MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Appreciate that. I've never called myself an insider (as I believe there's people on this board that know far more than I do typically) but on this issue in particular, I am lucky to have some insight that I can share.

The big issue with Genetics is that it is very obvious that while he is a guy that evidently has some good sources, he's extrapolating out his info beyond a reasonable degree. What I mean by that is if Genetics has enough info to give you "A" and maybe make a prediction on "B," he'll give you "A", hype up "B," and then tell you why it leads all the way to "E." It's just not credible to extrapolate out that far. Personally, I think the attention he's received has got to his head, and he's just trying to pump out content now. What really turned me off to him is when he tweeted out that "insider" account of our athletic department and financials. It read like a hit piece fanfiction directly from the Warchant boards, and I know for a fact that 95% of the info on there was blatantly false or at best a very creative reading of what's actually going. It read like very clearly laundered talking points from a rival school/fanbase. So overall, he does have sources and info he's put out good stuff before, i just think he's speculative beyond a reasonable degree.

I'd also say this for any "outsiders" trying to get information about the state of our Athletic Department or football program. Unlike prior AD's and coaching regimes, the current AD and program are operating on a very need to know basis/closed information ecosystem. Even contact that was normal with previous coaching staffs isn't the norm today. Mario and the program get priority in areas around the school that previous coaches did not have. The FB program is the top priority in athletics right now, and the school's entire long-term athletics strategy is predicated on football getting back to what it used to be. Mario also doesn't interact with nearly as many people in Admin as Richt, Manny, or even Golden did. There's pros and cons to that, but that's one difference now.
It’s been clear for awhile that Warchant is one of his “sources.” FWIW I stumbled on his account pre USC/UCLA when he was speculating on the Big Ten media deal, and at the time his sources were someone he only spoke to a couple times a year and “the Penn State insiders” who turned out to be Pennsylvania talk show hosts. Maybe he’s acquired more sources as his account has grown but….
Anyone Sentence GIF by Moonfall
I wonder why all attention is focused on fsu, I'd guess it is because they are involved in the lawsuits. I am curious though why they are acting alone. I saw one report that North Carolina and North Carolina State are soliciting the BIG as joined together. This rather disturbed fsu folks and I can understand why. So far all we have is rumors. Meanwhile I wonder what our real position and what actions we might take besides simply waiting to see the fsu outcome. I believe if we are serious about jumping we should reluctantly join with those who actively are pursuing other options, not my preference. I also wonder why and if the SEC and BIG are pursuing more additions. It seems both the SEC and BIG are crowded already yet many seem confident that ACC schools threatening to leave know where they will end up. If they don't could they end up without a partner at the dance? I think that is possible.
I have some problems with the ACC BUT I like the teams in it that we regularly schedule. All have decent climates and are competitive but ones we can dominate. I'd hate to see us in the BIG simply because of weather and style of play. The BIG has 18 teams already and the SEC 16 so it seems more likely the SEC has room for 2 more. Is the speculation about us wanting out valid? Are we being silent to avoid controversy? or are we not interested in moving? I don't like ACC officials and that needs to be addressed soon, but I do like the competition we face and as implied I like our weather for football and without any changes we have the best basketball teams in the NCAA. Our baseball teams are fun to watch and are all competitive, I'm reluctant to see us move out of the ACC and hope that the financial imbalance can be fixed soon.
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Nobody ever brings up the independent option. I suppose it's because the conferences pay guaranteed money. But Miami has always been a big brand, much like Notre Shame. If we can reestablish the Miami feel (Win some doggone games), perhaps we could get our own deal like them out of conference. Mo money and more independence in scheduling to play big games. Anyone, anytime, anywhere so to speak. Just musing. And who wouldn't want to play for the baddest blank in the valley?
Nobody ever brings up the independent option. I suppose it's because the conferences pay guaranteed money. But Miami has always been a big brand, much like Notre Shame. If we can reestablish the Miami feel (Win some doggone games), perhaps we could get our own deal like them out of conference. Mo money and more independence in scheduling to play big games. Anyone, anytime, anywhere so to speak. Just musing. And who wouldn't want to play for the baddest blank in the valley?

I am all for independence. I guarantee that UM would be the second highest rated program on Univision on Saturdays.
I’d like to get in touch with Fraggle’s Knee Dr cause he must be handing out very large bottles of pain meds cause obviously Fraggle is still on them and taking them by the handful ….
I wonder why all attention is focused on fsu, I'd guess it is because they are involved in the lawsuits. I am curious though why they are acting alone. I saw one report that North Carolina and North Carolina State are soliciting the BIG as joined together. This rather disturbed fsu folks and I can understand why. So far all we have is rumors. Meanwhile I wonder what our real position and what actions we might take besides simply waiting to see the fsu outcome. I believe if we are serious about jumping we should reluctantly join with those who actively are pursuing other options, not my preference. I also wonder why and if the SEC and BIG are pursuing more additions. It seems both the SEC and BIG are crowded already yet many seem confident that ACC schools threatening to leave know where they will end up. If they don't could they end up without a partner at the dance? I think that is possible.
I have some problems with the ACC BUT I like the teams in it that we regularly schedule. All have decent climates and are competitive but ones we can dominate. I'd hate to see us in the BIG simply because of weather and style of play. The BIG has 18 teams already and the SEC 16 so it seems more likely the SEC has room for 2 more. Is the speculation about us wanting out valid? Are we being silent to avoid controversy? or are we not interested in moving? I don't like ACC officials and that needs to be addressed soon, but I do like the competition we face and as implied I like our weather for football and without any changes we have the best basketball teams in the NCAA. Our baseball teams are fun to watch and are all competitive, I'm reluctant to see us move out of the ACC and hope that the financial imbalance can be fixed soon.
Confused Confusion GIF
Appreciate that. I've never called myself an insider (as I believe there's people on this board that know far more than I do typically) but on this issue in particular, I am lucky to have some insight that I can share.

The big issue with Genetics is that it is very obvious that while he is a guy that evidently has some good sources, he's extrapolating out his info beyond a reasonable degree. What I mean by that is if Genetics has enough info to give you "A" and maybe make a prediction on "B," he'll give you "A", hype up "B," and then tell you why it leads all the way to "E." It's just not credible to extrapolate out that far. Personally, I think the attention he's received has got to his head, and he's just trying to pump out content now. What really turned me off to him is when he tweeted out that "insider" account of our athletic department and financials. It read like a hit piece fanfiction directly from the Warchant boards, and I know for a fact that 95% of the info on there was blatantly false or at best a very creative reading of what's actually going. It read like very clearly laundered talking points from a rival school/fanbase. So overall, he does have sources and info he's put out good stuff before, i just think he's speculative beyond a reasonable degree.

I'd also say this for any "outsiders" trying to get information about the state of our Athletic Department or football program. Unlike prior AD's and coaching regimes, the current AD and program are operating on a very need to know basis/closed information ecosystem. Even contact that was normal with previous coaching staffs isn't the norm today. Mario and the program get priority in areas around the school that previous coaches did not have. The FB program is the top priority in athletics right now, and the school's entire long-term athletics strategy is predicated on football getting back to what it used to be. Mario also doesn't interact with nearly as many people in Admin as Richt, Manny, or even Golden did. There's pros and cons to that, but that's one difference now.

I appreciate this write up, hermano. You hit the nail on the head with that guy.

The news about our staff is encouraging. I'm glad Mario doesn't interact with everyone. It's not necessary.

Let's hope our FB team produces like we think it will. The long term prospects of the team's success is intriguing, as it will trickle down into other sports and aspects of the school as a whole.

I like that Mario and company are keeping things relatively quiet. Loose lips sink ships, and the last thing we need is some big mouth messing everything up.

Starts at 2:20 mark

It's been likely to see the SEC and B1G breaking away has been the path for a while now. They don't need the NCAA and they don't need the ACC or BIG12. They want the autonomy to do whatever is best for their leagues/universities. As long as the NCAA and other conferences could help, they would stay and play ball. But now that they're big enough, they'll break away, steal whatever teams they want, and end up with a smaller 48ish team, semi pro league that's somewhere in between the NCAA and NFL.

Who knows what happens to the NCAA after that.
It's been likely to see the SEC and B1G breaking away has been the path for a while now. They don't need the NCAA and they don't need the ACC or BIG12. They want the autonomy to do whatever is best for their leagues/universities. As long as the NCAA and other conferences could help, they would stay and play ball. But now that they're big enough, they'll break away, steal whatever teams they want, and end up with a smaller 48ish team, semi pro league that's somewhere in between the NCAA and NFL.

Who knows what happens to the NCAA after that.
If the ACC and Big 12 accept the last proposed model it will essentially make it official that they are a step or two below SEC and B1G and that's a hard pillow to swallow given that we were living in the P5 world until yesterday.

Unfortunately, they don't have a choice so I see this as the short-term plan: a power 2, a middle 2 and G5. In exchange they get two teams to the playoff guaranteed every year and that’s a pretty sweet deal for both conferences if we are being honest.

In the long run B1G and SEC are going to break away, I agree.
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