MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

This is all coming to a head.

It’s like a scene out of the godfather, except this time, it’s settling all the lawsuits, creating a new business model(s), doing the realignment all at once even if staggered, and only the SEC &B1G conference have the various full power levers to manipulate to do all of that, even if they leave others behind.

And despite the crying here, I still believe (I would say know but no one TRULY knows even at the top - just clarifying because I’m not remotely backing on my view including recent Conversations and before some ****** comes in to the chat) Miami will be in the Big Ten when it’s all said and done.

Yet despite that fact what the Big Ten and the SEC are trying to do is ******* disgusting. There is greed and arrogance and then there is just being ******* ridiculous. When Miami moves it will be from incompetence to gluttony.

If you didn’t watch Josh Pate last night, or Andy Staples on three this morning, you should

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This is all coming to a head.

It’s like a scene out of the godfather, except this time, it’s settling all the lawsuits, creating a new business model(s), doing the realignment all at once even if staggered, and only the SEC &B1G conference have the various full power levers to manipulate to do all of that, even if they leave others behind.

And despite the crying here, I still believe (I would say know but no one TRULY knows even at the top - just clarifying because I’m not remotely backing on my view including recent Conversations and before some ****** comes in to the chat) Miami will be in the Big Ten when it’s all said and done.

Yet despite that fact what the Big Ten and the SEC are trying to do is ******* disgusting. There is greed and arrogance and then there is just being ******* ridiculous. When Miami moves it will be from incompetence to gluttony.

If you didn’t watch Josh Pate last night, or Andy Staples on three this morning, you should

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Going to be even harder to transfer to one of the P2 if ACC officially gives in to these demands.
Miami will have zero leverage if the ACC is relegated.

The only leverage we had with the ACC was withholding our vote to expand unless they agreed to concessions when we wanted to leave.
The only leverage we had against B1G or SEC is that we're in Florida and hoping they'd both want us. The B1G to get into Florida and the SEC to keep them out.
It’s like a scene out of the godfather, except this time, it’s settling all the lawsuits, creating a new business model(s), doing the realignment all at once even if staggered, and only the SEC &B1G conference have the various full power levers to manipulate to do all of that, even if they leave others behind.

Rad is Fredo Corleone.

'In conjunction with the ESPN deal, ACC member schools also agreed to a new Grant of Rights. In a unanimous vote from the ACC Council of Presidents, which is chaired by Clemson president Jim Clements, league members agreed that any school that leaves the conference before 2036 will forfeit its media rights to the ACC regardless of that school’s new affiliation.

“That’s the glue. You don’t get to this point without understanding who you’re dancing with,” Radakovich said. “Certainly, longer term, there will be additional resources available to help fund our programs. Shorter term, the ACC brand, the Clemson brand and all of our 15 institutions, its sets us in a really good circumstance. As there are five Power 5 conferences, we need to make sure that we are positioned in a really good way to stay competitive with those other leagues.”'

Now: "I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody dumb...I'm smart and I want respect!”
IDGAF what genitals56 has to say about realignment. I think people are placing far too much stock into what he posts.

I find posters like @FL Cane to be far more believable.

Sometimes less is more, and it seems like he just wants people to read whatever he writes.
Came across another "qualifier" for @Genetics56 "NebFaninWi was his screen name on Husker on line and he was banned for posting nonsensical threads and comments and it was stated that he posted "information" that some B10 people wanted out there agenda driven.
Came across another "qualifier" for @Genetics56 "NebFaninWi was his screen name on Husker on line and he was banned for posting nonsensical threads and comments and it was stated that he posted "information" that some B10 people wanted out there agenda driven.

****, Rick. Pretty impressive. Are you a PI?

will smith mystery GIF
Rad is Fredo Corleone.

'In conjunction with the ESPN deal, ACC member schools also agreed to a new Grant of Rights. In a unanimous vote from the ACC Council of Presidents, which is chaired by Clemson president Jim Clements, league members agreed that any school that leaves the conference before 2036 will forfeit its media rights to the ACC regardless of that school’s new affiliation.

“That’s the glue. You don’t get to this point without understanding who you’re dancing with,” Radakovich said. “Certainly, longer term, there will be additional resources available to help fund our programs. Shorter term, the ACC brand, the Clemson brand and all of our 15 institutions, its sets us in a really good circumstance. As there are five Power 5 conferences, we need to make sure that we are positioned in a really good way to stay competitive with those other leagues.”'

Now: "I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody dumb...I'm smart and I want respect!”
greece looks GIF
There really haven't been any comments by any "insiders" regarding the prospects that Miami might be left behind in the P2 consolidation. A lot of smoke on Twitter regarding the potential that the B10 will be capped at 20 with the addition of FSU and ND, possibly move to 21 if UNC will agree to join as they are additive geographically (carriage fees for NC) and coveted by presidents for academics. Several media analysts have stated that it makes no financial sense to add Miami as it is not "additive" for carriage fees so Miami might be shut out of the P2 ... at least until the next media contract in 28-29 ... or later.

IF ND, FSU and UNC are out of the ACC ESPN won't extend the current contract and any new offer might be well below $30M per school. With the P2 talking about leaving the NCAA, going to players as employees, and having their own "championship" with the "other conferences" having their separate championship ... we end up with the P2 and "tier 2". Not a good situation and nobody at UM has made any comments regarding any actions by UM to maintain relevance long term. Seems like Radacovitch is in retirement mode, banking cash and getting ready to head off into the sunset. Any "insiders" have any insight at all into what is actually going on at UM regarding conference affiliation / realignment?
There really haven't been any comments by any "insiders" regarding the prospects that Miami might be left behind in the P2 consolidation. A lot of smoke on Twitter regarding the potential that the B10 will be capped at 20 with the addition of FSU and ND, possibly move to 21 if UNC will agree to join as they are additive geographically (carriage fees for NC) and coveted by presidents for academics. Several media analysts have stated that it makes no financial sense to add Miami as it is not "additive" for carriage fees so Miami might be shut out of the P2 ... at least until the next media contract in 28-29 ... or later.

IF ND, FSU and UNC are out of the ACC ESPN won't extend the current contract and any new offer might be well below $30M per school. With the P2 talking about leaving the NCAA, going to players as employees, and having their own "championship" with the "other conferences" having their separate championship ... we end up with the P2 and "tier 2". Not a good situation and nobody at UM has made any comments regarding any actions by UM to maintain relevance long term. Seems like Radacovitch is in retirement mode, banking cash and getting ready to head off into the sunset. Any "insiders" have any insight at all into what is actually going on at UM regarding conference affiliation / realignment?
Dude just walk away from the keyboard
There really haven't been any comments by any "insiders" regarding the prospects that Miami might be left behind in the P2 consolidation. A lot of smoke on Twitter regarding the potential that the B10 will be capped at 20 with the addition of FSU and ND, possibly move to 21 if UNC will agree to join as they are additive geographically (carriage fees for NC) and coveted by presidents for academics. Several media analysts have stated that it makes no financial sense to add Miami as it is not "additive" for carriage fees so Miami might be shut out of the P2 ... at least until the next media contract in 28-29 ... or later.

IF ND, FSU and UNC are out of the ACC ESPN won't extend the current contract and any new offer might be well below $30M per school. With the P2 talking about leaving the NCAA, going to players as employees, and having their own "championship" with the "other conferences" having their separate championship ... we end up with the P2 and "tier 2". Not a good situation and nobody at UM has made any comments regarding any actions by UM to maintain relevance long term. Seems like Radacovitch is in retirement mode, banking cash and getting ready to head off into the sunset. Any "insiders" have any insight at all into what is actually going on at UM regarding conference affiliation / realignment?
this has been my fear as well. I have felt we absolutely needed to go in at same time as FSU (carriage rights) or ND (rivalry). But if both of those go without us, what is the incentive for the B1G to add us later on?

Even with any new media rights talks, why would they bring in another school that doesn’t change the equation anymore (no additional carriage fees)?

The only way I see the Big 2 adding more teams later is if they break away altogether. Miami would be a lock in that scenario imho. And they are threatening that to get additional perks right now.

But I’m betting they (Big 12 and ACC) will cave and agree to a kids table arrangement (fewer AQ). If that happens, no reason to expand unless new school BRINGS more money (carriage fees).
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Because there are no leaks we are sitting with our thumbs in out asses waiting to see what happens?

Doubt that
Huge area of concern ... the biggest change in college football in a long time that will define which programs will have a chance at being relevant for the next few decades.
Remember when Oregon and Washington weren’t getting BIG invites? The BIG wasn’t adding anymore teams, good times. National media said it for weeks or months before …..they got BIG invites. people still believe these people actually know what’s going on even when it keeps being proven they don’t.
Remember when Oregon and Washington weren’t getting BIG invites? The BIG wasn’t adding anymore teams, good times. National media said it for weeks or months before …..they got BIG invites. people still believe these people actually know what’s going on even when it keeps being proven they don’t.

It cuts both ways…

I remember that…it was at the time we were first in line for the B1G….

Which is little different than… eventually … and “I hope”…