MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It’s definitely a better group with ND. I don’t see ND joining. I hope we get out fwiw
If we don’t get out, this program (along with every other program stuck in the ACC) is dead. Done. Finished. Financially, competitively, you name it.

I still believe we’re gone, it’s just a matter of when, not if. But man would I like to see us have some cojones and pride and take the lead one time.

Maybe after this season (God willing we ball out and win 9+ games), we’ll have the confidence to do so.
If we don’t get out, this program (along with every other program stuck in the ACC) is dead. Done. Finished. Financially, competitively, you name it.

I still believe we’re gone, it’s just a matter of when, not if. But man would I like to see us have some cojones and pride and take the lead one time.

Maybe after this season (God willing we ball out and win 9+ games), we’ll have the confidence to do so.
Yeah, there’s no 3rd conference competing with the SEC and BIG
Thanks, Spy!
no problem @RVACane
greece looks GIF
I’m right. She was able to get Stanford in. One of you said she didn’t hold any cards and I said you don’t know what she’d holding. Apparently a reduced share of the revenue was a card in her pocket. Bottom line I was told she couldn’t do **** to get Stanford in and i said she’s a viable person, more so than Rubio - and she gets involved and now they’re in.

Nope. Not falling for this one.

I realize that YOUR reference might have been STANFORD ONLY. But the original commentary was whether Condi could convince Notre Dame to join and pull in other colleges too. And that still ain't happened.

What I said about leverage was absolutely true, she has no leverage to get Notre Dame on board.

As for whether SHE got Stanford in, I would simply argue that the cut-rate is what might get Stanford in, not some magical Condi words.

Same thing that got Washington-Oregon Big 10 bids when the conference (and TV networks) otherwise would not take them.

Again, USF could get a Big 10 bid RIGHT NOW if they agreed to play for free for 25 years. Half of the Big 10 grads have retired to SW FL, and I've seen the car carrier caravans to prove it.



of course, man, because she was definitely the only person in the world who could sit there and say that Stanford would sell their soul for half price or less just to get into a conference. Definitely all her. No one else would have it pulled off If it does. Only her. You are the Maude god.

I can understand that WC-RVA (West Coast Richmond Virginia) Cane could have been talking about his new favorite school (Stanford), but my original response about having zero leverage was about the Notre Dame combo platter. Which was what Genetics/Cane & Able was talking about.

I will never be mad at WC-RVA, he is entitled to worship Condoleezza from afar just as George W. does.

But the decision to take a half-share wasn't some Condi Rice negotiating ploy. It is funded by the Stanford endowment fund and rich alums.

And last time I checked, ND is still independent.

I realize we are in the fog of war here, but my point has ALWAYS been that Stanford-Cal-SMU do nothing to move the needle permanently. Which is why I responded to Genetics saying that ND is on the table, which he has done before (remember the tweet a couple of weeks ago, that ND was closer to joining the Big 10 than anyone knew?).

ND ain't goin' nowhere. Which was a core of my response. So if we have confusion over "ND-Stanford-Cal-SMU" vs. "Condi got Stanford in", let's be very clear at this point.

The ACC would take East Carolina RIGHT NOW if they agreed to play for free for 100 years.
I just can't fathom a way that anyone in the ACC could think keeping the conference together as it currently stands and just adding SMU, Cal and Stanford would be beneficial for anyone in the long run. Short of adding ND to the conference for football, there is really no legitimately valuable programs left to poach. Staying in the ACC would be a death knell for us and would condemn us to nothing more than mediocrity for the rest of our time as a program. We HAVE to find a way to get this done one way or the other.
Why wouldn't the presidents of Wake and BC for example think keeping the ACC is better than the alternative future for them?
Nope. Not falling for this one.

I realize that YOUR reference might have been STANFORD ONLY. But the original commentary was whether Condi could convince Notre Dame to join and pull in other colleges too. And that still ain't happened.

What I said about leverage was absolutely true, she has no leverage to get Notre Dame on board.

As for whether SHE got Stanford in, I would simply argue that the cut-rate is what might get Stanford in, not some magical Condi words.

Same thing that got Washington-Oregon Big 10 bids when the conference (and TV networks) otherwise would not take them.

Again, USF could get a Big 10 bid RIGHT NOW if they agreed to play for free for 25 years. Half of the Big 10 grads have retired to SW FL, and I've seen the car carrier caravans to prove it.

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You missed one in blue. Stanford‘s getting in. All I said basically was don’t take her lightly and I was shunned for it.

Why wouldn't the presidents of Wake and BC for example think keeping the ACC is better than the alternative future for them?
Any ACC program not named FSU / Clemson / Miami / UNC / Va Tech would need to be concerned as those are the top 5 that would have a shot at B10 / SEC. Then maybe 4 for the B12. There will be casualties and those definitely want the ACC to remain "viable" to any degree. Look at how badly SMU wants "in".
This would be one **** of an unfortunate time for Frenk to wake up at the wheel.

I was fine with us not running around like FSU. I was not comfortable with us not being included in the staunch and public NO votes, official, straw or otherwise. There was no reason to not be part of that group unless 1) they preferred to stay in the ACC, 2) our exit options disappeared in recent months, or 3) they weren’t at least undecided, which is troubling in its own right. Occam’s razor.

To quote Abba Eban, this school never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity and until they prove otherwise deserve no benefit of the doubt.
You missed one in blue. Stanford‘s getting in. All I said basically was don’t take her lightly and I was shunned for it.

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No need to overreact like a mope. Nobody shunned you. You are still invited to my belated old-man bar mitzvah. :ROFLMAO:

Look, you jumped into the conversation late, it's all good. You made some vague comments about Condi having magical powers of persuasion. You asked if Stanford hired her. But you never said "she'll get Stanford in, and I could care less (or "could not care less", depending on how the Grammar Nationalist-Socialists interpret the phrase) about Notre Dame".

Genetics reported that she was trying to get NOTRE DAME in, along with three other schools. If you have a problem with his sentence construction, that's a fair point to discuss with him.

I simply dismissed the Goddess Condi talk and said she had nothing to offer BECAUSE OF THE INCLUSION OF NOTRE DAME. Hence, my "no leverage" comment.

You and the other Condi fanboys got mad at me because I didn't think that Condi would deliver on the prediction made by Genetics, AND I WAS RIGHT.

I am going to report all of the people who Condi-slurper-bullied me!!!

Wait a minute. I haven’t been following this week. Was I right and the Conference Thread Hawks wrong about this lady’s viability on behalf of Stanford???

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@TheOriginalCane @Ispyin
Gotta wait till they're actually in before you're right though, never know what could happen ...

Michael Silver says they may only be joining in Football and Men/Women's Basketball. And the other reporting is for them (Stanford and Cal) to get like $9m each. And SMU $0...

We'll have to see.
I can understand that WC-RVA (West Coast Richmond Virginia) Cane could have been talking about his new favorite school (Stanford), but my original response about having zero leverage was about the Notre Dame combo platter. Which was what Genetics/Cane & Able was talking about.

I will never be mad at WC-RVA, he is entitled to worship Condoleezza from afar just as George W. does.

But the decision to take a half-share wasn't some Condi Rice negotiating ploy. It is funded by the Stanford endowment fund and rich alums.

And last time I checked, ND is still independent.

I realize we are in the fog of war here, but my point has ALWAYS been that Stanford-Cal-SMU do nothing to move the needle permanently. Which is why I responded to Genetics saying that ND is on the table, which he has done before (remember the tweet a couple of weeks ago, that ND was closer to joining the Big 10 than anyone knew?).

ND ain't goin' nowhere. Which was a core of my response. So if we have confusion over "ND-Stanford-Cal-SMU" vs. "Condi got Stanford in", let's be very clear at this point.

The ACC would take East Carolina RIGHT NOW if they agreed to play for free for 100 years.

Gotta wait till they're actually in before you're right though, never know what could happen ...

Michael Silver says they may only be joining in Football and Men/Women's Basketball. And the other reporting is for them (Stanford and Cal) to get like $9m each. And SMU $0...

We'll have to see.
I was only caring about football and Stanford is who I was talking about. They weren’t getting in, Condi got involved - I didn’t know if it was just as a fan or as an official representative of Stanford- I was told she held no cards. I said we don’t know what cards she holds. Turns out that a reduced share is a card she holds. Even if they don’t get in I’d say she got it to votes.

TOC is fine and unscathed as to whatever he’s talking about with ND. I have no clue. I just saw an opportunity to stir up his adopted thread. Lol
I was only caring about football and Stanford is who I was talking about. They weren’t getting in, Condi got involved - I didn’t know if it was just as a fan or as an official representative of Stanford- I was told she held no cards. I said we don’t know what cards she holds. Turns out that a reduced share is a card she holds. Even if they don’t get in I’d say she got it to votes.

TOC is fine and unscathed as to whatever he’s talking about with ND. I have no clue. I just saw an opportunity to stir up his adopted thread. Lol
I'm actually more surprised these cards aren't working to get them into the Big10 tbh. If they're willing to take $8M/yr till our Contract is up they definitely should be willing to until Big10 is up which is sooner. And only $20M is a good deal for Stanford and Cal combined. And its not like they'd HAVE TO get full share on new deal. I think new deal in 2030 will be unequal distribution between football/Ratings powers and the rest getting less...
I WANT to believe theories like that but I think they assign more complicated motives/strategies to entities that I don't believe are capable of them.

I think the ACC is just in a pathetic panicked try to survive no matter what phase right now and eSECpn is pretty much checked out on the whole charade. So what we'll just end up with is a bigger (but in no way better) cobbled together ACC that will only serve to try fight incessantly to enforce the GoR. We need conference implosion not weak *** weak sauce "growth".

This is likely correct