MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It's not all about money and investment ... if it were SMU would buy it's way into the Big 10 or SEC. Their boosters have more money (actual money) than Ruiz ever dreamed of having. In a matter of 24 hours a group of SMU boosters committed 200 million dollars ... so SMU's offer to the ACC was "we will play for 4 years and take NO media distribution". A couple of SMU boosters said "heck, we would play for free forever just to get out of where we are". Firmly believe UM ends up .... eventually .... in the B10 but it might take a couple of years.

And the question will be is it too little too late… again…
Not having a vote Is not the same as not counting the votes. They did. They didn’t have enough so they saved a more public optics play and embarrass Stanford and Cal for no reason.

I know and understand @TheOriginalCane ‘s take that no vote happened so maybe Miami is playing coy and thus this being counted as “not a no(but maybe not a yes)” thing but if I’m being honest Miami is at best a player of 4d chess but never 8d. In the old days checkers only. Giving Rad the benefit of being Kasparov here despite signing off on the original suicide pact while at Clemson. We shall see.

Look, I ain't tryin' to argue with anyone. One of the guys who reported that a vote was taken has already pulled his tweet.

The point that I'm making is that it is irresponsible to report that "these X schools are 'no' votes" when a vote was not actually taken. And it is even worse for fans to start drawing conclusions based on those incorrect reports.

The one thing that I do know is that Miami has CONSISTENTLY tried to portray a calm "we didn't start this ****" approach, which should be helpful to our cause when the legal bullets start to fly.

There are valid reasons for Miami not to appear extreme and reactionary in all of this. I understand some posters want Radakovich to go "scorched earth", but it's not going to happen.
The Titan submersible had one too...

You crushed that one.......
Asking Comedy Central GIF by Lights Out with David Spade
You’re assuming he thinks staying in the ACC will kill the program. The guy was cheering on the GOR deal a couple of years ago.
Why are we blasting Rad and 14 other AD’s who signed the ACC/GOR deal several years ago? I don’t think any of them (or anyone else) could foresee what’s happening right now with realignment. Nobody was really talking about it until Texas and Oklahoma announced they were joining the SEC in 2021. While it wasn’t the greatest decision at the time, I’m sure everyone who’s part of it regrets the **** out of it now. The fact they signed or agreed to it years ago has nothing to do with their current feelings.
Agreed. But we were lucky to be in the game at the end.
Disagree, the powers that be decided they did not want us to win. Terry Porter made sure of that. If I had the stomach to watch that game over again I am sure I would see other questionable calls that went the other way.
Why are we blasting Rad and 14 other AD’s who signed the ACC/GOR deal several years ago? I don’t think any of them (or anyone else) could foresee what’s happening right now with realignment. Nobody was really talking about it until Texas and Oklahoma announced they were joining the SEC in 2021. While it wasn’t the greatest decision at the time, I’m sure everyone who’s part of it regrets the **** out of it now. The fact they signed or agreed to it years ago has nothing to do with their current feelings.
They should've used the beyond unacceptable delay of the launch of the ACC Network by eSECpn (which essentially gave the B1G and SEC a massive headstart and allowed them to realllllly separate themselves financially) for some sort of leverage or weakening of the length of GoR. They could've done this as it became moar and moar apparent that basketball (even as we idiotically allowed the hoops schools to run the conference) wasn't nearly as valuable in this new landscape and that the additions that were made to the conference via expansion (sadly, like us) weren't nearly as successful football-wise as hoped and needed.
They should've used the beyond unacceptable delay of the launch of the ACC Network by eSECpn (which essentially gave the B1G and SEC a massive headstart and allowed them to realllllly separate themselves financially) for some sort of leverage or weakening of the length of GoR. They could've done this as it became moar and moar apparent that basketball wasn't nearly as valuable in this new landscape and that the additions that were made to the conference via expansion (sadly, like us) weren't nearly as successful football-wise as hoped.
Yes ... agreement reached in 2016 and ACCN not launched until 2019. The landscape was already different.
It's not all about money and investment ... if it were SMU would buy it's way into the Big 10 or SEC. Their boosters have more money (actual money) than Ruiz ever dreamed of having. In a matter of 24 hours a group of SMU boosters committed 200 million dollars ... so SMU's offer to the ACC was "we will play for 4 years and take NO media distribution". A couple of SMU boosters said "heck, we would play for free forever just to get out of where we are". Firmly believe UM ends up .... eventually .... in the B10 but it might take a couple of years.

I’m probably weird but that makes me want to take them. Gotta respect that commitment by them, someone who is willing to go to those lengths just needs an opportunity and they will have a lot of success
I’m probably weird but that makes me want to take them. Gotta respect that commitment by them, someone who is willing to go to those lengths just needs an opportunity and they will have a lot of success
Given the opportunity they will be the biggest "bag dropping" program in NCAA history ... again. They will attempt to buy every 5 star recruit every year and nobody will be able to match their oil money. There is a reason they were given the death penalty in 1987.
Given the opportunity they will be the biggest "bag dropping" program in NCAA history ... again. They will attempt to buy every 5 star recruit every year and nobody will be able to match their oil money. There is a reason they were given the death penalty in 1987.

And I would be all for it. Anything that upsets the apple cart. Steal some 5*’s from Ohio State and Alabama
Longshot/Hail Mary scenario - ND saves ACC by joining along with Stan-Berkeley?
( I don’t get the SMU thing)

Also, sandwiches don’t kill people
SMU is basically trying to buy their way into a P5 conference. Their deep pocket boosters are willing to replace the money they would not be getting from the ACC but offering to not take anything while allowing the ACC to get into Texas and the Dallas-Metro area.