MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Allegedly he used to work for B1G schools so he could have inside info

Following him, Swaim and Flugar been very interesting..
He might have inside info, but I think in this case most of his recent info is coming from FSU. His posts seem to be very FSU centric as opposed to h”coming from major sources inside Clemson or the Big Ten.
Im Not No Way GIF

Don't give those clowns any credit, Cane Brotha

FSU's own president said back in June his school is at least five years away (iirc, he said they didn't have the right kind of medical research or something along those lines)

Multiply that time frame for AAU admission by (at least) three once they join the SEC 😃
Didn't they say FSU might get in next time?

Ya know what, **** FSU and Clemson, let them be Uga's ***** in the SEC.
So no one in the ACC is attractive, huh?

hes speaking of teams that can move and have their GOR either in tact or is expiring soon. as of now, the ACC GOR expires in 2036 (until someone successfully gets out of the GOR).

there is no exit fee for the pac 12 teams and no GOR

ND adn UCONN are independent for football

AAC teams are willing forgo distribution to get into a conference
sure. maybe the canes can get out of the ACC at some point in time maybe and maybe itll cost 100+ or maybe itll cost more.

that better?
Dude, we come here to read about the Canes and potential expansion, nit Suits, or any number of those ridiculous medical dramas
FSU, Clemson, NC, and NC St voted against ACC expansion.
Miami and ND voted for adding the remaining Pac12 members.

I suspect the pairs are FSU/Clem, NC/NC St, and Miami/ND.

Adelson reported that FSU was never in serious talks with the B1G. B1G really wants ND who happened to vote for ACC expansion. That leads me to believe that behind the scenes, Rad probably paired up with ND. A Miami/ND pairing for the B1G makes much more sense than FSU/Clem. Now that Aug 15 has passed with no action, the biggest dummies in the room look like the FSU pres and AD while everyone else sat back allowing them to make a public tantrum.
But again there actually was no vote so that exercise really didn't shed ANY light on where programs stand on getting out of the ACC or expanding it.
Allegedly he used to work for B1G schools so he could have inside info

Following him, Swaim and Flugar been very interesting..
Apparently worked at two B10 universities and has personal contacts with top level administrators at quite a few B10 schools. Quite a few well connected people are following him at a variety of universities and seems to have legit insight into the realignment landscape from the eyes of B10 execs.
But again there actually was no vote so that exercise really didn't shed ANY light on where programs stand on getting out of the ACC or expanding it.

Very true, but they did take a straw vote and it was probably pretty indecisive leading to a no vote.
Apparently worked at two B10 universities and has personal contacts with top level administrators at quite a few B10 schools. Quite a few well connected people are following him at a variety of universities and seems to have legit insight into the realignment landscape from the eyes of B10 execs.
That may be all true, but he is stupidly getting his F$U info from Genie the Weenie. The only thing Genie knows for sure is the bust size of the topless teenage male recruit pictures that he collects.
Dude, we come here to read about the Canes and potential expansion, nit Suits, or any number of those ridiculous medical dramas
i transitioned back to UM. nothing happened and no expansion for at least 1-2 years. calm down or put me on ignore.
More straw poll statistics from Andrea "The Gator" Adelson:

'What was certain was there were votes in favor of expansion (Notre Dame, Wake Forest, Louisville, Miami, Georgia Tech) and votes opposed (Clemson, Florida State, North Carolina) and swing votes in between. Another administrator thought enough of the 15 voting presidents would swing to yes and get the required 12 to approve expansion. Once the call started, it became clear that would not be the case. No official vote was taken (as TOC and others pointed out). In straw polling, the fourth school opposed was NC State, according to multiple sources.

So ...

Yes: UM, Wake, Louisville, Ga Tech and the leprechauns

No: Clemson, free shoes, UNC and NC State (Nos. 17-20 for the SEC, imo, thus maintaining that conference in "contiguous" states as Sankey likes to boast)

Eunuchs: UVA, Va Tech, Pitt, BC, Duke, Syracuse

USC-UCLA, then U-Dub, Oregon ... kinda feels like we're gonna enter in tandem with Notre Dame.

That would be one helluva media splash for the B1G and its new commissioner

Andrea Adelson doesn't "know" **** for certain. All she does is LIST Miami's name, she never even reports on anything that "Miami" said or any position that "Miami" advocated.

"What was certain was there were votes in favor of expansion..." A vote was not taken. Miami does not support expansion as a means of saving, or trying to save, the ACC, unless the GOR is terminated and all schools allowed to consider leaving the conference without a GOR "penalty".

I'd like to see all of the non-Adelson reporting which states that Miami voted in favor of Stanford-Cal. I'll wait.

What HAS been stated, on more than one occasion, is that there are schools that have had differences of opinion between the university president and the AD, at least in expressions of the position of the university that they both represent. I do not know if this is the case with Frenk, but given the extent to which he had to delegate TRUE decision-making to Joe and Rudy, I could envision a scenario on a conference call where doddering Frenk would be confused enough to NOT fully comprehend how a sentence such as "I like Stanford and Cal" can be misconstrued and/or run counter to the official legal position that guys like Dan and Joe and Rudy understand.

As the great Milton Berle was once told before a ****-measuring contest, "Only pull out enough to win, Uncle Miltie." It will be funny to watch everyone try to lobby NC State to change its vote, only to fall short again.

And it's funny to watch certain "journalists" act like Stanford-Cal are "only one vote away from ACC membership", while the sportswriters who seem to know the most say that there are "significant barriers" and have expressed pessimism in Stanford-Cal ever being invited to join the ACC.

It was a 3-day ACC meeting. It adjourned without taking a vote. If there was any sort of chance here, you would think that the meeting would have gone on for as long as it would take to convince the "one holdout" needed to flip the vote.

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Let me understand. You whined about all of these completely cruel and baseless observations about your mopery and negativity, and then you called me a "****". Nice.

Then, you whined about how misunderstood you are, and how positive you are about UM when nobody notices, and then you invent some myth about how I said "ban them" (which I didn't say).

Look, you're dizzy. You're confused. I realize that your toxic negativity has welled up inside you, but it seems to be causing dementia.

First, let me correct your misplacement of words.

I don't issue "blanket attacks of negativity", but I do take issue with "attacks of blanket negativity". There is a difference. You fall into the latter.

Second, this is not about "agree" or "disagree" or "concede" or "agree to disagree". You are now trying to gin up a comment that I made, namely that nobody should be surprised by your mopery and negativity, and turn it into a referendum on whether you are being "attacked" for "disagreeing" and/or "honesty".

Plenty of people make good points, pro and con, there is no shortage of actual debate. But that is different from you using every post to issue the most negative take on any subject. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, that's not at issue. But lots of people are snowflakes, and think that every bad opinion that they belch forth should be entitled to some kind of gentle acceptance and warm hug, with zero criticism or critique. Don't get mad or hurt, just because you tend to traffic in uninformed hot takes that are uniformly negative. It's your brand.

You're just being nutty to TRY to claim that I "don't debate in the forum the merits of the argument I provoke". I think nearly anyone on this board will tell you that I debate. It's about all I do. That's MY brand.

But feel free to keep making gas faces at work.

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Could you provide some examples?
You can’t be proved wrong until we get out the way they talked about. I assume we can buy our way out though.

That said, I’m not sure why you think the schools can’t dissolve the ACC if they have a requisite number of schools, whatever that number is. If it’s 8 it’s certainly possible.
Well, I really doubt it's a simple majority. That's not how these associations work. It's a super majority to amend and I think likely that to dissolve. Never seen any good reporting either way.

And I don't see any ACC schools voting to dissolve unless they have an ironclad invite from the SEC or Big Ten, and 11 invites seems unlikely. We will see.

No ACC school is leaving for the Big 12. The ACC money is 33% higher now. It would be about the same if FSU/Clemson leave but then you add $240 mm in exit fees to split 12 ways. Plus academics matter to the ACC presidents and they aren't going there. The ACC minus fsu/Clemson is still better than the big 12.

My guess is instead Stanford and Cal end up in the ACC soon. espn wants the ACC to survive and needs late night programming now that the Pac is dead, Stanford can afford a partial share and this can be done in a way to begin the movement towards inequal distributions. This is just my speculation, but it's too good of a school and too good of a market to not happen. 7 of the top academic 30 schools matter to the ACC presidents more than anything else.

So yeah, I think most of you have wasted the summer getting excited over something that had a zero percent chance of happening.