MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


Any thoughts on this?

I have been clear about this for months, in the face of all the gullible/misguided porsters who tried to tell us how "ironclad" and "irrevocable" the Grant of Rights was.

1. The ORIGINAL 4-page Grant of Rights might have had some valid aspects to it, AND some invalid aspects to it, but at least it matched up to our ORIGINAL TV deal with ESPN, in terms of length and scope.

2. The 1-page EXTENSION to the Grant of Rights did not offer any NEW consideration and was MISMATCHED to the ESPN deal, in terms of length and scope.

3. The ACC Commissioner exceeded his mandate and confused the situation further by granting ESPN an extension of time to guarantee its broadcast partnership until 2036 without a vote of the ACC membership.

4. ESPN can't buy media rights for a period that is 9 years longer than what they have promised to pay under the TV contract. It's just that simple. If ESPN wanted a 2027 option, then the GOR extension should have been through 2027. If ESPN then wanted to pay us through 2036, we could have signed a second extension through 2036.

5. US caselaw on contracts does not allow for separate contracts to impose additional and multiple forms of exit penalties beyond the exit fee already imposed by a document such as the ACC Constitution. The "damages" for a team exiting the ACC are in the ACC Constitution, and the "damages" for exiting the ESPN contract are in the TV contract. You can't impose a double-whammy penalty, particulary one as vague and difficult to measure as the GOR, that serves as a double-secret conference exit penalty, and NOT know..."actual damages to ESPN" clause. ESPN has already protected itself IN THE TV CONTRACT for any teams leaving the ACC, or any "new" teams coming into the ACC who are not as valuable as existing ACC teams.

In conclusion, Blue Blood Bias continues to make factual mistakes (F$U cannot leave for free, they would still have to pay the Constitution-mandated exit fee) while otherwise making some decent points. The actions of the ACC Commissioner were in violation of the ACC Constitution and may very well damage the ACC's argument that the GOR has validly been extended to 2036.

**** the ACC and **** the ACC Commissioner. I have argued all along that the GOR extension isn't worth the one piece of paper it's written on. No new consideration, invalid length, improper reliance on an already-flawed original GOR. Fatal.
Jim Phillips is the only thing that could bring Florida State & Miami together.

But for those who have a hard time reading between the lines that is saying there’s gonna be a settlement
Matthew Bingo GIF
Florida State getting called emotional on college Gameday lol

As they should be; listen I get where FSU is coming from. U go undefeated in an alleged P5 conference, playing who’s on ur schedule, & the CFP ranked u top 4 after beating a sub .500 UF team, after being being dropped to 5th.

However, FSU’s gripe is not the ACC, albeit it’s a **** poor conference. The real culprit is the CFP committee for ranking FSU #4 after the loss of Travis & barely scraping by UF in the regular season finale. They should’ve kept them at #5, & used the eye test as the barometer. They could’ve easily said the FSU team from weeks 1-11 is the not the same team w/o their starting QB. With that **** show they put on against a top #15 team in the ACCCG, they would’ve been justified for that.

The CFP Committee is more to blame than The ACC views. Today’s game proved they didn’t belong in the top 4, but the CFP Committee should’ve deaded this after UF.
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I'm incredibly disappointed in Jim Phillips going rogue by giving ESPN additional time to exercise its "option" to pay the ACC past 2027, without ever consulting the ACC membership or giving us the right to vote on an "absolute two-thirds matter" as described in the ACC Constitution.
Shouldn't that be grounds to nullify/void the contract?
I'm incredibly disappointed in Jim Phillips going rogue by giving ESPN additional time to exercise its "option" to pay the ACC past 2027, without ever consulting the ACC membership or giving us the right to vote on an "absolute two-thirds matter" as described in the ACC Constitution.
Like Bob Thompson said "Looks like the FSU attorneys have found the loophole in the GOR big enough to drive a truck through. Lot of comments from UNC people that they DO prefer the SEC which would be great for Miami. Significantly increases the chances that the next two to the B10 are FSU / Miami.
TIFWIW and that includes huge grains of salt but at its core it’s right in some form
