MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Meanwhile, because nothing happened, even though it likely will before 2026, the naysayers are taking victory laps?

Yes, because certain people take things way too seriously. So I will claim a premature victory and enjoy the ensuing fireworks.

those who can't drama GIF by truTV
It is a bit different when he says "nothing will happen until 2036," as he did say.
You are strawhatting his argument a bit. If you read through his comments, he never says, “nothing will happen until 2036.” Seems to me his point has always been that the GOR is enforceable (while other have argued it’s not) and if teams want to leave the ACC then they’ll have to pay up, and as of now, that doesn’t make financial sense for any of the ACC teams. He says it could eventually make financial sense but probably not anytime soon.
Let’s negative recruit FSU with “I heard they want to pay the GOR go bankrupt while being an independent school! Good luck with that!”
Agreed RVA, a tip of the cap to the 2023 re-alignment thread winners, @NorthernVirginiaCane for correctly calling Miami/FSU and crew to remain in the ACC, and @calinative umstudent for getting Oregon and Washington to the B1G.
NVACane isn't a thread winner. Announcing we were leaving this year was ALWAYS a stretch prayer. **** if we are being honest even though next year seems more likely than not, even that I would consider ahead of schedule - which I think the vast majority of people had pegged as 2026 being the year.

I’m curious as to what will fundamentally change between now and next month or next year? Will FSU/Clemson raise the money? Will they decide to fight a legal battle against the GOR? Will the big ten or sec deal be lucrative enough to make them willing to pay the fees? An article just reiterating that they really want to leave doesn’t show me which of those options are likely to happen.
NVACane isn't a thread winner. Announcing we were leaving this year was ALWAYS a stretch prayer. **** if we are being honest even though next year seems more likely than not, even that I would consider ahead of schedule - which I think the vast majority of people had pegged as 2026 being the year.
I haven’t been following this as closely as many of you. What’s happening next year to make this more likely than not?
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As a lawyer it is funny seeing all the hate @NorthernVirginiaCane received even though all he was doing is giving his legal opinion. 580 page thread and we and everyone else is still in the ACC for the foreseeable future.

Just shut up. He predicted we would be in the ACC until the mid-2030s. That's the position he now owns.

"Legal opinion". He hasn't even read any of the documents.
Ever-widening revenue gap?

SEC might be willing to take 2 for 2025?

ACC might get 8 teams together to dissolve the conference?

It's a 600-page thread. Keep up...

No need to tell people to shut up. You resorting to that just makes you sound like a sore loser. I think everyone wants the same thing which is Miami leaving the ACC. It’s sad to see you get so butthurt over people having a different legal opinion than you. The position you have owned is that, “the GOR is trash.” Well if it was trash, FSU would have already left and so would have Clemson and Miami. So clearly the position you “own” has been proven wrong and you seem to not be handling it well. Don’t worry, you can still keep being the CIS attorney if that makes you feel smart or whatever. With all that being said I hope you’re right and the ACC is dissolved sooner rather than later. Now I’ll shut up.
I haven’t been following this as closely as many of you. What’s happening next year to make this more likely than not?
Too many schools are dissatisfied, and once the first team makes their move, it could/will avalanche from there. Then you add that FOX WANTs this **** to happen asap. ESPN/SEC don't look like they want anything to change in the South East, but once that first school leaves they'll be forced to respond. They can either let the Big10 steal 4 of the top 15 programs in CFB over the last 40 years (Miami, FSU, Clemson, ND... and VTech at 20) - who all get major ratings - or they can take action. The only thing keeping us here currently is the GOR. That is very likely to get challenged sooner than later. But the easier option is just dissolving the conference.

Dissolving Conference takes 8 votes.
100% voting in favor = FSU, Clemson, Miami.
>85% chance will vote in favor (because basically they are guaranteed to gain from it) = UNC and ND
Not going to vote for dissolution = Duke, Wake, Boston College.
The rest of the schools all range from automatic guaranteed yes votes if they have at least a partial P2 invite, to likely yes votes if they at least have B12 invite. only need 3 more votes since FSU, Clemson, Miami, UNC, and ND will be on board.
- VTech - I'd say they are definitely going to get a P2 invite (could be either Big10 or SEC - I'd lean Big10). Not full share.
- UVA - I'd say they are likely going to get a P2 invite (could be either, but I'd say SEC much more likely). Again not full share.
- GTech - Could go either way whether they'll get P2 invite at partial share. I think Big10 is much more likely.
- Louisville - They could be a real sleeper at getting an SEC invite. They get surprisingly good ratings. At worst they are guaranteed a B12 invite - possibly the top B12 target.
- NCSt - They could also get SEC invite, but I'd say not very likely. Rumored to have been vocally against further expansion. Again I think at worst they are getting a B12 invite.
- Syracuse - No chance at B10 or SEC invite. Definitely can see them getting B12 invite. Good market and B12 looks to be going all in for Basketball.

Basically I'd say look for Big10 to expand to 24, B12 to expand to 20, and SEC to either 18 or 20. So that's those 3 conference adding 10+ ACC programs practically guaranteed.
No need to tell people to shut up. You resorting to that just makes you sound like a sore loser. I think everyone wants the same thing which is Miami leaving the ACC. It’s sad to see you get so butthurt over people having a different legal opinion than you. The position you have owned is that, “the GOR is trash.” Well if it was trash, FSU would have already left and so would have Clemson and Miami. So clearly the position you “own” has been proven wrong and you seem to not be handling it well. Don’t worry, you can still keep being the CIS attorney if that makes you feel smart or whatever. With all that being said I hope you’re right and the ACC is dissolved sooner rather than later. Now I’ll shut up.

You are a garbage porster who has been banned previously. You haven't learned your lesson.

Congratulations on your new log-in name and your 19 posts prior to being banned once again. It's inevitable. You can't help yourself.