MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

See, I haven't been trolling. There is a lot of wishful thinking about us leaving the ACC, but when you look at the voting record it should make clear where we are. UM voted to let in 3 new members while FSU, Clemson, UNC voted against. Before the info came out about the votes, everyone swore UM was going to be one of the teams that blocked the move because it would make ACC dissolution much harder. Then we found out that UM voted with the majority of the ACC to allow two California teams and a Texas team into the conference. People bent over backwards to justify it: Rad was pressured by Frenk, the ghost of Donna Shalala possessed him, Rad is playing 8D chess, etc. Or we can dispense with the rationalization and consider the simplest reason- he voted for it because he is trying to preserve the ACC.

Now we find out that UM voted with 5 others to approve the lawsuit against FSU. If people are able to take off the orange and green shades, they should be able to see the reality of the situation. UM likely doesn't have a SEC invite right now so UM is not in a good position to leave the ACC in the next couple of years. As it stands, we're not going to file a lawsuit in an effort to try to join the B1G (Fox Sports), because ESPN would sue the conference and would likely prevail. However, if we somehow convince the SEC to let us join, ESPN will be on board and then we'll file a lawsuit against the ACC as well. Let's hope we have friends in the South.
Agreed. We haven’t behaved at all like a school trying to leave. I hope there is some possibility that we will be joining the lawsuit but I see nothing that gives me any hope there. The votes to let in the three schools was very telling. Why stay in a horrible conference that hates us? Get your @$$es in that lawsuit and help kill the ACC!

Chris Pratt Dinosaurs GIF by Omaze
Agreed. We haven’t behaved at all like a school trying to leave. I hope there is some possibility that we will be joining the lawsuit but I see nothing that gives me any hope there. The votes to let in the three schools was very telling. Why stay in a horrible conference that hates us? Get your @$$es in that lawsuit and help kill the ACC!

Chris Pratt Dinosaurs GIF by Omaze

Sweep the leg!

Good find Spy

Pretty apparent that Matt Baker has become FSU's go-to guy when they want to leak things to the mainstream media. He's been way in front of his newspaper competition on this story, including the Tallahassee Democrat.

Regardless of whether UM leaves for a different conference than fsu or Clemson, those two leaving only speeds up the ACC's implosion

Time Watch GIF
See, I haven't been trolling. There is a lot of wishful thinking about us leaving the ACC, but when you look at the voting record it should make clear where we are. UM voted to let in 3 new members while FSU, Clemson, UNC voted against. Before the info came out about the votes, everyone swore UM was going to be one of the teams that blocked the move because it would make ACC dissolution much harder. Then we found out that UM voted with the majority of the ACC to allow two California teams and a Texas team into the conference. People bent over backwards to justify it: Rad was pressured by Frenk, the ghost of Donna Shalala possessed him, Rad is playing 8D chess, etc. Or we can dispense with the rationalization and consider the simplest reason- he voted for it because he is trying to preserve the ACC.

Now we find out that UM voted with 5 others to approve the lawsuit against FSU. If people are able to take off the orange and green shades, they should be able to see the reality of the situation. UM likely doesn't have a SEC invite right now so UM is not in a good position to leave the ACC in the next couple of years. As it stands, we're not going to file a lawsuit in an effort to try to join the B1G (Fox Sports), because ESPN would sue the conference and would likely prevail. However, if we somehow convince the SEC to let us join, ESPN will be on board and then we'll file a lawsuit against the ACC as well. Let's hope we have friends in the South.
Miami was NOT one of the schools approving the lawsuit.
See, I haven't been trolling. There is a lot of wishful thinking about us leaving the ACC, but when you look at the voting record it should make clear where we are. UM voted to let in 3 new members while FSU, Clemson, UNC voted against. Before the info came out about the votes, everyone swore UM was going to be one of the teams that blocked the move because it would make ACC dissolution much harder. Then we found out that UM voted with the majority of the ACC to allow two California teams and a Texas team into the conference. People bent over backwards to justify it: Rad was pressured by Frenk, the ghost of Donna Shalala possessed him, Rad is playing 8D chess, etc. Or we can dispense with the rationalization and consider the simplest reason- he voted for it because he is trying to preserve the ACC.

Now we find out that UM voted with 5 others to approve the lawsuit against FSU. If people are able to take off the orange and green shades, they should be able to see the reality of the situation. UM likely doesn't have a SEC invite right now so UM is not in a good position to leave the ACC in the next couple of years. As it stands, we're not going to file a lawsuit in an effort to try to join the B1G (Fox Sports), because ESPN would sue the conference and would likely prevail. However, if we somehow convince the SEC to let us join, ESPN will be on board and then we'll file a lawsuit against the ACC as well. Let's hope we have friends in the South.
They did? I thought the 6 who approved the lawsuit against FSU were UVA, VT, Syracuse, BC, Duke, & Wake Forest? Miami, Louisville, GT, Pitt, and SMU supposedly wanted to have a meeting to discuss the lawsuit, but that's not approving the lawsuit.

Is it fair to assume FSU and Clemson have a deal with the SEC (or at least in the works) as neither are AAU schools?
When I read football powers clemson and fsu I chuckle. Clemson hasn’t won shi t in 5 years and fsu has one good season since Winston .
Maybe my sarcasm detector is broken because.. just in the last 5 years Clemson has won 54 games, gone on a 29 game win streak, had an unbeaten season, played in the Fiesta Bowl, played in the Orange Bowl, played in the Sugar Bowl, played in the national championship game and had the #1 overall pick in the NFL draft.

At this point I'd be happy with any one of those accomplishments.
Miami has been moving strategically with stealth like precision behind the scenes. The Canes have masterfully maneuvered themselves without so much as an action taken and is set to reap the benefits of fsu and now clemson taking the front, shielding us from harm

Is this the narrative now?
Calm Down Al Pacino GIF

I will say this AGAIN. If Josh Pate implies we’re going to one of the power 2. We’re going, unlike a lot of the sources yall keep listening to….he’s actually connected. He knows way more than he says on his show so if he specifically said UNC FSU Clemson and Miami. It’s a done deal.
Not filing a lawsuit doesn’t necessarily mean that Miami does not have a landing spot in the Big 2; however, filing a lawsuit would seem to indicate that we do have a landing spot in the Big 2.

Why tear apart the ACC unless you are guaranteed a better deal elsewhere? F$U and Clemson have a new home. They are simply breaking their lease early. Others probably have no place to go so the status quo is better than no home.
Miami was NOT one of the schools approving the lawsuit.

The UVA prez in a sworn affidavit said the January vote to sue FSU was unanimous. Maybe you have a different definition for "unanimous." UM might have abstained, but it definitely didn't vote against the lawsuit, unless you believe the UVA president lied in his affidavit.

Squid urn likes to take inaccurate information that fits his narrative and run with it. Wrong again. He is worse than any of the "Twitter dudes".

I've been respectful to you and have tried to be as objective as possible and always explain my reasoning. I don't hide information that disagrees with "my narrative" because my only narrative is figuring out the truth of where UM is headed (or not headed) . I've got no problem if someone disagrees and points out flaws in my argument.

But if you want to trade insults and get nasty, I'm your huckleberry.
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Give it a month GENTS. Let the media cycle through March madness, Easter, spring practice, the election, etc.

The guys that control the media are waiting for us to drop our bombshell come late April, early May for the dead period in news. Keep the hamster rolling on this hamster wheel of 24/7 media coverage. We’re far too valuable to be LEFT OUT.
The UVA prez in a sworn affidavit said the January vote to sue FSU was unanimous. Maybe you have a different definition for "unanimous." UM might have abstained, but it definitely didn't vote against the lawsuit, unless you believe the UVA president lied in his affidavit.

Unanimous of those voting perhaps. You only need 10 members present to have a quorum to vote

Good find Spy

Pretty apparent that Matt Baker has become FSU's go-to guy when they want to leak things to the mainstream media. He's been way in front of his newspaper competition on this story, including the Tallahassee Democrat.

Regardless of whether UM leaves for a different conference than fsu or Clemson, those two leaving only speeds up the ACC's implosion

Time Watch GIF
Now that Clemson has filed suit as well. Miami will have to attend meetings to gather info to feed to them. I'll bet Clemson's AD who was Rad's assistant are more in kahoots that people think. FSU and Clemson both need a program to continue to gather info.
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Unanimous of those voting perhaps. You only need 10 members present to have a quorum to vote

Miami was confirmed as one of the 5 teams that voted to hold the Jan meeting to vote on suing FSU, so while it's possible it voted to hold the meeting and then didn't attend, it seems a lot more plausible that it either voted yes or abstained on suing FSU. We know for certain none of the teams at the meeting voted "no."

And this part is my opinion - UM could have said no to holding the meeting in the first place (like it could have said no to adding 3 teams) , but it looks to me wanted to give the acc the opportunity to to fire a warning shot at FSU.
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