MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I think we know where this is headed...

In possibly unrelated news, Swofford deposited all of the ACC money in a GREAT savings account at the local bank where his daughter works...

[sorry, that was a joke, I have no idea where Swofford's daughters work, I was just joking about the 4.5% growth rate]

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You're god**** right...

Where are all those porsters who keep telling us that the universities are sooooo sophisticated, and that all of this bargaining was freely-done and with no pressure or coercion or trickeration...

And, goodness, I wish I could remember the name of that brilliant poster who kept telling everyone that there was NO NEW CONSIDERATION for the extension of the GOR...



sooooo, I gotta ask... where were all the ACC school legal teams, Admin, and Athletic Directors during all this happening??? Did no one know the family ties involved?

I would dig deeper into the Swofford financial records. How much was the son being paid by raycom, special bonus's, etc.... Same with the daughter at the bank. Every school should sue Swofford personally, Raycom, and the ACC, pitch for criminal charges to be brought up on Swofford and son. I gotta think if he's found guilt of criminal activity as the head of the conference, making decisions that cost the schools $100's of millions, we could get the ACC dissolved. That's just my common opinion..
sooooo, I gotta ask... where were all the ACC school legal teams, Admin, and Athletic Directors during all this happening??? Did no one know the family ties involved?

I would dig deeper into the Swofford financial records. How much was the son being paid by raycom, special bonus's, etc.... Same with the daughter at the bank. Every school should sue Swofford personally, Raycom, and the ACC, pitch for criminal charges to be brought up on Swofford and son. I gotta think if he's found guilt of criminal activity as the head of the conference, making decisions that cost the schools $100's of millions, we could get the ACC dissolved. That's just my common opinion..
These are some of the best academic institutions in America. I'm sure one of them remembered to get a lawyer.