MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

ok man believe whatever you want to believe. this isnt a CIA conspiiracy theory. is rad happy in the ACC? no. is frenk happy? yes. a lot has changed too but anyways youre gonna do you
Thank you for admitting you know nothing and were just throwing your opinion out there as fact.
Good points. Financially I agree, the B1G is better to be associated with. And research wise.

If UNC and UVA leave, then the ACC takes a big step back.

As far as public perception/national prestige, I still think the ACC is higher up with Stanford and Cal.

But as far as a whole conference goes, you're right.

I agree, didn't mean to come off too harshly.

One of the benefits that Cal has/had is that it was a part of the UC SYSTEM. But with UCLA going Big 10, maybe UC loses a bit of its collective academic power. Stanford is Stanford, though, they are an academic 1000-pound gorilla.
agreed and we haven't even gotten into the public beating UM has taken in the academic rankings (not just US News but a lot of them)

Yeah, it's hard to (graphically) respond, since you had some comments within my post, but I'll try.

Yes, Donna was very involved. And for right or wrong (and it was usually the latter), she had a PHILOSOPHY on hiriing younger up-and-comers to coach and AD for us. Clearly, that didn't work out. Her critics will say "cheap", but I think her philosophy was the same no matter where she was (Syracuse, Wisconsin, etc.). Sometimes you get a guy on the way up (JJ, Dennis, Butch), and sometimes it doesn't work out.

I agree on the IPF. It's a hard thing to explain to people, how money is the PRIMARY determinant. Too many people just look at the building construction date and attribute the success to whoever is in office at the time. Creates quite a distortion on who should get credit/blame.

Julio looking like a dope on national TV? Hard to imagine... :LOL:

Yes, Beta Blake and Manny had to go. This is why I've always argued AGAINST giving all the kudos to Frenk. First, he kept Beta Blake on for much too long, and had no idea of how he was mishandling the monetary and vision side of things. Then, you double the error factor by letting an over-ripe AD select an under-ripe HC, which DID happen on Julio's watch.

As for the academic rankings, yes, I've been discussing the issues with at least one other poster (a member of the UM faculty) for the last couple of months. Donna was ALL ABOUT watching the rankings (and massaging the data reports) for maximum US News ratings impact. Julio seems to be allergic to math and statistics for the last 8 years. What a ******* (academic) disaster.

Now we have Fortune and the WSJ taking their shots at trying to rank the schools, and we look even worse.
He hasnt been right about anything in two plus months and uses Gene at Warchant as one of his sauces.
He uses Warchant's editor as a source for comments regarding FSU's stance on realignment ... he said CLEARLY that he has no ACC direct sources. His sources are 100% Big 10 administrators / staff / presidents. What has he been wrong about? He has stated that the Big 10 vetted 7-8 programs including at least 6 ACC programs and out of that exercise the B10 media partners were most interested in FSU / Clemson as the TOP VIEWERSHIP programs that would add programming value to the Big 10. That is correct. He also said a lot of behind the scenes conversations are going on between conferences and media partners regarding the next phase of realignment and a lot of horse trading will be necessary for the ACC programs to achieve the exit that they want, but it will happen.
So when's he getting fired?

Can't happen soon enough.

But he got hired in 2015, and Miami tends to do things in multiples of 5 year increments, soooo...

Plus it's our Centennial...could be a GREAT chance to introduce our new leader for our second century....
With respect, it can be true that some "insiders" have been shown to not know jack about this while also still being true that the U's days in the ACC are *highly* likely nearing an end.

Yeah...but he's talking about "us"...all of us "insiders" (you know, alums and boosters and faculty and the like)...

And he has no clue that you're probably at the top of the food chain when it comes to knowing what Miami is doing/will be doing on the academic front...
He uses Warchant's editor as a source for comments regarding FSU's stance on realignment ... he said CLEARLY that he has no ACC direct sources. His sources are 100% Big 10 administrators / staff / presidents. What has he been wrong about? He has stated that the Big 10 vetted 7-8 programs including at least 6 ACC programs and out of that exercise the B10 media partners were most interested in FSU / Clemson as the TOP VIEWERSHIP programs that would add programming value to the Big 10. That is correct. He also said a lot of behind the scenes conversations are going on between conferences and media partners regarding the next phase of realignment and a lot of horse trading will be necessary for the ACC programs to achieve the exit that they want, but it will happen.
That was all info he put out two months ago. Since then he has been dead wrong about everything.
Can't happen soon enough.

But he got hired in 2015, and Miami tends to do things in multiples of 5 year increments, soooo...

Plus it's our Centennial...could be a GREAT chance to introduce our new leader for our second century....
Would love to see him get fired at the celebration... Have the Rock come out and terminate him
That was all info he put out two months ago. Since then he has been dead wrong about everything.
What has he been "wrong" about? There haven't been any announcements by either FSU or Clemson, and currently they are both in information lock down mode. Genetics is waiting just like everybody else to see WHEN something actually happens.
What has he been "wrong" about? There haven't been any announcements by either FSU or Clemson, and currently they are both in information lock down mode. Genetics is waiting just like everybody else to see WHEN something actually happens.
He's said on at least five occasions thus far that FSU/Clemson were announcing they were leaving. Boy who cried wolf.

He had some good insight and has B10 sauces but everything else he rants about daily are just hot takes.
He's said on at least five occasions thus far that FSU/Clemson were announcing they were leaving. Boy who cried wolf.

He had some good insight and has B10 sauces but everything else he rants about daily are just hot takes.

Yes, and that goes to his reliance (for ACC info) on Weinie Genie "Dot Com" Williams.

The top couple of WC insiders have been prematurely ejaculating the "F$U leaves the ACC story" multiple times over the past few months.

It will happen when it happens, it's just hilarious to watch the "most connected" F$U writers and mods continuing to tell us that "this week is the week"...

Terrible reporting, just as they did with the Georgia OL transfer who "picked" F$U last year...
He's said on at least five occasions thus far that FSU/Clemson were announcing they were leaving. Boy who cried wolf.

He had some good insight and has B10 sauces but everything else he rants about daily are just hot takes.
He hasn't said he had ANY CONFIRMATION ... he has simply stated that "what I am hearing from Warchant". Face it FSU was off the charts vocal about leaving "sooner rather than later" ... to the extent that they actually had a BOT meeting streamed live with every top administrator reiterating the united desire to leave the ACC as the university would suffer irreparable damages if they remained. Nobody has any public information with ANY details of when any ACC programs are actually announcing ... as they probably don't even have a specific date yet. Media partners need to finish THEIR negotiations first. Then things will be in a position for programs to get a clearer idea of who might be going to which conference. Big decisions by the SEC are most likely THE sticking point at this stage. If they agree to take Clemson and UNC, then the Big 10 interest would be FSU / Miami most likely. Lot of moving pieces and nobody knows where things will end.
Yes, and that goes to his reliance (for ACC info) on Weinie Genie "Dot Com" Williams.

The top couple of WC insiders have been prematurely ejaculating the "F$U leaves the ACC story" multiple times over the past few months.

It will happen when it happens, it's just hilarious to watch the "most connected" F$U writers and mods continuing to tell us that "this week is the week"...

Terrible reporting, just as they did with the Georgia OL transfer who "picked" F$U last year...
Their tune has changed to "nobody is saying a word ... we will know when we read about it in the papers".

So is there any validity in this or not?

Yes and no.

There are three categories of schools. Some schools have already been vetted, even before a year ago. Some schools reached out to the Big 10, had never been vetted before, and were then vetted. Some schools were desired by the Big 10, had not reached out to the Big 10, and were vetted prospectively.

Guess which category Miami falls into? And guess which group is omitted from the "ten schools" being breathlessly reported?

If anyone thinks that NOTRE ******* DAME falls into Category 2 or Category 3...well, I have no words to describe that level of gullibility.
So now it's being said we haven't even officially been vetted by the B1G? I get moving in silence but this seems like something we should have been included in. It's not like it's saying these schools were reaching out to the B1G, it's saying schools that they were possibly interested in. To not even be mentioned in that is a little worrisome.

