MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I have to believe BC, Pitt, Syracuse, Duke know they are better off giving up additional money because if not they will be getting far less in the end if the ACC folds. The performance-based revenue money for the additional income benefits the ones generating the money to begin with.
I have to believe BC, Pitt, Syracuse, Duke know they are better off giving up additional money because if not they will be getting far less in the end if the ACC folds. The performance-based revenue money for the additional income benefits the ones generating the money to begin with.
I think I agree with this. So much so that I think we’ll see a model that actually uses ratings or some other metric other than success on the field to give to the top 3. That way Clemson and FSU will pretty much be guaranteed a majority share of additional money.

The other schools won‘t fight back on that. They know their options are give in on additional money OR potentially see conference implode and not having a home and likely going to AAC for what, 6 million a year??

That will buy Clemson and FSU time until SEC is ready to expand.

Question is what’s Miami play here? Either Dan and Julio (and company) are doing an amazing job being stealth with an out of nowhere defection to the B10 or… maybe some of the posters that have been fed false info and not the ”journalists”.

I know circumstances change, but getting out of ACC was always the play, right? It was a matter of exit strategy… or so we’ve believed. This is worse drama than a 5 star kid going through a recruitment, lol.

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Whats crazy about these conference realignment is i know ita good for Miami financially and recruiting, its clear. But it was also good in those ways for 8&4, Colorado, Rutgers, Nebraska, Mizzou. Yet, they have all been pretty much garbage on the field. Bar a couple decent seasons by Mizzou initially and 8&4 in covid.

OU and Texas, does anyone think they are gonna waltz into the SEC and be as good as they were in the earlier part of the century?

Even in a league like the NFL, built for parity, my Dolphins have not won a single playoff game in 25 years. Babies born and had babies since.

This conference realignment is gonna do what yall said NIL and portal would. My opinion.

Btw, forgot about Utah, who is the only expanded team that has had any type of success
Imagine flying from Cal to Miami. Or Miami having to go to Cal/Stanford for a basketball game at night.
Wait a minute. I haven’t been following this week. Was I right and the Conference Thread Hawks wrong about this lady’s viability on behalf of Stanford???


@TheOriginalCane @Ispyin
I just can't fathom a way that anyone in the ACC could think keeping the conference together as it currently stands and just adding SMU, Cal and Stanford would be beneficial for anyone in the long run. Short of adding ND to the conference for football, there is really no legitimately valuable programs left to poach. Staying in the ACC would be a death knell for us and would condemn us to nothing more than mediocrity for the rest of our time as a program. We HAVE to find a way to get this done one way or the other.
cause they are stupid and dont care what anyone else thinks (ie, they think they are smarter than anyone else)
Nope. Not at all.

It's EXACTLY what I've said all along about Washington-Oregon. If you reduce your price enough, a conference might just take you.

Doesn't make you right. Doesn't make @calinative umstudent right about Washington & Oregon.
I’m right. She was able to get Stanford in. One of you said she didn’t hold any cards and I said you don’t know what she’d holding. Apparently a reduced share of the revenue was a card in her pocket. Bottom line I was told she couldn’t do **** to get Stanford in and i said she’s a viable person, more so than Rubio - and she gets involved and now they’re in.
I’m right. She was able to get Stanford in. One of you said she didn’t hold any cards and I said you don’t know what she’d holding. Apparently a reduced share of the revenue was a card in her pocket. Bottom line I was told she couldn’t do **** to get Stanford in and i said she’s a viable person, more so than Rubio - and she gets involved and now they’re in.
She's stuffing Rad in the locker.... :cool:
So I was right.

K thx.
of course, man, because she was definitely the only person in the world who could sit there and say that Stanford would sell their soul for half price or less just to get into a conference. Definitely all her. No one else would have it pulled off If it does. Only her. You are the Maude god.
I know this is a pipe dream but if notre dame ended up being the fourth school perhaps espn steps up to the plate and reworks the deal. With the addition of the four schools this looks to be a formidable conference going forward, not an afterthought. Plenty of marquee matchups and perhaps espn decides to build in ratings kickers into a new deal. Having notre dame could really change the trajectory of the acc
of course, man, because she was definitely the only person in the world who could sit there and say that Stanford would sell their soul for half price or less just to get into a conference. Definitely all her. No one else would have it pulled off If it does. Only her. You are the Maude god.
Thanks, Spy!
I think these additions are good for Miami in the long run and here's why: the ACC is planning for the exit of at least the big 3 (Miami, FSU, Clemson).

Why would the ACC randomly add three teams? Because they know three teams are gone. While school presidents usually aren't that impressive, Jim Phillips knows what he's doing and he knows what's going on. He knows that FSU and Clemson are gone, he knows that we want out as well... But how does the inevitable happen without the complete collapse of the entire conference? You add more schools that you have zero worry about leaving.

The ACC just wants to still be a conference in 2026. This is their way to do it. I would not be surprised if there were some backroom deals with ESPN, telling the ACC. Get late night window games, that could potentially have good matchups, get into San Francisco. Get into Dallas, and keep UNC versus Duke for basketball, then ESPN will continue to pay the current rate for the current deal even without the big boys. It is still a great deal for them for over 10 years, the only negative is they still have to staff and pay for the ACC network. As long as the North Carolina schools stay together, there will still be a conference and it will still have eyeballs, at least for basketball. What the ACC does not want to happen is for everyone to leave putting them all out of jobs, and ESPN doesn't want that to happen because then they have to pay new money to now. Bigger conferences in the SEC and Big 12, and they potentially lose more to Fox/NBC if the Big 10 poaches.

I think this is part of a deal to let FSU in Clemson go to the SEC, keeping them in the ESPN universe, then let Miami go to the Big ten. Will there be a partner in Georgia tech? Maybe. I think this says North Carolina isn't leaving and they rallied the troops for a deal to keep the conference.

Just a theory.
This is actually believable
I know this is a pipe dream but if notre dame ended up being the fourth school perhaps espn steps up to the plate and reworks the deal. With the addition of the four schools this looks to be a formidable conference going forward, not an afterthought. Plenty of marquee matchups and perhaps espn decides to build in ratings kickers into a new deal. Having notre dame could really change the trajectory of the acc
It’s definitely a better group with ND. I don’t see ND joining. I hope we get out fwiw