MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

This place is a ****** manufacturing facility.

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Unfortunately, 90% of this info in this thread is a whole lot of nothing, minus the few people that do have some info and insight that have shared their thoughts since day 1. Imho, there's five takeaways here that, with limited information or observation, we can make.

  1. Depending on the situation, Miami seems to be the 2nd to 4th team that the Big 10 hopes to add in a future expansion. Where we fall on the pecking order depends on which variables are thought to be the most important for the conference (Fox view of ratings/brand, ND wanting a spot, perception of us by Big 10 presidents, etc.). Miami may not be an immediate expansion member, but may receive it's invite prior to the next Big 10 contract, which means anytime in the next 6 years.

  2. There doesn't seem to be a path for Miami in the SEC. There hasn't been any expressed interest of whispers of any momentum there. I can speak to this a bit, as I do have a friend with SEC contacts, and they have repeatedly said that SEC schools do not want Miami in the conference primarily for recruiting reasons. Big "but" here, the SEC seems to be far more locked down on leaks and info than the Big. Nobody in the world had any idea that Texas and OU were going to the SEC, until the near moment it was announced.

  3. There's been a lot of posts and talk about Genetics. My take on him is that he's a guy with some pretty good sources plugged into Big 10 politics and current events. However, I do think (for purposes of content and engagement) that he stretches his info and extrapolates it beyond a reasonable measure. As his account has become more prominent, the extrapolation has become more pronounced. I also think other school's insiders use him to launder their talking points. The chief example of this is when he made that post about Miami athletics and financials. I know for a fact that 95% of the info in that post was blatantly false, and that a good amount of it read like fan fiction from Warchant.

  4. Miami generally understands that staying in the ACC would be a death sentence for the FB program. Miami Athletics is working in a much more quiet manner than its other ACC competitors in figuring out its next steps. Rudy Fernandez, Dan R., key members of the BOT, and big $$$ donors are leading the way here. This is not a situation where Miami is sleeping at the wheel. Miami knows that it has to find a landing spot, the Big 10 being the most likely destination. However, this leads into the next point...

  5. Oregon and Washington's move to the Big really really screwed a quicker expansion timeline for us. Also, the GOR was always an obstacle that we would need to overcome.

Imho, based on the very limited information we seem to have, I think the Big takes 4 teams in its next expansion, with Miami being one of those teams. The process could be expedited by a big turnaround by us this year. If we make the playoff (not saying we will), it would give us a lot of leverage and reset some expectations.
Here's a really good legal analysis that pretty much covers everything. Bottom line, FSU doesn't have a good case.

This guy is an insane cal homer who offers no real legal analysis beyond just repeating verbatim what the acc wrote in its motion.

We should have never let cal or Stanford in. Just more ******* parasites to feed
Unfortunately, 90% of this info in this thread is a whole lot of nothing, minus the few people that do have some info and insight that have shared their thoughts since day 1. Imho, there's five takeaways here that, with limited information or observation, we can make.

  1. Depending on the situation, Miami seems to be the 2nd to 4th team that the Big 10 hopes to add in a future expansion. Where we fall on the pecking order depends on which variables are thought to be the most important for the conference (Fox view of ratings/brand, ND wanting a spot, perception of us by Big 10 presidents, etc.). Miami may not be an immediate expansion member, but may receive it's invite prior to the next Big 10 contract, which means anytime in the next 6 years.

  2. There doesn't seem to be a path for Miami in the SEC. There hasn't been any expressed interest of whispers of any momentum there. I can speak to this a bit, as I do have a friend with SEC contacts, and they have repeatedly said that SEC schools do not want Miami in the conference primarily for recruiting reasons. Big "but" here, the SEC seems to be far more locked down on leaks and info than the Big. Nobody in the world had any idea that Texas and OU were going to the SEC, until the near moment it was announced.

  3. There's been a lot of posts and talk about Genetics. My take on him is that he's a guy with some pretty good sources plugged into Big 10 politics and current events. However, I do think (for purposes of content and engagement) that he stretches his info and extrapolates it beyond a reasonable measure. As his account has become more prominent, the extrapolation has become more pronounced. I also think other school's insiders use him to launder their talking points. The chief example of this is when he made that post about Miami athletics and financials. I know for a fact that 95% of the info in that post was blatantly false, and that a good amount of it read like fan fiction from Warchant.

  4. Miami generally understands that staying in the ACC would be a death sentence for the FB program. Miami Athletics is working in a much more quiet manner than its other ACC competitors in figuring out its next steps. Rudy Fernandez, Dan R., key members of the BOT, and big $$$ donors are leading the way here. This is not a situation where Miami is sleeping at the wheel. Miami knows that it has to find a landing spot, the Big 10 being the most likely destination. However, this leads into the next point...

  5. Oregon and Washington's move to the Big really really screwed a quicker expansion timeline for us. Also, the GOR was always an obstacle that we would need to overcome.

Imho, based on the very limited information we seem to have, I think the Big takes 4 teams in its next expansion, with Miami being one of those teams. The process could be expedited by a big turnaround by us this year. If we make the playoff (not saying we will), it would give us a lot of leverage and reset some expectations.

I really wish I could believe you on #4. We voted to expand despite knowing full well the expansion schools are freeloaders whose only purpose is to make it harder to dissolve the acc.

Im gonna be a mope but it really seems like our administration is asleep at the wheel and nobody realizes we’re facing an existential threat. FSU is the only team behaving they’ve got some balls
ESPN is getting exposed by FSU. Since ESPN and SEC are partned and contracted it sounds like FSU is burning both bridges.

I predict Miami, Clemson, Louisville, Gtech to the SEC. The Canes new annual rivalry will be UF. All SEC OOC rivalry games will be within the conference going forward.
We don't fit the profile of any other SEC school besides Vandy. While it'd be nice to play some elite competition in our conference and potentially OU every year, I don't think we'll ever be in the SEC.
Unfortunately, 90% of this info in this thread is a whole lot of nothing, minus the few people that do have some info and insight that have shared their thoughts since day 1. Imho, there's five takeaways here that, with limited information or observation, we can make.

  1. Depending on the situation, Miami seems to be the 2nd to 4th team that the Big 10 hopes to add in a future expansion. Where we fall on the pecking order depends on which variables are thought to be the most important for the conference (Fox view of ratings/brand, ND wanting a spot, perception of us by Big 10 presidents, etc.). Miami may not be an immediate expansion member, but may receive it's invite prior to the next Big 10 contract, which means anytime in the next 6 years.

  2. There doesn't seem to be a path for Miami in the SEC. There hasn't been any expressed interest of whispers of any momentum there. I can speak to this a bit, as I do have a friend with SEC contacts, and they have repeatedly said that SEC schools do not want Miami in the conference primarily for recruiting reasons. Big "but" here, the SEC seems to be far more locked down on leaks and info than the Big. Nobody in the world had any idea that Texas and OU were going to the SEC, until the near moment it was announced.

  3. There's been a lot of posts and talk about Genetics. My take on him is that he's a guy with some pretty good sources plugged into Big 10 politics and current events. However, I do think (for purposes of content and engagement) that he stretches his info and extrapolates it beyond a reasonable measure. As his account has become more prominent, the extrapolation has become more pronounced. I also think other school's insiders use him to launder their talking points. The chief example of this is when he made that post about Miami athletics and financials. I know for a fact that 95% of the info in that post was blatantly false, and that a good amount of it read like fan fiction from Warchant.

  4. Miami generally understands that staying in the ACC would be a death sentence for the FB program. Miami Athletics is working in a much more quiet manner than its other ACC competitors in figuring out its next steps. Rudy Fernandez, Dan R., key members of the BOT, and big $$$ donors are leading the way here. This is not a situation where Miami is sleeping at the wheel. Miami knows that it has to find a landing spot, the Big 10 being the most likely destination. However, this leads into the next point...

  5. Oregon and Washington's move to the Big really really screwed a quicker expansion timeline for us. Also, the GOR was always an obstacle that we would need to overcome.

Imho, based on the very limited information we seem to have, I think the Big takes 4 teams in its next expansion, with Miami being one of those teams. The process could be expedited by a big turnaround by us this year. If we make the playoff (not saying we will), it would give us a lot of leverage and reset some expectations.
90% is about 9.5 % too low.
I really wish I could believe you on #4. We voted to expand despite knowing full well the expansion schools are freeloaders whose only purpose is to make it harder to dissolve the acc.

Im gonna be a mope but it really seems like our administration is asleep at the wheel and nobody realizes we’re facing an existential threat. FSU is the only team behaving they’ve got some balls
I'm not the closest to the program, but I will say that since the staff got here it seems like they expected a *certain* conference would be our new home. Don't know how the ND situation changes that, and maybe we should have been more ballsy as a result, but I will say that conference was not the ACC.
I really wish I could believe you on #4. We voted to expand despite knowing full well the expansion schools are freeloaders whose only purpose is to make it harder to dissolve the acc.

Im gonna be a mope but it really seems like our administration is asleep at the wheel and nobody realizes we’re facing an existential threat. FSU is the only team behaving they’ve got some balls
It's been said by a few people here in the know that our vote to expand had little to do with our own re-alignment strategy.
We don't fit the profile of any other SEC school besides Vandy. While it'd be nice to play some elite competition in our conference and potentially OU every year, I don't think we'll ever be in the SEC.
I don't think conference realignment is based on "profiles." Whatever that means. The south eastern conference isn't losing 2 Florida schools to the B1G. It's about money, media markets and recruiting. Just my opinion.
It is really hilarious reading some of the Twitter comments regarding realignment ... especially the ones by Big 12 fans ... who "believe" that Miami, Pitt, Syracuse, NC State, UVA will be joining the B12. It is more likely that 6 programs leave the ACC and the ACC makes up the difference by adding a couple of B12 teams and maybe the Pac 2.
I’ve been reading through Genetics posts. So far, I don’t think anything he has predicted has come true. Also, based on the way he interacts with others on X, the guy is an arrogant, pompous ***. He may have some info, but he’s got a punchable personality.

This may be the most cut and pastable post CIS has ever seen..

I’ve been reading through _____ posts. So far, I don’t think anything he has predicted has come true. Also, based on the way he interacts with others , the guy is an arrogant, pompous ***. He may have some info, but he’s got a punchable personality.

Brad Crawford's tweet said "UNC is essentially telling the Big Ten and SEC that 'we're a package deal with NC State' in expansion".

I assume they're trying to keep that Raleigh media market together. USC and UCLA were a packaged deal. So was OU and Texas.

Honest question here. Do we have a partner in all this?

UNC wants to go with NC State.
ND only cares about ND.
FSU appears to be (are they?) focused on getting themselves out.

Would Clemson and Miami being a package make any sense?
Brad Crawford's tweet said "UNC is essentially telling the Big Ten and SEC that 'we're a package deal with NC State' in expansion".

I assume they're trying to keep that Raleigh media market together. USC and UCLA were a packaged deal. So was OU and Texas.

Honest question here. Do we have a partner in all this?

UNC wants to go with NC State.
ND only cares about ND.
FSU appears to be (are they?) focused on getting themselves out.

Would Clemson and Miami being a package make any sense?

To summarize the thread …

Miami and Clemson

Miami and ND

Miami and FSU

Now, Miami and ***** in own hand..
Brad Crawford's tweet said "UNC is essentially telling the Big Ten and SEC that 'we're a package deal with NC State' in expansion".

I assume they're trying to keep that Raleigh media market together. USC and UCLA were a packaged deal. So was OU and Texas.

Honest question here. Do we have a partner in all this?

UNC wants to go with NC State.
ND only cares about ND.
FSU appears to be (are they?) focused on getting themselves out.

Would Clemson and Miami being a package make any sense?
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