MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

11) If The Transfer Portal is going to remain in tact as is, remove 4 year scholarship obligations by Universities. Scholarships should now be treated as contracts on a full year to year basis. There also needs to be a window change, since scholarships will be for a full year, meaning entire season. (Bowl games are apart of the season). The window needs to be after the bowl season - for 2 weeks, & at the end of the Spring Semester for two weeks. Only one transfer allowed for school year.
Wonder if it should be set up so that kids get a choice of which type of scholarship they receive that has its own Tranfer portal requirements.

Like Coming out of HS, If a player chooses a 4 year scholarship, he has to sit a year if he transfers and he has more than 1 yr of eligibility. If a player chooses a 1 yr scholarship out of Hs he can get immediate eligibility regardless how many times he transfers.

Definitely agree on the portal timeline needing to shift back though.
OK, so I’m going to try my earnest not to give my best @TheOriginalCane impression, but I may have no choice. Lol

As many now know based upon breaking news I provided many months b4 they come to fruition, I have connections to the networks. Right now, CFB is a mess, but what’s saving CFB just like the NFL is Vegas. It’s no different than why the NCAAB tourney is so popular vs. in season games, Vegas. As a whole, however, FBS need a full reform, & I wish I had the opportunity to talk w/ those in charge.

The networks are capitalizing on Vegas, but the reason why the SEC & B1G have so much more financial commitment towards them vs. other conferences is due to viewership. Viewership is high in these conferences b/c, well, to be frank outside of a few schools, it ain’t **** to do out there, ;therefore, those college teams are their everything. Out West, there’s several pro teams plenty of other activities, just like along the Atlantic, & out East in many big cities. So of course ESPN & Fox r going to throw their weight behind those middle of the nowhere, farmland, incestuous areas where college sports is EVERYTHING for them.

OK, now that’s that out the way, I talked to some producers from “The Mothership” over the holidays w/ some liquor involved. Lol I told them there’s a happy medium to this, and Chip Kelly nailed it; keep the conferences in tact for b-ball, baseball, & all Olympic Sports, but break off the P4 into their own leagues, and allow the G5 to remain in conference.

Several things to take place:

1) Expand the FBS CFP to 16 teams.

2) Place the 69 + 1 (ND) P4 teams into regions:
West - USC, UCLA, UO, UW, WSU, BYU, Utah, OrSU, AU, ASU, CU, Cal, Stanford, SMU, Baylor, TCU, TT, Houston

East - Rutgers, Maryland, PSU, Pitt, WVU, Syracuse, UVA, VT, BC, UNC, Duke, WF, NCST, UCF, UK, UL, GT

South - Bama, UTenn, Miami, FSU, Clemson, UGA, Ole Miss, Miss St, Arkansas, Auburn, UF, USCe, Vandy, LSU, USCe, UT, TAMU, OU

North - UofM, MichSU, OSU, Neb, KU, KSU, OKSU, Illinois, Minnesota, Mizzou, NW, Iowa, Iowa St, Wisky, ND, UI, Purdue

Break these regions into quads of 4, & 5’s. Example, the East would have 3 quads of 4 teams, with one quad having 5, while the South would have two quads of 5 teams & two quads of 4.

3) Reduce the regular season games to a 10 game schedule that includes 1 G5 opponent, 1 out of region opponent, & 8 games within region, w/ the quads having to play each other annually.

4) Top 2 teams based upon overall record in each region will face in the Regional Championship Game.

5) All seeding will be based upon CFP rankings, but the CFP needs reformation, as well. It needs to be completely open & transparent.

6) The round of 16 is played at the home fields of the top seeds 2 weeks after the Regional & Conference (G5) Championship games. The round of 8 will involve two tier 1 bowls (in rotation), and two NY6 bowls (in rotation). The final four will involve two NY6 bowls (in rotation). The CFPCG will involve one NY6 bowl (in rotation)

7) All non CFP rotation tier 1 & the NY6 bowls not used for will be used for teams ranked 17th - 26th in the CFP final rankings.

8) All bowl earnings will be placed in the pot that each school is conference affiliated w/ for all other sports (i.e Miami wins National Championship, monies is still distributed to full time ACC members)

9) Conferences are allowed to negotiate outside network distribution deals to help supplement disparity, like streaming services.

10) NIL involving collectives working on behalf of Universities need to be capped for incoming student athletes, but NIL opportunities such as commercials w/ unbiased affiliates like Gatorade, Nike, Adidas, Panara, etc. are to remain uncapped.

11) If The Transfer Portal is going to remain in tact as is, remove 4 year scholarship obligations by Universities. Scholarships should now be treated as contracts on a full year to year basis. There also needs to be a window change, since scholarships will be for a full year, meaning entire season. (Bowl games are apart of the season). The window needs to be after the bowl season - for 2 weeks, & at the end of the Spring Semester for two weeks. Only one transfer allowed for school year.

12) Since FBS doesn’t award a NCAA National Title, The NCAA is only the governing body when it pertains to academic eligibility, sportsmanship (e.g UofM scandal), but FBS needs a Commissioner, preferably one that’s either a former AD that’s not currently affiliated w/ any FBS schools.

I presented this to my cousin’s colleagues & they literally clapped. However, as we agreed, as long as blurred lines of incompetent bureaucrats are involved who can’t see past today, it won’t happen. Imo, the long term health and $$$ would be exponentially higher & solves several issues going this route.
Holy **** it was only today that I learned that @TheOriginalCane had an alt account on here 😂
OK, so I’m going to try my earnest not to give my best @TheOriginalCane impression, but I may have no choice. Lol

As many now know based upon breaking news I provided many months b4 they come to fruition, I have connections to the networks. Right now, CFB is a mess, but what’s saving CFB just like the NFL is Vegas. It’s no different than why the NCAAB tourney is so popular vs. in season games, Vegas. As a whole, however, FBS need a full reform, & I wish I had the opportunity to talk w/ those in charge.

The networks are capitalizing on Vegas, but the reason why the SEC & B1G have so much more financial commitment towards them vs. other conferences is due to viewership. Viewership is high in these conferences b/c, well, to be frank outside of a few schools, it ain’t **** to do out there, ;therefore, those college teams are their everything. Out West, there’s several pro teams plenty of other activities, just like along the Atlantic, & out East in many big cities. So of course ESPN & Fox r going to throw their weight behind those middle of the nowhere, farmland, incestuous areas where college sports is EVERYTHING for them.

OK, now that’s that out the way, I talked to some producers from “The Mothership” over the holidays w/ some liquor involved. Lol I told them there’s a happy medium to this, and Chip Kelly nailed it; keep the conferences in tact for b-ball, baseball, & all Olympic Sports, but break off the P4 into their own leagues, and allow the G5 to remain in conference.

Several things to take place:

1) Expand the FBS CFP to 16 teams.

2) Place the 69 + 1 (ND) P4 teams into regions:
West - USC, UCLA, UO, UW, WSU, BYU, Utah, OrSU, AU, ASU, CU, Cal, Stanford, SMU, Baylor, TCU, TT, Houston

East - Rutgers, Maryland, PSU, Pitt, WVU, Syracuse, UVA, VT, BC, UNC, Duke, WF, NCST, UCF, UK, UL, GT

South - Bama, UTenn, Miami, FSU, Clemson, UGA, Ole Miss, Miss St, Arkansas, Auburn, UF, USCe, Vandy, LSU, USCe, UT, TAMU, OU

North - UofM, MichSU, OSU, Neb, KU, KSU, OKSU, Illinois, Minnesota, Mizzou, NW, Iowa, Iowa St, Wisky, ND, UI, Purdue

Break these regions into quads of 4, & 5’s. Example, the East would have 3 quads of 4 teams, with one quad having 5, while the South would have two quads of 5 teams & two quads of 4.

3) Reduce the regular season games to a 10 game schedule that includes 1 G5 opponent, 1 out of region opponent, & 8 games within region, w/ the quads having to play each other annually.

4) Top 2 teams based upon overall record in each region will face in the Regional Championship Game.

5) All seeding will be based upon CFP rankings, but the CFP needs reformation, as well. It needs to be completely open & transparent.

6) The round of 16 is played at the home fields of the top seeds 2 weeks after the Regional & Conference (G5) Championship games. The round of 8 will involve two tier 1 bowls (in rotation), and two NY6 bowls (in rotation). The final four will involve two NY6 bowls (in rotation). The CFPCG will involve one NY6 bowl (in rotation)

7) All non CFP rotation tier 1 & the NY6 bowls not used for will be used for teams ranked 17th - 26th in the CFP final rankings.

8) All bowl earnings will be placed in the pot that each school is conference affiliated w/ for all other sports (i.e Miami wins National Championship, monies is still distributed to full time ACC members)

9) Conferences are allowed to negotiate outside network distribution deals to help supplement disparity, like streaming services.

10) NIL involving collectives working on behalf of Universities need to be capped for incoming student athletes, but NIL opportunities such as commercials w/ unbiased affiliates like Gatorade, Nike, Adidas, Panara, etc. are to remain uncapped.

11) If The Transfer Portal is going to remain in tact as is, remove 4 year scholarship obligations by Universities. Scholarships should now be treated as contracts on a full year to year basis. There also needs to be a window change, since scholarships will be for a full year, meaning entire season. (Bowl games are apart of the season). The window needs to be after the bowl season - for 2 weeks, & at the end of the Spring Semester for two weeks. Only one transfer allowed for school year.

12) Since FBS doesn’t award a NCAA National Title, The NCAA is only the governing body when it pertains to academic eligibility, sportsmanship (e.g UofM scandal), but FBS needs a Commissioner, preferably one that’s either a former AD that’s not currently affiliated w/ any FBS schools.

I presented this to my cousin’s colleagues & they literally clapped. However, as we agreed, as long as blurred lines of incompetent bureaucrats are involved who can’t see past today, it won’t happen. Imo, the long term health and $$$ would be exponentially higher & solves several issues going this route.

Pinned under *nothing alcohol can’t solve 🥃
Wonder if it should be set up so that kids get a choice of which type of scholarship they receive that has its own Tranfer portal requirements.

Like Coming out of HS, If a player chooses a 4 year scholarship, he has to sit a year if he transfers and he has more than 1 yr of eligibility. If a player chooses a 1 yr scholarship out of Hs he can get immediate eligibility regardless how many times he transfers.

Definitely agree on the portal timeline needing to shift back though.

We’re on the same track of mind; I 100% agree
I'm sure it's been answered but does the ACC exit fee (not grant of rights) get divided among remaining ACC members?


I know some of you are going to freak out because he didn’t say something out loud, but for those of you who are in public relations, and understand politics, that was him saying a lot no matter how much you might want to hate on it

want to see the opposite reaction? Go look to see what Wake Forest and Boston College said.

FSU is probably going to be fine in terms of getting into another conference but I promise you their future conference mates think they’re annoying and too loud for their own good
Mario is smart as ****. Next level.

Rutgers vote for B1G secured.

and brings along Indiana, Purdue, northwestern, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota and a Nebraska who are all excited to welcome Miami to their stadiums


chess GIF

Any thoughts on this?

Blatantly wrong about
"seeks to invalidate the conference's Grant of Rights, which would reduce the buyout for leaving the conference to ZERO"
The GOR going to $0, would still mean a $130M exit fee for leaving the conference. Of course that could probably get settled to maybe like $90M. And the GOR is the actual thing financial leverage the ACC has to keep the conference together as the exit fee is basically inconsequential in this decision making if the GOR was $0. But it's just false to say the buyout to leave the conference would be zero.

Any thoughts on this?

They know nothing. That’s a click bait account with no sources just regurgitating others info.

It doesn’t matter whether they will win or lose- it’s never going to court for verdict. It’s a negotiating ploy. And that’s fine.
Just dropping this here from the athletic and is a possible reason that not all the others like Miami and Clemson aren’t running around like children and happy to let fsu be Tattaglia
