MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


Your move FSU.

Its been reported multiple times no vote happened, especially not last night. Unless this guy is breaking news, this is just emblematic of the sloppy and imprecise reporting around all of this realignment news. I cant wait for 8/15 to arrive, so we can see where the chips fall and get on to actual football
Not having a vote Is not the same as not counting the votes. They did. They didn’t have enough so they saved a more public optics play and embarrass Stanford and Cal for no reason.

I know and understand @TheOriginalCane ‘s take that no vote happened so maybe Miami is playing coy and thus this being counted as “not a no(but maybe not a yes)” thing but if I’m being honest Miami is at best a player of 4d chess but never 8d. In the old days checkers only. Giving Rad the benefit of being Kasparov here despite signing off on the original suicide pact while at Clemson. We shall see.
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Not having a vote Is not the same as not counting the votes. They did. They didn’t have enough do they saved a more public optics play.

I know and understand @TheOriginalCane ‘s take that no vote happened so maybe Miami is playing coy and thus this being counted as “not a no(but maybe not a yes)” thing but if I’m being honest Miami is at best a player of 4d chess but never 8d. In the old days checkers only. Giving Rad the benefit of being Kasparov here despite signing off on the original suicide pact while at Clemson. We shall see.

What level of chess was hiring JD Arteaga after getting a free pass early retirement?
What level of chess was hiring JD Arteaga after getting a free pass early retirement?
no chess

drunk tic tac toe

he also raised Money for a 9 figure football facility. It’s disingenuous for this board to only quote the ****** baseball hire and not getting the other big thing off the ground.
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no chess

drunk tic tac toe

he also raised Money for a seven figure football facility. It’s disingenuous for this board to only quote the ****** baseball hire and not getting the other big thing off the ground.

That’s fair and I’m 100 behind the concept of keeping legit score of the wins and losses and asking questions…
The fact that Im agreeing with Andrea Adelson is throwing a real wrench in my day

A live look at Ol' Andrea today....

So you think DanRad built a super double top s[BGCOLOR=initial]ecret escape clause into the Grant of Rights that he personally endorsed and signed in 2015, which was specifically intended to keep any ACC team from leaving until 2036? That's some 4th dimensional chess he's been playing.[/BGCOLOR]

The GOR escape clause is straight forward… at least six ACC schools need force their way out and challenge the GOR and it is no longer legally binding.

DanRad has already reportedly aligned UM with the schools trying to escape.