MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Not ACC-related, but reading online, FWIW, the PAC4 and the AAC are rumored to be considering a move.

American will dissolve to pay NO exit fees, and 11 AAC teams will receive invites to the PAC. UNT, UAB, UTSA, Rice and FAU will receive lower shares to pay for SDSU, CSU & Boise for a 2025 start.

Everyone here agrees that the ACC sucks, and that teams want to get out.

The question is how do teams that want to leave overcome the hurdle of the grant of rights agreement that seems ironclad? Maybe in the end it isn't and some deal is reached, but no one seems to have a decisive plan on how that's going to work.

If FSU really had a super cereal plan, that would have just left without all the drama. It's all smoke, really.
We need the votes to dissolve the conference. People make decisions based on fear and envy. We just need enough to fear going the way of the PAC teams and envy those going to better conferences.

There is not a chance in the world that all these teams are willing to be underpaid for the next 13 years.
You are a garbage porster who has been banned previously. You haven't learned your lesson.

Congratulations on your new log-in name and your 19 posts prior to being banned once again. It's inevitable. You can't help yourself.
Did you not learn your lesson with the Travis Rudolph case? There were non-lawyers in the thread who thought he would get off. Yes, their reasoning wasn't grounded in legal sense, but you told them, and I quote, " Yeah, that's not happening." Then there were some lawyers (or maybe it was just me) who explained that with the facts presented in that case, it wouldn't be that surprising at all for a jury to let him off. You mostly disregarded it, acting as if your legal opinion trumps all others, and told me to, "just be honest." Well, what happened? Your, "yeah, that's not happening" turned out to be flat-out wrong.

You even pulled out this card in that thread, "Look, between the two of us, which of us went to law school?" Which is so cringe. I hope you don't say that at bars. I'm sorry man, but you (we) are not special because you went to law school. You walk around here like you are Justice Brandeis. I know for whatever reason you take pride in being the CIS lawyer, but your legal opinion isn't worth any more than other random lawyers on here. You are not on SCOTUS. You have 37K posts and counting on CIS. I know you like to show off your legal prowess on CIS, but other lawyers in here see right through you.

And being a garbage poster and getting banned on here previously or in the future is the least of my worries. In the last 4-5 years, I don't think I've made one comment on this site that has anything to do with actual football or recruiting. I'm just a Miami fan who likes to lurk and occasionally comments on legal issues.
Not ACC-related, but reading online, FWIW, the PAC4 and the AAC are rumored to be considering a move.

American will dissolve to pay NO exit fees, and 11 AAC teams will receive invites to the PAC. UNT, UAB, UTSA, Rice and FAU will receive lower shares to pay for SDSU, CSU & Boise for a 2025 start.

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Those five schools would be dumb to make that deal! And AAC would be willing to dissolve again?
Did you not learn your lesson with the Travis Rudolph case? There were non-lawyers in the thread who thought he would get off. Yes, their reasoning wasn't grounded in legal sense, but you told them, and I quote, " Yeah, that's not happening." Then there were some lawyers (or maybe it was just me) who explained that with the facts presented in that case, it wouldn't be that surprising at all for a jury to let him off. You mostly disregarded it, acting as if your legal opinion trumps all others, and told me to, "just be honest." Well, what happened? Your, "yeah, that's not happening" turned out to be flat-out wrong.

You even pulled out this card in that thread, "Look, between the two of us, which of us went to law school?" Which is so cringe. I hope you don't say that at bars. I'm sorry man, but you (we) are not special because you went to law school. You walk around here like you are Justice Brandeis. I know for whatever reason you take pride in being the CIS lawyer, but your legal opinion isn't worth any more than other random lawyers on here. You are not on SCOTUS. You have 37K posts and counting on CIS. I know you like to show off your legal prowess on CIS, but other lawyers in here see right through you.

And being a garbage poster and getting banned on here previously or in the future is the least of my worries. In the last 4-5 years, I don't think I've made one comment on this site that has anything to do with actual football or recruiting. I'm just a Miami fan who likes to lurk and occasionally comments on legal issues.

So you're going to try again, and you'll be banned again, because you know nothing and you cannot control your worst instincts.

Continue to selectively quote me, and see how that goes.

I always ALWAYS provide for jury nullification. Always. You never underestimate the stupidity of juries. It worked for OJ Simpson and Robert Blake, and it worked for Travis Rudolph.

As I correctly and accurately pointed out, stand-your-ground was not allowed as an affirmative defense. But you're still mad about me pointing out that fact.

I realize you aren't very smart and you conflate different issues. That's fine, that's your brand. And I know you are going to go out and create new screen names to fight old issues. You are pathetic and sad.

At least you can admit that you are back under an alternate name. You want to chase me around and make misleading posts with selective hotlinks, that's up to you. But you're a dishonest person. Because you **** well know that I always say that jury nullification is possible. The combination of jury ignorance and being starstruck over a former third-rate celebrity is a well-known combination. Doesn't take Justice Brandeis to recognize that.
Did you not learn your lesson with the Travis Rudolph case? There were non-lawyers in the thread who thought he would get off. Yes, their reasoning wasn't grounded in legal sense, but you told them, and I quote, " Yeah, that's not happening." Then there were some lawyers (or maybe it was just me) who explained that with the facts presented in that case, it wouldn't be that surprising at all for a jury to let him off. You mostly disregarded it, acting as if your legal opinion trumps all others, and told me to, "just be honest." Well, what happened? Your, "yeah, that's not happening" turned out to be flat-out wrong.

You even pulled out this card in that thread, "Look, between the two of us, which of us went to law school?" Which is so cringe. I hope you don't say that at bars. I'm sorry man, but you (we) are not special because you went to law school. You walk around here like you are Justice Brandeis. I know for whatever reason you take pride in being the CIS lawyer, but your legal opinion isn't worth any more than other random lawyers on here. You are not on SCOTUS. You have 37K posts and counting on CIS. I know you like to show off your legal prowess on CIS, but other lawyers in here see right through you.

And being a garbage poster and getting banned on here previously or in the future is the least of my worries. In the last 4-5 years, I don't think I've made one comment on this site that has anything to do with actual football or recruiting. I'm just a Miami fan who likes to lurk and occasionally comments on legal issues.
Your link in this discussion points to a post by @supacane.

Who Are You Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Not ACC-related, but reading online, FWIW, the PAC4 and the AAC are rumored to be considering a move.

American will dissolve to pay NO exit fees, and 11 AAC teams will receive invites to the PAC. UNT, UAB, UTSA, Rice and FAU will receive lower shares to pay for SDSU, CSU & Boise for a 2025 start.

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Sorry to interrupt the back and forth mudslinging, but that is a terrible conference.
No kidding? You mean a top NYC law firm would never actually hire and promote an attorney that never attended law school?
court not law firm. you can hire whoever you want to play attorney at a firm. it just exposes the firm. in court, it would never work.
You are strawhatting his argument a bit. If you read through his comments, he never says, “nothing will happen until 2036.” Seems to me his point has always been that the GOR is enforceable (while other have argued it’s not) and if teams want to leave the ACC then they’ll have to pay up, and as of now, that doesn’t make financial sense for any of the ACC teams. He says it could eventually make financial sense but probably not anytime soon.
C'mon now. Just saying the GoR is "enforceable" certainly was not the posture of the contingent around here that were/are worshipping daily at the altar of its insurmountable ironclad strength.

The GoR Love Cult taking a victory lap because something didn't happen EARLIER than most people initially anticipated/predicted because FSU artificially moved the goalposts by having a public seizure while defecating themselves isn't any legitimate marker in this debate.