MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


Fun Historical Fact: The IRONCLAD USS Monitor sank off the NORTH CAROLINA coast on 31 December 1862...Historical Foreshadowing?!?
Do you ******* read, you dope?

Jim Phillips extended the time for ESPN to decide whether it wanted to keep paying the ACC. He did it unilaterally, in secret, and without the required vote of the members.

You are so unbelievably dumb. I was going to say "sometimes", but it's really just all the time.
Now I think I understand why you normally (but not today, bravo) write essays in common place responses: you have trouble comprehending words. You project that comprehension by your insecurity with asinine circumlocution. I'm impressed that in this post it's only 50/50 ad hominem and the point you wanted to make.

I bet when you were in school and someone didn't share your favorite color you started screaming and crying like a *****.

But to the point you raised... If Phillips did something he wasn't empowered to do it would be non binding, no? Would pinning hopes on that point not be a play on the momentum of the opinion of the mob?
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What did I tell you guys awhile back regarding the GOR and how insanely one sided it was and it was only a matter of time until a school or schools used it as the major argument to leave

Now there is still a lot to be battled, but ESPN’s position isnt as iron clad as the dumb**** media members were all parroting

What did I tell you guys awhile back regarding the GOR and how insanely one sided it was and it was only a matter of time until a school or schools used it as the major argument to leave

Now there is still a lot to be battled, but ESPN’s position isnt as iron clad as the dumb**** media members were all parroting

I haven't been following this thread for a while. Good for FSU. Hope Clemson and Miami join the lawsuit at least as as amici.
How long till the big boys in the $EC and B10 form their own conference: alabama-OSU*-Michigan-LSU, etc. e.g. and kick to the curb the lesser conference schools?
Now I think I understand why you normally (but not today, bravo) write essays in common place responses: you have trouble comprehending words. You project that comprehension by your insecurity with asinine circumlocution. I'm impressed that in this post it's only 50/50 ad hominem and the point you wanted to make.

I bet when you were in school and someone didn't share your favorite color you started screaming and crying like a *****.

But to the point you raised... If Phillips did something he wasn't empowered to do it would be non binding, no? Would pinning hopes on that point not be a play on the momentum of the opinion of the mob?

It's hilarious to see that your response to being told that your last porst was to post more dumb ****.

Yeah, I'm sure that ALL YOU NEED TO DO is to point out that Phillips did something (years ago) that he wasn't empowered to do, and suddenly the US court system will label it "non-binding" and turn the clock back.

Good lord, you continue to top yourself in posting brain-dead drivel.

Thank goodness you pointed out that Phillips did something non-binding. Everything is better now. Problem solved, no?

I'm not sure if this board has a strict policy on the KYS phrase, but you should absolutely delete your account and post elsewhere, just to avoid your ongoing humiliation.
It's hilarious to see that your response to being told that your last porst was to post more dumb ****.

Yeah, I'm sure that ALL YOU NEED TO DO is to point out that Phillips did something (years ago) that he wasn't empowered to do, and suddenly the US court system will label it "non-binding" and turn the clock back.

Good lord, you continue to top yourself in posting brain-dead drivel.

Thank goodness you pointed out that Phillips did something non-binding. Everything is better now. Problem solved, no?

I'm not sure if this board has a strict policy on the KYS phrase, but you should absolutely delete your account and post elsewhere, just to avoid your ongoing humiliation.
And now the fun begins

ACC leadership is R-worded, glad espn is getting exposed

So is this a case of divide and conquer? Fighting just one of these lawsuits has to be extremely costly. Fighting 5+ would have to be insane. Hopefully they cave and offer up a reasonable exit fee and just let those that want out to slide.