MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I hope we don't join the lawsuit. I want to see FSU suffer. I want them to anguish and roll about pleading like the desperate ***** that it is. Only when it has gone lower than it thought possible. Only when it is on the verge of decades of crippling debt and humiliation. Only then should we join in and save the day. Kind of like how America approached the two world wars.
The only legal knowledge I have was learned from inside a cell, so excuse my ignorance. Is this at all common? It seems like universities should have access to a contract that directly effects them.

I'm sure the ACC pulled that high-handed bull**** because most of the ACC schools are public, and there may be some "open records" laws that would allow people to get their hands on the TV deal.

What I can't tell you is whether other conferences pull the same bull****.
You missed the important part, the ACC filed a lawsuit yesterday in North Carolina, which, potentially in the race to the courthouse means the jurisdiction could be different

Here's the thing, first-to-file is just one of several considerations.

The game is not yet over, but the ACC scored a very important touchdown.
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I hope we don't join the lawsuit. I want to see FSU suffer. I want them to anguish and roll about pleading like the desperate ***** that it is. Only when it has gone lower than it thought possible. Only when it is on the verge of decades of crippling debt and humiliation. Only then should we join in and save the day. Kind of like how America approached the two world wars.

That entire pusillanimous post is SO on-brand for you.

FSU voted against it
Right. So if the members won a vote in favor, FSU's position is that the conference should have over ruled that vote in the best interest of the conference as a whole?

In other words, is it really on the ACC for adding teams that diminish the value, if the conference members voted to approve their addition? Do the conference member votes not actually carry any weight in decision making?
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I hope we don't join the lawsuit. I want to see FSU suffer. I want them to anguish and roll about pleading like the desperate ***** that it is. Only when it has gone lower than it thought possible. Only when it is on the verge of decades of crippling debt and humiliation. Only then should we join in and save the day. Kind of like how America approached the two world wars.
yes. **** fsu. ****hole school and team
Hey Lawyer team with clerks apparently the ACC filing has all of the grant of rights and other agreements in it under seal. You just have moles somewhere who can see it lol

Either way, I still don’t get how the ACC can keep illegally binding contract, hidden away from access from the member institutions without them going to some sort of bull**** fake scif
The ACC is suing FSU

So at the end of all this I'm guessing that there will be some sort of negotiated exit fee. Once those billable hours start racking up someone will blink and get a deal worked out. Then we'll just have to follow.
You missed the important part, the ACC filed a lawsuit yesterday in North Carolina, which, potentially in the race to the courthouse means the jurisdiction could be different

first to file doctrine doesn't apply if the first filer did in bad faith... which the acc did. FSU is the injured party. ACC simply filed first knowing FSU had to have a public meeting before filing.
The by far biggest news out of all of this is that the ACC deal with ESPN is a ******* catastrophe. What the **** were we thinking when we signed onto it? ESPN has the right to unliterally cancel the deal starting in 2027, so adding SMU/Cal/Stanford was ******* pointless. There's not even any penalty or recourse available if ESPN cancels the deal in 2027!

@TheOriginalCane was onto something when he was talking about the GOR being extended without consideration from ESPN.
Also, does "Department of the State of Florida entity" come into play?

Florida abrogates sovereign immunity for contract claims but all of FSU's counts in their lawsuit are state law claims that the ACC's dec action don't really address directly. Venue is appropriate in FL since that's where the damages/breach/cause of action accrued and what laws should apply.