MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The GOR escape clause is straight forward… at least six ACC schools need force their way out and challenge the GOR and it is no longer legally binding.

DanRad has already reportedly aligned UM with the schools trying to escape.
???? Where did you come up with this? "GOR Escape Clause"??? It is not contained in the GOR Document. Are you referring to the fact that 8 schools must vote to dissolve the ACC conference? Different matter.
The GOR escape clause is straight forward… at least six ACC schools need force their way out and challenge the GOR and it is no longer legally binding.

DanRad has already reportedly aligned UM with the schools trying to escape.
It was written on the back. You need lemon juice, a blacklight, and Nic Cage to find it
excited diane kruger GIF
The GOR escape clause is straight forward… at least six ACC schools need force their way out and challenge the GOR and it is no longer legally binding.

DanRad has already reportedly aligned UM with the schools trying to escape.
I am no Lawyer. All everyone can say is we hope the f_ck you are right and we get the f_ck out out of here and into the B1G. SEC folks STFU because we wil never be invited into that conference..
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Yeah build a football facility and kill the program? Gtfoh
It's not all about money and investment ... if it were SMU would buy it's way into the Big 10 or SEC. Their boosters have more money (actual money) than Ruiz ever dreamed of having. In a matter of 24 hours a group of SMU boosters committed 200 million dollars ... so SMU's offer to the ACC was "we will play for 4 years and take NO media distribution". A couple of SMU boosters said "heck, we would play for free forever just to get out of where we are". Firmly believe UM ends up .... eventually .... in the B10 but it might take a couple of years.