MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I think the odds are very high, because there is a REASON.

But that's not the point I was making. What I was saying is...if you are sitting in a room (virtual or actual)...and you see there are already enough "No" votes...why even bother to vote "No" when it isn't necessary?

The reason why certain schools won't change to a "Yes" vote is because there is no "sweetens the pot", on its face (unless the sweetener is "no mor GOR").

There is zero reason...and I mean ZERO be concerned with whether Julio Frenk had a Diane Feinstein moment and voted to allow Stanford and Cal into the ACC. It never happened. There was no vote.

For the record, I'm not concerned (as well) about Frenk's vote unless it moved ACC expansion forward.

Which it won't
we talkin sammiches!!!!

miami is on the verge of being a member of the yankee conference and we talking sammiches!!!!!
why Elvis died from a peanut butter and banana sandwich....that and a handful of opioids....
She died of heart failure.

“Regarding the ham sandwich – I was the reporter who broke that story,” Cameron claimed to Fox News Digital. “I walked in after lunch and people in the newsroom told me she died. I was in a state of shock but stopped them from writing the obit. I called Cass’ apartment in London, and her manager, Allan Carr, was sobbing as he answered the phone. I was crying, too.”

“I asked what happened,” Cameron shared. “He said, ‘I need a favor and, since you’re Cass’ friend, you’ll do it. I’m looking at a half-eaten ham sandwich on her nightstand. Write the story that she choked on it and died. Do you hear me? Write that story now.’… I immediately wrote that story and kept my mouth shut for years about it.”

Cameron claimed that Carr wanted “to save her reputation.” It was years after Elliot’s death that more was disclosed about her substance abuse.

“The death report said she died of a heart attack,” Cameron stressed. “That’s better for history.”

She died of heart failure.

“Regarding the ham sandwich – I was the reporter who broke that story,” Cameron claimed to Fox News Digital. “I walked in after lunch and people in the newsroom told me she died. I was in a state of shock but stopped them from writing the obit. I called Cass’ apartment in London, and her manager, Allan Carr, was sobbing as he answered the phone. I was crying, too.”

“I asked what happened,” Cameron shared. “He said, ‘I need a favor and, since you’re Cass’ friend, you’ll do it. I’m looking at a half-eaten ham sandwich on her nightstand. Write the story that she choked on it and died. Do you hear me? Write that story now.’… I immediately wrote that story and kept my mouth shut for years about it.”

Cameron claimed that Carr wanted “to save her reputation.” It was years after Elliot’s death that more was disclosed about her substance abuse.

“The death report said she died of a heart attack,” Cameron stressed. “That’s better for history.”

Thanks JD!

Out of fear, I have not eaten one ham sandwich since I first "learned" of Mama Cass' unfortunate death 40-something years ago.

I may go eat five in the next 24 hours just to release some pent-up angst
Thanks JD!

Out of fear, I have not eaten one ham sandwich since I first "learned" of Mama Cass' unfortunate death 40-something years ago.

I may go eat five in the next 24 hours just to release some pent-up angst
You really can't be too careful. Hopefully ham sandwiches will lose that stigma as the silent killer one day.
It's sad that a talent like that has a false joke like that about her death.
Is it really thattttt false if you die of obesity induced fatty myocardial degeneration at age 32? At least the joke brings some laughter into the world as opposed to saying she died from "a TON of ham sandwiches".

But as always......I digress.
