MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Scared 30 Rock GIF by HULU
Yeah, it's hard to (graphically) respond, since you had some comments within my post, but I'll try.

Yes, Donna was very involved. And for right or wrong (and it was usually the latter), she had a PHILOSOPHY on hiriing younger up-and-comers to coach and AD for us. Clearly, that didn't work out. Her critics will say "cheap", but I think her philosophy was the same no matter where she was (Syracuse, Wisconsin, etc.). Sometimes you get a guy on the way up (JJ, Dennis, Butch), and sometimes it doesn't work out.

I agree on the IPF. It's a hard thing to explain to people, how money is the PRIMARY determinant. Too many people just look at the building construction date and attribute the success to whoever is in office at the time. Creates quite a distortion on who should get credit/blame.

Julio looking like a dope on national TV? Hard to imagine... :LOL:

Yes, Beta Blake and Manny had to go. This is why I've always argued AGAINST giving all the kudos to Frenk. First, he kept Beta Blake on for much too long, and had no idea of how he was mishandling the monetary and vision side of things. Then, you double the error factor by letting an over-ripe AD select an under-ripe HC, which DID happen on Julio's watch.

As for the academic rankings, yes, I've been discussing the issues with at least one other poster (a member of the UM faculty) for the last couple of months. Donna was ALL ABOUT watching the rankings (and massaging the data reports) for maximum US News ratings impact. Julio seems to be allergic to math and statistics for the last 8 years. What a ******* (academic) disaster.

Now we have Fortune and the WSJ taking their shots at trying to rank the schools, and we look even worse.
nailed it as you often do
I refuse to believe that people in charge of billions of dollars are dumb and short sighted enough to destroy an institution like Miami Hurricanes athletics because they're arrogant.

I get it. Rubbing shoulders with Stanford and Cal is appealing for any academic. But Northwestern is pretty good too and you can't put a dollar value in the publicity of good athletics.

I get it. I don’t necessarily agree with you, because, if they were so sharp, they would’ve seen this coming years ago and planned accordingly. Instead, they jumped into an onerous GOR and advocated for expansion.

Putting what Miami wants aside (which is not the same as what, if anything, UM is actively pursuing), it takes two to tango. And, again, I see nothing to suggest the B10 has an interest in adding Miami in the near term. I’m plugged into the agent circuit and no one I speak to thinks there has been any conversation between UM and the B10. And if there were substantive back channelling on this, it would’ve leaked.

I think people vastly overestimate UM’s value on the margin of realignment. I may be wrong. But from where I stand, the safe money is on Miami being stuck in the ACC.
I get it. I don’t necessarily agree with you, because, if they were so sharp, they would’ve seen this coming years ago and planned accordingly. Instead, they jumped into an onerous GOR and advocated for expansion.

Putting what Miami wants aside (which is not the same as what, if anything, UM is actively pursuing), it takes two to tango. And, again, I see nothing to suggest the B10 has an interest in adding Miami in the near term. I’m plugged into the agent circuit and no one I speak to thinks there has been any conversation between UM and the B10. And if there were substantive back channelling on this, it would’ve leaked.

I think people vastly overestimate UM’s value on the margin of realignment. I may be wrong. But from where I stand, the safe money is on Miami being stuck in the ACC.
Finnally could win that elusive first championship.
Good points. Financially I agree, the B1G is better to be associated with. And research wise.

If UNC and UVA leave, then the ACC takes a big step back.

As far as public perception/national prestige, I still think the ACC is higher up with Stanford and Cal.

But as far as a whole conference goes, you're right.

National prestige academically ACC is higher. Stanford and Duke alone are top 10 with the Ivy schools. No school in the B1G even sniffs that level of prestige. UCLA, Cal, UNC, and VA are in the next tier. Michigan is probably the top B1G school and you can probably drop them into that 2nd tier but then you also have to consider tOSU, USC, VA Tech, and a few others.
He uses Warchant's editor as a source for comments regarding FSU's stance on realignment ... he said CLEARLY that he has no ACC direct sources. His sources are 100% Big 10 administrators / staff / presidents. What has he been wrong about? He has stated that the Big 10 vetted 7-8 programs including at least 6 ACC programs and out of that exercise the B10 media partners were most interested in FSU / Clemson as the TOP VIEWERSHIP programs that would add programming value to the Big 10. That is correct. He also said a lot of behind the scenes conversations are going on between conferences and media partners regarding the next phase of realignment and a lot of horse trading will be necessary for the ACC programs to achieve the exit that they want, but it will happen.
It's kind of like Fong and Blowstein getting their S Fl recruiting info from Bartow.
I get it. I don’t necessarily agree with you, because, if they were so sharp, they would’ve seen this coming years ago and planned accordingly. Instead, they jumped into an onerous GOR and advocated for expansion.

Putting what Miami wants aside (which is not the same as what, if anything, UM is actively pursuing), it takes two to tango. And, again, I see nothing to suggest the B10 has an interest in adding Miami in the near term. I’m plugged into the agent circuit and no one I speak to thinks there has been any conversation between UM and the B10. And if there were substantive back channelling on this, it would’ve leaked.

I think people vastly overestimate UM’s value on the margin of realignment. I may be wrong. But from where I stand, the safe money is on Miami being stuck in the ACC.
So if you're saying Miami Big10 would have leaked, then what teams to what conferences have leaked according to you?