MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The Administration strikes again
I would have liked to believe that Miami would have used that opportunity to team up with the other schools that want out to get favorable exit terms since they had leverage.

UNC, FSU, Clemson, and Miami could have banded together and told the ACC "we will vote for expansion to ensure the long term viability of the conference under these conditions. 1. Reduced buyout. 2. Favorable GOR transfer terms to our new conference"

But we know that didn't happen because FSU, UNC, and Clemson all voted against the expansion.

So being on the outside, it's hard to believe Miami has a real plan (or even strong desire) to leave the ACC for greener (and B1GGER) pastures.

If that's true, it's extremely short sighted and would be such a a colossal failure that it would make Donna Shalala look like a saint to the football program.
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For the life of me, I don’t understand why the Big 10 wouldn’t go out of their way to invite Miami. Their fan bases would beg to play on the road against Miami, especially for winter sports. Seems like that should be an important factor that isn’t mentioned enough.
The same people who blindly stroked Ruiz also told you, repeatedly, that UM was far ahead of this and already had its spot reserved. Some of the “insiders” here are pure propagandists who don’t know ****.
… most thought we’d be leaving in 26/27 at the earliest… so not sure what evidence you’re pointing to that disprove that.

You can have a spot reserved (aka the Big10 wants us) but not have it (or a cost effective way out) this very second.
… most thought we’d be leaving in 26/27 at the earliest… so not sure what evidence you’re pointing to that disprove that.

You can have a spot reserved (aka the Big10 wants us) but not have it (or a cost effective way out) this very second.

Do you have a single shred of evidence that UM is likely leaving the ACC, ever? And are you saying that certain “insiders” haven’t, repeatedly, implied that “Rad’s got this” and we have been working on an exit plan but unlike dumb FSU we operate in silence? Read the thread.

Wake up. Rad doesn’t give a ****, which means the administration that hired him and continues to employ him doesn’t either. Outside of some folks in the football program, who of course want out, UM people will be just fine staying put.
Last interview I saw with Rhad the Infailure (he is no longer the Impaler...that person is dead to me), he mentioned BiG10 payputs per school are a mirage because they are diluted due to two factors:

- extended travel
- extensive sports programs to support

When teams join the BiG10, do they also commit to starting sports teams in programs they don't have to meet the full compliment of BiG10 athletics (given a grace period of x years of membership)?
Do you have a single shred of evidence that UM is likely leaving the ACC, ever? And are you saying that certain “insiders” haven’t, repeatedly, implied that “Rad’s got this” and we have been working on an exit plan but unlike dumb FSU we operate in silence? Read the thread.

Wake up. Rad doesn’t give a ****, which means the administration that hired him and continues to employ him doesn’t either. Outside of some folks in the football program, who of course want out, UM people will be just fine staying put.

I agree with most but not the bolded part (my emphasis).

He gives a sh## about keeping the ACC intact and viable. For now, he doesn't give a sh## about joining the B1G or SEC- not until he is at least convinced the acc is too far gone to save. Rad pushed for the ACC GOR. Just using basic logic - which is more likely

1. that he would do a sudden 180 and say the deal he personally endorsed was hot garbage and UM should now get out of the ACC


2. He will focus on trying to strengthen the ACC, and increase revenue enough that he can do funky math and claim that the ACC is nearly at parity with the B1G when you factor in travel expenses and required new sports.

IMO we are in the acc at least through the end of the decade.
Do you have a single shred of evidence that UM is likely leaving the ACC, ever? And are you saying that certain “insiders” haven’t, repeatedly, implied that “Rad’s got this” and we have been working on an exit plan but unlike dumb FSU we operate in silence? Read the thread.

Wake up. Rad doesn’t give a ****, which means the administration that hired him and continues to employ him doesn’t either. Outside of some folks in the football program, who of course want out, UM people will be just fine staying put.
Do you have a shred of evidence that literally anything has changed from the information about us trying to leave from a year ago? Lol.

Basically what happened is insiders said we were trying to leave. Most had timeline of probably around 2027. Then the PAC12 fell apart which was MUCH less secure than the ACC, and likely could delay us/ACC programs from leaving a little more, and now because we haven’t announced we are leaving you’re like “Seee! Our AD doesn’t care and our insiders suck!”…
The same people who blindly stroked Ruiz also told you, repeatedly, that UM was far ahead of this and already had its spot reserved. Some of the “insiders” here are pure propagandists who don’t know ****.
the kid mero gun GIF by Desus & Mero
If we aren't apart of that "one or two other schools" that the ACC is willing to let buyout then it's a death sentence for our program. Won't be able to compete with the Big 2 conferences monetarily if we are forced to sit here on this deal until 2036.
NCSU is the 1 or 2.
Do you have a shred of evidence that literally anything has changed from the information about us trying to leave from a year ago? Lol.

Basically what happened is insiders said we were trying to leave. Most had timeline of probably around 2027. Then the PAC12 fell apart which was MUCH less secure than the ACC, and likely could delay us/ACC programs from leaving a little more, and now because we haven’t announced we are leaving you’re like “Seee! Our AD doesn’t care and our insiders suck!”…
it has been stated that Frenk supports the conference and basically voted to stay and expand despite Rads advice. the canes are in the ACC to stay. theyre happy from the top int he conference esp w the new additions. it isnt up to Rad anymore.
The lack of BIG money will not imperil travel when the schedule includes FAU, FIU, UCF, USF, FAMU, Bethune Cookman, and Stetson. A few mothballed Greyhound buses should be just fine.