MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Some people saying espn doesn’t have the unilateral right to cancel in 2027 because they have the “option” to extend as if there is any ******* difference- if they don’t extend their option it’s done - and schools got no real consideration for extending GOR to 2036.

The stupidity around this is amazing.


And no matter what WORDS we use...if ESPN can "end" the arrangement in 2027...WHY DID THEY INSIST ON OWNING OUR RIGHTS UNTIL 2036?

Maybe...just maybe...I could have tolerated an extension of the GOR that was COTERMINOUS with the contract. Then, in 2027, if ESPN wants to extend, then maybe WE will choose to extend too.

But telling us "we have to own your rights until 2036" when they are only obligted to pay us until 2027 IS BULL****.
I’d be way past shocked to see any comment from UM. No reason to. It’s probably in our best interest that this takes a while to play out.
Was interesting to see @Genetics56 latest comment on FSU and projected travel partners "in discussing potential travel partners to get to 20 people mention ND ... that won't happen ... they will remain independent. People overvalue UVA and undervalue Miami. My opinion is that if FSU does have a travel partner it will be Miami".
Florida abrogates sovereign immunity for contract claims but all of FSU's counts in their lawsuit are state law claims that the ACC's dec action don't really address directly. Venue is appropriate in FL since that's where the damages/breach/cause of action accrued and what laws should apply.
what if the grant of rights has an exclusive venue provision for North Carolina?