MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Now that Clemson has filed suit as well. Miami will have to attend meetings to gather info to feed to them. I'll bet Clemson's AD who was Rad's assistant are more in kahoots that people think. FSU and Clemson both need a program to continue to gather info.

Translation: The enemies of my enemy are my friends
Translation: The enemies of my enemy are my friends

"Jim is my enemy. But it turns out that Jim is also his own worst enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So Jim, is actually my friend. But, because he is his own worst enemy, the enemy of my friend is my enemy so actually Jim is my enemy. But..." - Dwight Schrute
Quick reminder that the four Pac 12 schools joined the big 12 were adamant that they weren’t going anywhere 24 hours before they announced they were leaving
Fraggle moves quietly and behind the scenes.

Gato is a level 10 ninja assassin.

ACC won't even know it's dead as it utters the final words to him....
Always a sure thing betting another man's ********s.

I wanna go to Vegas with you gato.

Duke wouldn’t go to the SEC even if they had an invite. If you know anything about the Duke people, they’re as sanctimonious as it gets and there’s no way they would slum it with the SEC. They have plenty of loot and would be fine not even having a football program. UNC is about the same although not as bad.
We need to stay put in the ACC. Let PHLEMson and FSPoo leave, we would dominate this conference with the way we are recruiting and our NIL. People forget we were part of a dumpster conference (Big East) when we dominated college football. Winning the ACC will lock us into a playoff spot. Let’s be smart about this. No need to **** with what we got when we haven’t won **** yet. The last picked kickballers on here wanting to change conference is laughable. **** off with that stupidity. GO CANES

We need to stay put in the ACC. Let PHLEMson and FSPoo leave, we would dominate this conference with the way we are recruiting and our NIL. People forget we were part of a dumpster conference (Big East) when we dominated college football. Winning the ACC will lock us into a playoff spot. Let’s be smart about this. No need to **** with what we got when we haven’t won **** yet. The last picked kickballers on here wanting to change conference is laughable. **** off with that stupidity. GO CANES you know about the money?
Sorry doom-and-gloomers, but Miami is going to the B1G with ND.

FSU and Clemson have been tied at the hip on this matter since Day 1 despite some folks feverishly insisting UM and Clemson were working side by side because of DanRad.

FSU and Clemson and whoever else are going to the SEC. We'll less contentiously head out the back door once the ship starts to sink.

The whole thing is 100% scripted: Sankey, Petitti, ESPN and FOX are in alignment
Well, ****.

not surprised you like kneeling
just kidding jk GIF
Mario doesn't. you know about the money?
Of course I do…by simply winning this conference, we will be fine with money. You act like our NIL is a poverty program. Dont be an idiot sheep listening to the clown show on here. We have a top tier NIL with an admin fully committed to football. We start winning and putting dudes in the league like we used to and it won’t matter what conference we are in when we are going to the playoffs. Be a man and think for yourself. Jesus! GO CANES
Of course I do…by simply winning this conference, we will be fine with money. You act like our NIL is a poverty program. Dont be an idiot sheep listening to the clown show on here. We have a top tier NIL with an admin fully committed to football. We start winning and putting dudes in the league like we used to and it won’t matter what conference we are in when we are going to the playoffs. Be a man and think for yourself. Jesus! GO CANES

Ah, so you don't know about the money. Ok.
Quick reminder that the four Pac 12 schools joined the big 12 were adamant that they weren’t going anywhere 24 hours before they announced they were leaving
I agree with your memory regarding USC and UCLA.

As soon as Colorado announced the move to the Big 12, Oregon, Washington, and the other PAC 12 schools were on the get out of Dodge bandwagon. About a week later, they were in the Big 10 at 40 cents on the dollar to everyone else.

Whatever happens to Miami - be USC/UCLA, not Oregon/Washington.
Of course I do…by simply winning this conference, we will be fine with money. You act like our NIL is a poverty program. Dont be an idiot sheep listening to the clown show on here. We have a top tier NIL with an admin fully committed to football. We start winning and putting dudes in the league like we used to and it won’t matter what conference we are in when we are going to the playoffs. Be a man and think for yourself. Jesus! GO CANES
The dude who has been here for less than eight months does not fear a big two only national championship playoff. I feel oddly comforted.

Ah, so you don't know about the money. Ok.
He knows about the money. We all know about the money. It's always nice to have more of it and hopefully the Canes will end up in the P2 as life will be MUCH easier.

Let's not pretend though that the Canes have had that advantage in the past and will need it as a crutch moving forward. There was something special about being that underestimated, small, private, independent school which knocked college football on its ***. If the cool kids don't pick us to have lunch at their table, oh well, as long as we can get into the cafeteria, we can still steal their lunch. :sneaky:

(Just don't fall down to the G5 level, then our goose is cooked lol)
Yeah, some of you fans @USNAVYCANE are sweating about this more than a fat girl at her sisters wedding.

Miami will be just fine. We are dogs. We have risen from the ashes twice and we will do it again. We won’t win games because of our conference affiliation. Miami wins and we can carry our own conference if needed. There will be no shortage of money if we consistently win 10 games per year.
Calm Down Al Pacino GIF

I will say this AGAIN. If Josh Pate implies we’re going to one of the power 2. We’re going, unlike a lot of the sources yall keep listening to….he’s actually connected. He knows way more than he says on his show so if he specifically said UNC FSU Clemson and Miami. It’s a done deal.

You forgot one important thing: We have some of the most miserable fans on planet earth and they will whine no matter what. No one knows anything, and just because the University of Miami isn't out here leading the way, doesn't mean that they aren't doing what needs to be done behind the scenes. Keep in mind, we know WHY FSU felt compelled to do what they are doing: They are flat broke and honestly, they are up against it worse than we are. Clemson may be piling on, because they see an opportunity to force the ACC to settle and they are willing to take that chance, to accelerate the breakup. Miami sees all of this, and may choose to sit back and let things take their course, while possibly having an invite in their back pocket. Who knows.
I have very little concern that the U is not completely on top of this and that everything will be fine. The leadership decided to commit the U to being serious about competing at a national level in football in 2021; it was not a haphazard decision, it was made with eyes wide open about the seismic shifts coming in college football, and it was made with full understanding of what that would require from the university.
You have to think Rad was hired for this sole purpose. It certainly wasn’t about hiring coaches (baseball is a prime, bad example). Let’s just give this a little time and space and hope that we ultimately end up creating our own destiny rather than relying on others to create it for us.