MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I was only caring about football and Stanford is who I was talking about. They weren’t getting in, Condi got involved - I didn’t know if it was just as a fan or as an official representative of Stanford- I was told she held no cards. I said we don’t know what cards she holds. Turns out that a reduced share is a card she holds. Even if they don’t get in I’d say she got it to votes.

TOC is fine and unscathed as to whatever he’s talking about with ND. I have no clue. I just saw an opportunity to stir up his adopted thread. Lol

So you're only trolling me? KIDDING.

Just give me some props for my Hall-of-Fame post on the Ultraboost thread (post #2207).

I'm actually more surprised these cards aren't working to get them into the Big10 tbh. If they're willing to take $8M/yr till our Contract is up they definitely should be willing to until Big10 is up which is sooner. And only $20M is a good deal for Stanford and Cal combined. And its not like they'd HAVE TO get full share on new deal. I think new deal in 2030 will be unequal distribution between football/Ratings powers and the rest getting less...


People better not ignore USF. They are in the AAU now and would likely PAY the Big 10 for an invitation.
What is hilarious about this entire "negotiation" is that over on Warchant a lot of those guys believe that the addition is all part of the negotiation by the ACC to release FSU / Clemson from the conference. Visions of grandeur on steroids.
So you're only trolling me? KIDDING.

Just give me some props for my Hall-of-Fame post on the Ultraboost thread (post #2207).

Yeah, I’m trolling you. Lol. I mean I was right about Condi Rice being a very capable person and having a chance to help Stanford. I don’t know anything else but that. I just didn’t think underestimating or dismissing her is wise. She’s one of those people who’s respected and finds a way to get things done.

I didn’t see what you said in the ultraboost Nike Adidas thread. Was it about a Jumpman deal? I’ll look though I defer to Relly on all things that go on the feet.
Yeah, I’m trolling you. Lol. I mean I was right about Condi Rice being a very capable person and having a chance to help Stanford. I don’t know anything else but that. I just didn’t think underestimating or dismissing her is wise. She’s one of those people who’s respected and finds a way to get things done.

I didn’t see what you said in the ultraboost Nike Adidas thread. Was it about a Jumpman deal? I’ll look though I defer to Relly on all things that go on the feet.


People better not ignore USF. They are in the AAU now and would likely PAY the Big 10 for an invitation.
@Cane & Able Athletic+Ivy idea makes sense. Though I think some schools are wrong. Cal, Illinois, Northwestern, Duke, Vandy, etc. Basically any top 100 University that isn't a major Football draw but still has a good athletic program.

Then top 40-56 football programs in country split off into 4 divisions...

Any remaining like Oregon State can be in the 3rd tier of Big12 essentially.

Things would be easier/better if just football split and the rest of athletic program could remain geographic tbh.
This would be one **** of an unfortunate time for Frenk to wake up at the wheel.

I was fine with us not running around like FSU. I was not comfortable with us not being included in the staunch and public NO votes, official, straw or otherwise. There was no reason to not be part of that group unless 1) they preferred to stay in the ACC, 2) our exit options disappeared in recent months, or 3) they weren’t at least undecided, which is troubling in its own right. Occam’s razor.

To quote Abba Eban, this school never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity and until they prove otherwise deserve no benefit of the doubt.

I was about to post that no one should trust university presidents to navigate these TV waters

Pay the big 12 commish a consulting fee to opine on the transaction, otherwise I’m assuming we are getting screwed
Either Miami knows where they stand with the B10 and have a plan to move on in the next year, OR they realized they are stuck in the ACC for now and trying to make the best of it. We can think of all kinds of scenarios, but I think it is either of those 2. Let's keep in mind that those running the show do not have any type of Machiavellian plans or even the ability to play chess at that level.
I do wonder if Miami thinks, or has been told by other schools in another conference, that it's in their best long term interest to allow these teams to join.