we’ve always working to move.

It’s probably all just blind hope on my part.
I'd say that's a pretty good guess. Frenk and/or the board has delegated big athletics decisions to him in the past (hiring Rad and Mario for example), and this is equally impactful.

Would also say that because Miami is private, we can move in silence much more than FSU or Clemson for example. Every university would prefer to keep quiet on realignment if they could, but for the public ones, it's much harder. In Miami's case, there are no sunshine laws to worry about... they don't apply. FSU was vocal because they had to be per sunshine laws.

There's no state university system to worry about. UNC is leaking info because they have a board that governs both them and NC State, and the rest of the Carolina universities.

Miami doesn't have any state politics to worry about. There's no meddling AG like Virginia has. There's no state legislature up for election that will use us as a pawn to get votes.

UM doesn't have to worry about anyone except UM. We can keep the circle tight in a way that other schools just can't do.
mmhmm. There was about 5-6 weeks in the fall of 2021 during which we were in the process of stealing mario from phil knight and rad from clemson and not a **** person in the national media had any clue any of it was coming and laughed at us when the Mastec plane landed in Las Vegas.
Does anybody think Miami's and Notre Dame's acceptance last summer into the very prestigious and selective Association of American Universities didn't benefit from the Big Ten's interest in both schools?

The B1G collectively has a tremendous amount of clout in the AAU approval process. Miami and Notre Dame are well-respected institutions, but why wouldn't those school presidents throw their weight around a little to help their conference's cause with future expansion?

Or maybe it all was just a coincidence ...
(BTW, neither Tallahassee CC or FSU are members of he AAU, although the latter is still trying) :notworking:
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always go back to the early 2022 leaks/news of Miami seeking ACC buyout options as evidence that we want out ASAP. Things quickly went silent and dried but I hope there was volition to that and we’ve always working to move.

It’s probably all just blind hope on my part.
What you said in bold there is exactly what I meant when I said that:

I have very little concern that the U is not completely on top of this and that everything will be fine. The leadership decided to commit the U to being serious about competing at a national level in football in 2021; it was not a haphazard decision, it was made with eyes wide open about the seismic shifts coming in college football, and it was made with full understanding of what that would require from the university.
Does anybody think Miami's and Notre Dame's acceptance last summer into the very prestigious and selective Association of American Universities didn't benefit from the Big Ten's interest in both schools?

The B1G collectively has a tremendous amount of clout. Miami and Notre Dame are well-respected institutions, but why wouldn't those school presidents throw their weight around a little to help their conference's cause with future expansion?

Or maybe it all was just a coincidence ...
(BTW, neither Tallahassee CC or FSU are members of he AAU, although the latter is still trying) :notworking:

I'm truly hoping that our acceptance in AAU was related to a pending move of some kind. We don't get into the B1G or SEC it's going to be extremely difficult to compete.
mmhmm. There was about 5-6 weeks in the fall of 2021 during which we were in the process of stealing mario from phil knight and rad from clemson and not a **** person in the national media had any clue any of it was coming and laughed at us when the Mastec plane landed in Las Vegas.

Exactly. My 2 cents but people should try to look at the big picture when considering media reports and apply common sense and situational understanding. They should try to understand that the media can only report what their sources tell them, and they're naturally going to have more sources from certain places. Public universities are always going to be "leakier" because of the way they are structured and governed. That's the 1000 pound grain of salt they should take their news with.

A large part of the reporting done in the media will skew toward what their leaky sources in the public universities are telling them. Understandably so. They won't have as many sources at Miami because structurally we can button up much more than the publics and control what gets out.

That's why you're hearing a lot about UNC and Virginia. They can't operate in a tight circle like we can through no fault of anybody, it's just the structure. For example, if I worked for a major newspaper and I wanted to know the inside scoop of what's going on at UVA or UNC, my job is pretty easy. I can talk to people at the AG's office, I can talk to people connected to the board, a lot of potential. But what about Miami?

Also people should consider that no respected national reporter is out there saying affirmatively that Miami wants to stay in the ACC or go to the Big 12. There isn't a lot of misinformation, there just isn't much information about us in general. And it's because Miami is dry compared to the leaky buckets like UNC and UVA. So you'll hear more about the publics because there's more info leaking out from those places. JMO.
I don't have time to look through 794 pages to see if this has been discussed, so I pose it here - is Miami going independent again a completely impossible scenario or can we do that for a while? In theory, assuming we continue to build and become a regular top 15 team, we could be that OOC game for a lot of these P2 teams, sort of like what ND has done.

If the independent thing was possible financially, we could do that for a few years and hopefully win enough games to become valuable enough to the P2 that we finally choose one to land in. I'd prefer that to going B12.

Any experts wanna weigh in and tell me why it is or isn't possible?
I don't have time to look through 794 pages to see if this has been discussed, so I pose it here - is Miami going independent again a completely impossible scenario or can we do that for a while? In theory, assuming we continue to build and become a regular top 15 team, we could be that OOC game for a lot of these P2 teams, sort of like what ND has done.

If the independent thing was possible financially, we could do that for a few years and hopefully win enough games to become valuable enough to the P2 that we finally choose one to land in. I'd prefer that to going B12.

Any experts wanna weigh in and tell me why it is or isn't possible?

Impossible. TV deal.