MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

i didnt say i never watched suits. i just said it was ridiculous. the first few seasons were good. fell off after that imo. mike was pretty whiny as a character. rachel was fine. louis was probably my second favorite of the main lawyers by the end.
Actually the development of Mike as the seasons went on was one of the focal points. Season 7 was particularly interesting in that he morphed from the early fraud into an attorney that people, even Rachel's dad respected for his convictions of helping people.
Actually the development of Mike as the seasons went on was one of the focal points. Season 7 was particularly interesting in that he morphed from the early fraud into an attorney that people, even Rachel's dad respected for his convictions of helping people.
you found it interesting, I found it whiny. either way, the show is still funding Gabriel machts post suits life in distribution
what if I told you not all lawyers work at firms but actually work for companies and dont need to keep track of hours (companies see lawyers as a need but an expense whereas they are the revenue drivers for a firm since the service is law).
Again, if you're responding to that comment, and you actually have a job, you're wasting valuable time with nonsense comments on a sports message board at 10:50 am when you should be working ... earning your salary.
Again, if you're responding to that comment, and you actually have a job, you're wasting valuable time with nonsense comments on a sports message board at 10:50 am when you should be working ... earning your salary.
and you are doing the exact same thing? so maybe were both not earning our salaries. maybe we both let it go that we can have differing opinion on a fictional tv show since you are you and I am me and get back to earning our salaries.
I’m curious as to what will fundamentally change between now and next month or next year? Will FSU/Clemson raise the money? Will they decide to fight a legal battle against the GOR? Will the big ten or sec deal be lucrative enough to make them willing to pay the fees? An article just reiterating that they really want to leave doesn’t show me which of those options are likely to happen.
SEC told them to wait!
and you are doing the exact same thing? so maybe were both not earning our salaries. maybe we both let it go that we can have differing opinion on a fictional tv show since you are you and I am me and get back to earning our salaries.
All in fun ... I am sure Gabriel Macht had a lot of fun making that series ... his real life wife appeared in a couple of early episodes and his real life father played the Professor Gerard character (ethics prof from Harvard). Banked enough to not have to work again period if he so chooses. And I am retired ... and spend some time on a couple of sports boards for entertainment.
I appreciate the longer post. It gives me something to do at work where I can make a face like I'm reading something important. But I couldn't help notice few examples given. Just blanket attacks of negativity. I think every time someone disagrees with me I've acknowledged their points, conceded where necessary, or agreed to disagree.

You generally just call people negative and say ban them. Any contrary view point is bad. You don't debate in the forum the merits of the argument you provoke. I believe that is the definition of a troll.

Like I said, it gives me something to do at work so I'll keep it going.


Let me understand. You whined about all of these completely cruel and baseless observations about your mopery and negativity, and then you called me a "****". Nice.

Then, you whined about how misunderstood you are, and how positive you are about UM when nobody notices, and then you invent some myth about how I said "ban them" (which I didn't say).

Look, you're dizzy. You're confused. I realize that your toxic negativity has welled up inside you, but it seems to be causing dementia.

First, let me correct your misplacement of words.

I don't issue "blanket attacks of negativity", but I do take issue with "attacks of blanket negativity". There is a difference. You fall into the latter.

Second, this is not about "agree" or "disagree" or "concede" or "agree to disagree". You are now trying to gin up a comment that I made, namely that nobody should be surprised by your mopery and negativity, and turn it into a referendum on whether you are being "attacked" for "disagreeing" and/or "honesty".

Plenty of people make good points, pro and con, there is no shortage of actual debate. But that is different from you using every post to issue the most negative take on any subject. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, that's not at issue. But lots of people are snowflakes, and think that every bad opinion that they belch forth should be entitled to some kind of gentle acceptance and warm hug, with zero criticism or critique. Don't get mad or hurt, just because you tend to traffic in uninformed hot takes that are uniformly negative. It's your brand.

You're just being nutty to TRY to claim that I "don't debate in the forum the merits of the argument I provoke". I think nearly anyone on this board will tell you that I debate. It's about all I do. That's MY brand.

But feel free to keep making gas faces at work.

My sister-in-law, who is a nurse, does the same thing with medical TV shows. She makes fun of us because we like shows like The Good Doctor and The Resident. Like, we know it's not's for entertainment purposes. I've never understood why people can't separate the two.
That’s me on this thread listening to people pontificate on media rights contracts, streaming, and public optics statements/pr spin to avoid being sued
you found it interesting, I found it whiny. either way, the show is still funding Gabriel machts post suits life in distribution

Yeah, only because he got a co-producer credit starting in Season 3. If he had to rely on the streaming residuals...well, that's why everyone is on strike...

Before Suits, his career was lukewarm at best.
It is a freaking FICTIONAL TV SHOW developed around the premise of a young kid with almost supernatural powers of memory and comprehension ... and the premise is about as realistic as Superman. It is for entertainment purposes only. My God. Next thing you will say that Sant Claus isn't real.

Whoa! I’ve seen a lot of mope **** on this board , but now we are crushing Suits and Santa Claus….

Sad times…
C'mon now. Just saying the GoR is "enforceable" certainly was not the posture of the contingent around here that were/are worshipping daily at the altar of its insurmountable ironclad strength.

The GoR Love Cult taking a victory lap because something didn't happen EARLIER than most people initially anticipated/predicted because FSU artificially moved the goalposts by having a public seizure while defecating themselves isn't any legitimate marker in this debate.

I wasn’t speaking about the contingency. I was speaking about one particular poster. And I went back and read through each of his post from May to now.
From today:

"A source described Florida State and Clemson as 'very connected,' albeit approaching their conference affiliation with very different PR strategies. Where the two football-centric schools could land if they left the ACC remains an unanswered, nine-figure question."

Does this mean UM-Clemson and/or UM-FSU are no longer things like many speculated last fall?

Does it indicate we're headed one direction (B1G) and those two another (SEC)?
All in fun ... I am sure Gabriel Macht had a lot of fun making that series ... his real life wife appeared in a couple of early episodes and his real life father played the Professor Gerard character (ethics prof from Harvard). Banked enough to not have to work again period if he so chooses. And I am retired ... and spend some time on a couple of sports boards for entertainment.
Nice. Congrats on your retirement! And yes machts wife was the one girl who went to take care of her sisters kids earlier in the series.
One other bit from the SI article":

"Is it possible that this is all brinksmanship designed to create the most advantageous revenue sharing plan possible, as soon as possible? Maybe. But discussions with half a dozen league sources revealed significant irritation with Florida State for exacerbating an aura of ACC instability. Some league reps say they would just as soon see FSU leave, freeing up potentially hundreds of millions in forfeited revenue and exit fees that would be distributed to remaining league members."

Blow the ACC up, sooner the better

semenholes Exit Watch Continues Despite ACC’s 2024 Deadline Passing