MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The NBA is just dumb.

Happy Got You GIF by Bounce
Will any of it matter. Beginning to think a lot of these conference media deals are bubbles that are going to pop sooner than later.

Yeah ESPNs profits are dropping, yet ESPN is still far more porofitable for them than their other lines of business. ESPN made like as much profit as Disneys entertainment business (movies/streaming/etc) at like 1/10th the revenue lol. (I barely skimmed the article though). So how does that make any sense for them to be desperate to get out of ESPN? Imo It doesn’t. In fact the changed the breakdown of the release of their info and Sports is 1 of 3 categories…. I don’t think they’re desperate to get rid of ESPN. I think they’re desperate to stop ESPNs decline
Yeah ESPNs profits are dropping, yet ESPN is still far more porofitable for them than their other lines of business. ESPN made like as much profit as Disneys entertainment business (movies/streaming/etc) at like 1/10th the revenue lol. (I barely skimmed the article though). So how does that make any sense for them to be desperate to get out of ESPN? Imo It doesn’t. In fact the changed the breakdown of the release of their info and Sports is 1 of 3 categories…. I don’t think they’re desperate to get rid of ESPN. I think they’re desperate to stop ESPNs decline
Are their profits/revenue going to keep up with the payout to some of these conferences. As mentioned above advertising is maxed out. How many complaints have there been with the increase in commercials vs the shortening of the game. As personal spending gets cut back more and more with a looming recession advertisers will be hesitant to increase investment. But those bills will still be due. That’s why they’re looking to limit their exposure
Are their profits/revenue going to keep up with the payout to some of these conferences. As mentioned above advertising is maxed out. How many complaints have there been with the increase in commercials vs the shortening of the game. As personal spending gets cut back more and more with a looming recession advertisers will be hesitant to increase investment. But those bills will still be due. That’s why they’re looking to limit their exposure
Their profits were almost $2B I think - with all their big deals. A couple millions extra in payouts isn’t really changing all that much lol. Certainly not to the point of them becoming unprofitable. And while the economy isn’t doing very well, that also won’t last years on end either.
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Will any of it matter. Beginning to think a lot of these conference media deals are bubbles that are going to pop sooner than later.

Big properties like the NFL, NBA, Big Ten, and SEC will continue to get paid, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Big 12 takes a haircut when their deal comes up again. They may regret adding those Four Corners schools under a pro rata when it just means they have more mouths to feed on limited TV dollars when they go back to market.
Big properties like the NFL, NBA, Big Ten, and SEC will continue to get paid, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Big 12 takes a haircut when their deal comes up again. They may regret adding those Four Corners schools under a pro rata when it just means they have more mouths to feed on limited TV dollars when they go back to market.
I’m expecting a full on economic collapse coming so I don’t believe any entity will be immune to it.

I’m expecting a full on economic collapse coming so I don’t believe any entity will be immune to it.

And how long have you been expecting that? Any day now right…
The weak will die, the strong will survive. ESPN isn’t going to be what causes Disney their problems lol. ESPN is the reason they aren’t currently more ****ed if anything
And how long have you been expecting that? Any day now right…
The weak will die, the strong will survive. ESPN isn’t going to be what causes Disney their problems lol. ESPN is the reason they aren’t currently more ****ed if anything
Nah, we’ve been able to kick the van down the road for decades by simply printing more money. That’s coming to a head. In case you haven’t realized it inflation isn’t slowing, regardless of what the FED says. When was the last time inflation kept going up after the fed raising interest rates. Couple that with the explosion in personal credit debt that isn’t cooling down. Why do you think Potus and everyone else is hanging the war drum. Thinking the same old spend a billion or two on a war and that’ll jump start the economy. Problem is there is no more money to print. Well there is but if we keep adding debt this will continue to spiral.
Nah, we’ve been able to kick the van down the road for decades by simply printing more money. That’s coming to a head. In case you haven’t realized it inflation isn’t slowing, regardless of what the FED says. When was the last time inflation kept going up after the fed raising interest rates. Couple that with the explosion in personal credit debt that isn’t cooling down. Why do you think Potus and everyone else is hanging the war drum. Thinking the same old spend a billion or two on a war and that’ll jump start the economy. Problem is there is no more money to print. Well there is but if we keep adding debt this will continue to spiral.
… and then what lol. The US economy will recover. Whether a year from now or 3. And on a relative basis we are doing far better than pretty much anyone else. So a 10+ year ESPN contract isn’t really at risk lol. Sure in the down period companies can go under. Do you really think Disney and ESPN will be one of those companies? …
There is so much fact free bs happening in this thread right now I just lost 50 iq points temporarily
… and then what lol. The US economy will recover. Whether a year from now or 3. And on a relative basis we are doing far better than pretty much anyone else. So a 10+ year ESPN contract isn’t really at risk lol. Sure in the down period companies can go under. Do you really think Disney and ESPN will be one of those companies? …

Lol at a year or 3 from now. I envy your bliss
… and then what lol. The US economy will recover. Whether a year from now or 3. And on a relative basis we are doing far better than pretty much anyone else. So a 10+ year ESPN contract isn’t really at risk lol. Sure in the down period companies can go under. Do you really think Disney and ESPN will be one of those companies? …
Until the US dollar is replaced as the worlds reserve currency. Hope that never happens.