MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Again jmo, but I see the B1G, SEC and Big XII all going to 24 teams.

I think the new Big 12 commissioner wants to plant a flag in the Northeast ... he's been on UConn's trail for a while.

Could see him bringing in Pitt, Syracuse, BC and UConn
Might be a few years before that happens. Also, unless the ACC is dissolved, no way that I can see ANYBODY paying the $100Million dollar exit fee to basically make a lateral move to the B12. The ACC would need to be dissolved or the exit fee would have to be eliminated. Right now all indicators are that the SEC is being VERY conservative ... might add two ACC programs? UNC and Clemson? Then the B10 adds FSU & Miami. That would be it for another few years at least. And forget ND joining the B10 ... they have a nice contract and have plenty of room to schedule B10 games and that is a win win for the B10. They get high profile VIEWER matchups and don't have to give ND a split of the conference media payout. Might come a day when the "P2" splits from the NCAA and the entire landscape is changed with a super league and corresponding national championship. But until that happens ND will manage in the framework of "independence".
Again jmo, but I see the B1G, SEC and Big XII all going to 24 teams.

I think the new Big 12 commissioner wants to plant a flag in the Northeast ... he's been on UConn's trail for a while.

Could see him bringing in Pitt, Syracuse, BC and UConn

Everything you say makes geographic sense.

But when have the conferences made any sense when it comes to realignment?

Perhaps the new Big 12 commissioner has some ideas. But the conference is still (mostly) made up of teams that were thumbing their noses at UCF and USF "increasing their payouts" just a few years ago. So I doubt whether Syracuse, BC, and/or UConn would get invitations when there are plenty of other schools available who would be more attractive to the TV partners.

Pitt would make sense. Running mate for WVU. The other three would probably be tossed out of the ACC if we could get three teams with higher ratings.

Planting a flag in the northeast is about as smart for the Big 12 as planting a flag on the moon.
I don't believe this will happen.

Again, just imo.
Sure it will. B10 and Fox aren't stupid. They realize that scheduling ND and B10 brings HUGE viewership and doing a deal like the ACC has say for 5 games a season ... marquee games (ND/Mich; ND/PSU; ND/Ohio State; ND/FSU; ND/Miami) will bring over 6-8 million viewers on a national broadcast. The Big10 network certainly wants that .. and they can do it without giving ND a full share of conference $$. The B10, adding FSU / Miami and adding ND for a 5 game agreement .... with prime time national broadcasts ... is going to give FOX the highest priced commercial slots in college football. Higher than the more regional focused SEC.
Again jmo, but I see the B1G, SEC and Big XII all going to 24 teams.

I think the new Big 12 commissioner wants to plant a flag in the Northeast ... he's been on UConn's trail for a while.

Could see him bringing in Pitt, Syracuse, BC and UConn
I could see the Big 12 going after Louisville, Pitt and perhaps Syracuse. With Cincinnati and West Virginia already in the portfolio, that has the potential to create a nice geographic/regional footprint.

How many people are missing how important this meeting next week is. It’s been pending for months, but the outcome could essentially mean that North Carolina had to be a package deal with NC State, and if so, and Virginia is in the same position with Virginia Tech, so much of what will follow will emanate from that, especially if people think that the SEC wants to get Virginia & North Carolina to extend their state footprint, it would mean they have to takeoff for potentially.

This is also indirectly why some of you who like to **** on the people giving you information because you think they’re not true insiders or have no insight when things change are wrong. The developments on the University of North Carolina systemwide board of governors have evolved drastically in the last year and potentially coming to head this week, some of which was not even on the table this summer because of new people coming into positions no one could’ve predicted
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How many people are missing how important this meeting next week is. It’s been pending for months, but the outcome could essentially mean that North Carolina had to be a package deal with NC State, and if so, and Virginia is in the same position with Virginia Tech, so much of what will follow will emanate from that, especially if people think that the SEC wants to get Virginia & North Carolina to extend their state footprint, it would mean they have to takeoff for potentially.

This is also indirectly why some of you who like to **** on the people giving you information because you think they’re not true insiders or have no insight when things change are wrong. The developments on the University of North Carolina systemwide board of governors have evolved drastically in the last year and potentially coming to head this week, some of which was not even on the table this summer because of new people coming into positions no one could’ve predicted

I’ve long thought that the NC BOG and the state legislature would throw a monkeywrench into any plans to break up the ACC; I’m actually surprised it took this long.
Relatively big day in terms of background chess moves today. Today we likely find out if North Carolina and North Carolina State are going to have to be a package deal or not. And FSU getting the ability to get an internal loan for athletics from their BOT also matters for the long run game.
And there you go…still need to dive into the nuances of what this means… and as always what is true today may not be true in 90 days but doesn’t make the info wrong when posted

Relatively big day in terms of background chess moves today. Today we likely find out if North Carolina and North Carolina State are going to have to be a package deal or not. And FSU getting the ability to get an internal loan for athletics from their BOT also matters for the long run game.

What time meetings happening?
My reading of it is less that it’s a guarantee that North Carolina and North Carolina state are joined at the hip but more directly that if North Carolina goes to the big 10, for example, and North Carolina State doesn’t at North Carolina’s gonna owe them money similar to UCLA with Cal at a minimum. That indirectly means UNC would likely want to advocate for NC State joining them to a potential partner to avoid that.

North Carolina State white system board has more NC State people on it and looks like they’re watching out for their school