MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I doubt this would happen (and just returning to this thread after a post 8-15 hiatus), but if Stanford and SMU come in, hopefully it's as non-voting members
The reported number is $72M of revenue against $40M of payout.

Yay, an extra $32M that will mostly go to Clemson...

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Well yeah thats even worse lol.
Maybe its a good thing and will end up leading to dissolution rather than court for GOR + Exit fee? May as well hope it does

Edit just saw that it would be projected $55M would be available to distributed. So that would mean Stanford and Cal are taking $8.5M/yr each, and SMU $0 I guess?

At $55M I think it makes sense why this would happen. If they distribute it to top 7, then it'd put schools like VTech that could have partial P2 bids as potentially making more money by staying a few more years in ACC. This isn't about making FSU/Clemson happy. It's about making the schools like UNC/NCSt/UVA happy. UNC while I think would have P2 offer, they are just the type to want to keep ACC alive cause it's where they will have most power.
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I think these additions are good for Miami in the long run and here's why: the ACC is planning for the exit of at least the big 3 (Miami, FSU, Clemson).

Why would the ACC randomly add three teams? Because they know three teams are gone. While school presidents usually aren't that impressive, Jim Phillips knows what he's doing and he knows what's going on. He knows that FSU and Clemson are gone, he knows that we want out as well... But how does the inevitable happen without the complete collapse of the entire conference? You add more schools that you have zero worry about leaving.

The ACC just wants to still be a conference in 2026. This is their way to do it. I would not be surprised if there were some backroom deals with ESPN, telling the ACC. Get late night window games, that could potentially have good matchups, get into San Francisco. Get into Dallas, and keep UNC versus Duke for basketball, then ESPN will continue to pay the current rate for the current deal even without the big boys. It is still a great deal for them for over 10 years, the only negative is they still have to staff and pay for the ACC network. As long as the North Carolina schools stay together, there will still be a conference and it will still have eyeballs, at least for basketball. What the ACC does not want to happen is for everyone to leave putting them all out of jobs, and ESPN doesn't want that to happen because then they have to pay new money to now. Bigger conferences in the SEC and Big 12, and they potentially lose more to Fox/NBC if the Big 10 poaches.

I think this is part of a deal to let FSU in Clemson go to the SEC, keeping them in the ESPN universe, then let Miami go to the Big ten. Will there be a partner in Georgia tech? Maybe. I think this says North Carolina isn't leaving and they rallied the troops for a deal to keep the conference.

Just a theory.
I think it's both. You know I've been complaining about Frenk for a while, AT LEAST 5 years now. He's got stars in his eyes over the academics of Stanford-Cal and doesn't want to be characterized as "a bad guy" in this situation.

And while people can rip Dan for "being a part of the problem" with the initial GOR, he is also one of the first to realize that this thing was spiraling downward.
That… doesn’t sound good. Better tighten up and refocus on Michigan and Northwestern.
Complete truth. Might be good "academics", but they are TERRIBLE at "real world business". The probably make their secretaries set up their utility deposits and pick up their dry cleaning.

******* university presidents are as useless at business as a newborn baby is. And people want to give Donna Shalala **** for overpaying for UHealth. ****, she purchased a better and more useful asset (long-term) than most of these university presidents EVER do in their careers. And UHealth got cleaned up nicely by JOE ECHEVARRIA, the former head of Deloitte US, NOT by Shirtless Julio.
All facts homie! We can't even pretend that you're just making **** up.
I think these additions are good for Miami in the long run and here's why: the ACC is planning for the exit of at least the big 3 (Miami, FSU, Clemson).

Why would the ACC randomly add three teams? Because they know three teams are gone. While school presidents usually aren't that impressive, Jim Phillips knows what he's doing and he knows what's going on. He knows that FSU and Clemson are gone, he knows that we want out as well... But how does the inevitable happen without the complete collapse of the entire conference? You add more schools that you have zero worry about leaving.

The ACC just wants to still be a conference in 2026. This is their way to do it. I would not be surprised if there were some backroom deals with ESPN, telling the ACC. Get late night window games, that could potentially have good matchups, get into San Francisco. Get into Dallas, and keep UNC versus Duke for basketball, then ESPN will continue to pay the current rate for the current deal even without the big boys. It is still a great deal for them for over 10 years, the only negative is they still have to staff and pay for the ACC network. As long as the North Carolina schools stay together, there will still be a conference and it will still have eyeballs, at least for basketball. What the ACC does not want to happen is for everyone to leave putting them all out of jobs, and ESPN doesn't want that to happen because then they have to pay new money to now. Bigger conferences in the SEC and Big 12, and they potentially lose more to Fox/NBC if the Big 10 poaches.

I think this is part of a deal to let FSU in Clemson go to the SEC, keeping them in the ESPN universe, then let Miami go to the Big ten. Will there be a partner in Georgia tech? Maybe. I think this says North Carolina isn't leaving and they rallied the troops for a deal to keep the conference.

Just a theory.
that is a pretty darn good theory
Everytime i hear about SMU's boosters being willing and able to cover the revenue gap it blows my f*cking mind. They really do have f*ck you money. View attachment 252491

Let's see how far they'll debase themselves for the faux credibility of an ACC home then. F this not paying them anything concept. Tell them you want $20 mil a year from them for the first 5 years of ACC membership. We'll call that your paid evaluation period, Big Daddy Oil. If that goes well then you go to the zero pay-in/zero pay-out phase for years 6 & 7. In year 8 we can start talking about giving you a taste of our meager pie.

Don't like it? You're not Stanford. There isn't even the remote hope that the B1G is going to come calling. You'd have to go beg the Big 12.
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that is a pretty darn good theory

I WANT to believe theories like that but I think they assign more complicated motives/strategies to entities that I don't believe are capable of them.

I think the ACC is just in a pathetic panicked try to survive no matter what phase right now and eSECpn is pretty much checked out on the whole charade. So what we'll just end up with is a bigger (but in no way better) cobbled together ACC that will only serve to try fight incessantly to enforce the GoR. We need conference implosion not weak *** weak sauce "growth".
Sometimes it is in the business world too. Board members get a chubby because somebody is excellent in their field or craft and gets an MBA so they must make a great CEO.
Jesus. If the general public was cognizant of some of the absolute clowns that sit on boards of very large corporations too...

As far as university presidents, I think the issue there is the dichotomy that arises when trying to fill those jobs. BoTs and such try to find someone that has the qualities of a business CEO (as universities ARE essentially BIG businesses) but is ALSO a verrrry successful academic. That's almost an impossible task so you'd just hope they surround themselves with quality advisers or a "cabinet" if your school is one in which the president does actually weird significant power.

Mediocrity still arises anyway and it's not helped by the fact that higher education is almost recession proof in this country based upon how we finance it and value it as a society. But that's a completely different discussion.
All of these "talks" are going on and reportedly there are still 4 schools holding out. "Working on different financial models" was a journalists comment ... but if those 4 are the same four ... they don't CARE about the financial models so why would one flip (FSU, Clemson, UNC, NCSt)??
Apologies to the thread if this was asked/suggested yet as either a joke and/or a hypothetical but:

- any idea on the limitations on this on ESPN's end? I'm willing to bet it only applies to the addition of P5 schools but what

Let's see how far they'll debase themselves for the faux credibility of an ACC home then. F this not paying them anything concept. Tell them you want $20 mil a year from them for the first 5 years of ACC membership. We'll call that your paid evaluation period, Big Daddy Oil. If that goes well then you go to the zero pay-in/zero pay-out phase for years 6 & 7. In year 8 we can start talking about giving you a taste of our meager pie.

Don't like it? You're not Stanford. There isn't even the remote hope that the B1G is going to come calling. You'd have to go beg the Big 12.
I think it would be an extra 71 million the ACC would get from adding these schools, it doesn’t need to be just P5 but you get more money the more the school is “worth” or some **** , this is just what I read on Reddit or some other blog I don’t recall.
I just can't fathom a way that anyone in the ACC could think keeping the conference together as it currently stands and just adding SMU, Cal and Stanford would be beneficial for anyone in the long run. Short of adding ND to the conference for football, there is really no legitimately valuable programs left to poach. Staying in the ACC would be a death knell for us and would condemn us to nothing more than mediocrity for the rest of our time as a program. We HAVE to find a way to get this done one way or the other.
I think these additions are good for Miami in the long run and here's why: the ACC is planning for the exit of at least the big 3 (Miami, FSU, Clemson).

Why would the ACC randomly add three teams? Because they know three teams are gone. While school presidents usually aren't that impressive, Jim Phillips knows what he's doing and he knows what's going on. He knows that FSU and Clemson are gone, he knows that we want out as well... But how does the inevitable happen without the complete collapse of the entire conference? You add more schools that you have zero worry about leaving.

The ACC just wants to still be a conference in 2026. This is their way to do it. I would not be surprised if there were some backroom deals with ESPN, telling the ACC. Get late night window games, that could potentially have good matchups, get into San Francisco. Get into Dallas, and keep UNC versus Duke for basketball, then ESPN will continue to pay the current rate for the current deal even without the big boys. It is still a great deal for them for over 10 years, the only negative is they still have to staff and pay for the ACC network. As long as the North Carolina schools stay together, there will still be a conference and it will still have eyeballs, at least for basketball. What the ACC does not want to happen is for everyone to leave putting them all out of jobs, and ESPN doesn't want that to happen because then they have to pay new money to now. Bigger conferences in the SEC and Big 12, and they potentially lose more to Fox/NBC if the Big 10 poaches.

I think this is part of a deal to let FSU in Clemson go to the SEC, keeping them in the ESPN universe, then let Miami go to the Big ten. Will there be a partner in Georgia tech? Maybe. I think this says North Carolina isn't leaving and they rallied the troops for a deal to keep the conference.

Just a theory.
UNC was one of the teams against the expansion.
All of these "talks" are going on and reportedly there are still 4 schools holding out. "Working on different financial models" was a journalists comment ... but if those 4 are the same four ... they don't CARE about the financial models so why would one flip (FSU, Clemson, UNC, NCSt)??
I think NCSt might , unless UNC has promised to bring them with them wherever they go, because without additional school coming in the ACC will die much faster and NCSt doesn’t seem like a hot commodity
FSU or Clemson could flip if told they would get most of the new share but in turn some other school should be a NO