MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Without being short sided in terms of timeframe, having Miami/FSU, Miami/ND and even FSU/ND to add to Oregon/Washington, USC/UCLA alongside one of the best in OSU - Michigan and you are talking about loading it up on the rivalry side.
I’ve been reading through Genetics posts. So far, I don’t think anything he has predicted has come true. Also, based on the way he interacts with others on X, the guy is an arrogant, pompous ***. He may have some info, but he’s got a punchable personality.
I’ve been reading through Genetics posts. So far, I don’t think anything he has predicted has come true. Also, based on the way he interacts with others on X, the guy is an arrogant, pompous ***. He may have some info, but he’s got a punchable personality.
I’m blocked by genetics so haven’t read what he has been tossing out

That Swaim guy sure doesn’t like genetics at all

Him or someone else claimed genetics used to claim was a women but then Someone else said genetics went on a podcast and is a guy
Shocked it’s UNC & NCSt vs. UNC & Duke, but maybe it’s due to both of them being state schools while Duke is private.
For sure. UNC/Duke is a bigger rivalry to most outsiders looking in. Duke is far more prestigious than NC St and even if Duke ain’t all that in football, their academics is top notch and they’re a hoops blue blood.
I know and sure hope UVA/VT doesn’t mess everything up!
Assuming UVA/VT, NC/NCSt (should be Duke), Fsu should want to pair up with Miami if they want the B1G. ND has a free path into B1G no matter what even if they don’t have a dance partner, and they may not want to jump into a conference anyways. B1G may want them more than they want B1G. For all we know, ND may prefer to dance with Miami due to the rivalry over FSU who I’m not aware of them having any history with.
ESPN is getting exposed by FSU. Since ESPN and SEC are partned and contracted it sounds like FSU is burning both bridges.

I predict Miami, Clemson, Louisville, Gtech to the SEC. The Canes new annual rivalry will be UF. All SEC OOC rivalry games will be within the conference going forward.
Legit question, not trolling . . . i'm only occasionally reading the second-hand sources about the litigation so when you state that "the extension of the GOR by the commissioner without a vote by members", do we know if a vote by members was required? Sometimes organizations give written grants of authority to its officers to make decisions on their behalf without the need to come back and ask for permission. Is that the case here? Or did the commissioner act beyond his authority? TIA.
Here's a really good legal analysis that pretty much covers everything. Bottom line, FSU doesn't have a good case.

I’m blocked by genetics so haven’t read what he has been tossing out

That Swaim guy sure doesn’t like genetics at all

Him or someone else claimed genetics used to claim was a women but then Someone else said genetics went on a podcast and is a guy
Genetics is a guy, he worked for two Big 10 schools out of college and works for a company that provides some kind of tech support services to B10 athletic departments. He has a lot of legit contacts at B10 schools at various levels. He has been posting about the development of the P2 for 2 years and also the potential breakaway of the premier brands from the NCAA forming basically a college equivalent of the AFC/NFC.

He is most likely posting "B10 realignment" comments that the B10 guys want him to put out there. Guy is a Big 10 fanatic, Nebraska football fan, and is rooting for the B10 to add ND / FSU and Miami. Nobody knows for sure at this juncture how things will play out ... and most likely the "realignment" will take place in phases to coincide to some degree with media contract renewals etc. (for money distribution purposes).

The unexpected implosion of the PAC12 really was a kick in the butt to the B10 expansion plans for their southern tier. IF OR/WA had not been available, begging, at a partial share, the B10 would have room to take 4 ACC programs (including ND) to reach 20, and Miami would most likely be guaranteed a slot in this next move. Having only 2 slots to 20 the B10 MIGHT cap at 20 until their next media contract renewal in 28-29.

Again nobody really knows, Genetics does put out some information that is legit, scenarios change (ie with ND unexpectedly coming into the discussion). Who knows ... maybe UM has been back channeling and has an agreement to go with FSU / ND as #21. I never did Twitter before this realignment activity heated up ... then set up an account and I check Genetics comments pretty much every day. HE is pretty consistent in his comments ... what is contradictory at times is the viewpoint of FOX vs B10 university presidents ... on expansion targets. At the end of the day it is interesting conversation and debate ... and hopefully we land in the B10 worst case for the 2028 season.
And a lot more $ at least until 2027…

But yes.

Peni firmly entrenched in our palms while everyone else makes something happen.
Mel Brooks Slapstick GIF by IFC