MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I haven't seen Genetics X lately. Has anyone seen him X?
His stance hasn't changed ... he is 100% on board with a). FSU and Clemson are the first to leave the ACC and have open invites to the B10 if they want it b). Has no direct contacts within the ACC but has heard from his B10 contacts that at the very least conversations have been had between B10 execs and "representatives" of FSU / Clemson. c). Believes the departure of 2-4 programs from the ACC is a "deal" that involves several media partners negotiating / horse trading so that the direct cost of departure on each program will be reduced to a degree. d). Believes the big unknown is whether the SEC makes the decision to expand NOW and potentially go after FSU / Clemson or others. There is currently a lot of "bad blood" to a degree between FSU / Clemson and ESPN. At this moment BOTH Clemson and FSU BOT members are tight lipped / no comments regarding next moves / timing. There are law firms racking up billable hours however. Actively.
This blows. Hasn't been any decent rumors or news about us leaving for a while.

Great news for FSU and Clemson, not that i give a **** bout either of 'em.

With our luck, we will get stuck in this **** conference.
it has been stated that Frenk supports the conference and basically voted to stay and expand despite Rads advice. the canes are in the ACC to stay. theyre happy from the top int he conference esp w the new additions. it isnt up to Rad anymore.
Don’t remember he posted it but it was said that if French got in the way of moving to the BIG10 he would be ****canned
His stance hasn't changed ... he is 100% on board with a). FSU and Clemson are the first to leave the ACC and have open invites to the B10 if they want it b). Has no direct contacts within the ACC but has heard from his B10 contacts that at the very least conversations have been had between B10 execs and "representatives" of FSU / Clemson. c). Believes the departure of 2-4 programs from the ACC is a "deal" that involves several media partners negotiating / horse trading so that the direct cost of departure on each program will be reduced to a degree. d). Believes the big unknown is whether the SEC makes the decision to expand NOW and potentially go after FSU / Clemson or others. There is currently a lot of "bad blood" to a degree between FSU / Clemson and ESPN. At this moment BOTH Clemson and FSU BOT members are tight lipped / no comments regarding next moves / timing. There are law firms racking up billable hours however. Actively.
He hasnt been right about anything in two plus months and uses Gene at Warchant as one of his sauces.
Do you have a single shred of evidence that UM is likely leaving the ACC, ever? And are you saying that certain “insiders” haven’t, repeatedly, implied that “Rad’s got this” and we have been working on an exit plan but unlike dumb FSU we operate in silence? Read the thread.

Wake up. Rad doesn’t give a ****, which means the administration that hired him and continues to employ him doesn’t either. Outside of some folks in the football program, who of course want out, UM people will be just fine staying put.

Look, this post is why you are a fraud. And I know you are going to keep repeating this, because you'll get your "thumbs ups" from the rest of the toxic mopers, like cway and squidbum.

Here's the template:

1. Demand "evidence" that cannot be provided.
2. Obligatory insult of "insiders".
3. Assertions by you that are just as evidence-free as the statements you have attacked.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

This is what you, and a few other toxic people, have been doing for weeks. You just stoke the fear and misery because these developments do not move as fast as you would like.

The board needs to stop listening to lying frauds who say things like "Rad doesn't give a ****" while providing absolutely no evidence to support that toxic doom-and-gloom assertion.
Do you have a shred of evidence that literally anything has changed from the information about us trying to leave from a year ago? Lol.

Basically what happened is insiders said we were trying to leave. Most had timeline of probably around 2027. Then the PAC12 fell apart which was MUCH less secure than the ACC, and likely could delay us/ACC programs from leaving a little more, and now because we haven’t announced we are leaving you’re like “Seee! Our AD doesn’t care and our insiders suck!”…
Rad’s recent interview where he says that we want to stay?
the vote was left with the presidents. he went against rads advice of not voting to expand. frenk is happy with the academic additions of the ACC.

Sir, I know you want the best for UM, but please re-read that last sentence again.

The Big 10 is a superior academic institution to the ACC. It just is. And Miami would be better off in the Big 10 ACADEMICALLY.

So it's fine to be "happy with the academic additions of the ACC" and at the same time acknowledge that YOUR SCHOOL would be even better off ACADEMICALLY in the superior conference (Big 10).
the vote was left with the presidents. he went against rads advice of not voting to expand. frenk is happy with the academic additions of the ACC.
and you know this how?

So your thought process is that Frenk turned over athletics to Rudy, who committed to spending $100M+ on Mario and staff, then hired Rad, who committed to spending another $150M++ on a new football facility, but when it came time for an ACC vote Frenk went against the supposed advise of both Rudy/Rad and voted for expansion?

Come On Lol GIF by Sports GIFs
Sir, I know you want the best for UM, but please re-read that last sentence again.

The Big 10 is a superior academic institution to the ACC. It just is. And Miami would be better off in the Big 10 ACADEMICALLY.

So it's fine to be "happy with the academic additions of the ACC" and at the same time acknowledge that YOUR SCHOOL would be even better off ACADEMICALLY in the superior conference (Big 10).
Not with Stanford and Cal...I think that makes the ACC a better academic conference.

It was comparable/arguable before.. But with Stanford and Cal added it's not debatable.

Edit: I was wrong. It is debatable. Especially if UNC also leaves the ACC.
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Sir, I know you want the best for UM, but please re-read that last sentence again.

The Big 10 is a superior academic institution to the ACC. It just is. And Miami would be better off in the Big 10 ACADEMICALLY.

So it's fine to be "happy with the academic additions of the ACC" and at the same time acknowledge that YOUR SCHOOL would be even better off ACADEMICALLY in the superior conference (Big 10).
I 1000000 percent agree. that wasn't the point I was trying to make. I dont think UM is better off in the ACC
and you know this how?

So your thought process is that Frenk turned over athletics to Rudy, who committed to spending $100M+ on Mario and staff, then hired Rad, who committed to spending another $150M++ on a new football facility, but when it came time for an ACC vote Frenk went against the supposed advise of both Rudy/Rad and voted for expansion?

Come On Lol GIF by Sports GIFs

acc presidents vote to invite stanford and cal
and you know this how?

So your thought process is that Frenk turned over athletics to Rudy, who committed to spending $100M+ on Mario and staff, then hired Rad, who committed to spending another $150M++ on a new football facility, but when it came time for an ACC vote Frenk went against the supposed advise of both Rudy/Rad and voted for expansion?

Come On Lol GIF by Sports GIFs
This is what I keep coming back to. There's no way they are dumb enough to spend hundreds of millions on facilities and staff etc and not know that it'll all be worthless if we are stuck in the ACC with a $50mil+ a year (and growing)revenue gap every year indefinitely.

All the other evidence points to staying in the ACC but the way the University is spending/investing/betting on athletics points to doing whatever it takes to win/compete.
That article proves absolutely nothing of what you are claiming other than the obvious ... that Miami went along with a yes vote.
ok man believe whatever you want to believe. this isnt a CIA conspiiracy theory. is rad happy in the ACC? no. is frenk happy? yes. a lot has changed too but anyways youre gonna do you