MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


Flugauer said on his YT show today that the four "no votes" were FSU, UNC, Clemson and UVA.

WRT our Canes:

"Miami of Florida (midwestern hick🧑‍🌾:LOL: ) has been reported as of right now that they did vote for expansion. A lot of people are putting out their takes on that. Why, if true? If it is true, I don't think people should read too much into it ... Miami's president in an academic guy, a Harvard guy ... I heard a Florida State YouTube channel say that maybe Miami voted for expansion because they felt they didn't have a landing spot if the ACC should implode. I don't agree with that at all. I believe Miami does have a landing spot and it will be in the Big Ten. That's our strongly held opinion. We've been told that. Take that however you want it."
I would bet the vote is worse than 4 against. Might be a 5th or at least some very soft yes votes conditioned upon the status quo staying intact.

Very clear UM prefers the status quo. Also, that would change if FSU makes a move.
I’m not saying titles before the 1970’s don’t count, but football in general looked so different back then, you could almost confuse the sport for something else. There are glimpses of modern offenses in the 1980’s at least, maybe a little before. Remember how hard it was to actually crown a title winner? How many schools did Pitt play in a season in 1914? The road to a “title” was nothing like it was 70, 80, or 90 years later.
I agree. It's like a lot of my friend's being Tennessee fans trying to say they have 6 titles but 5 of them came when there wasn't a single black athlete on the field or a single pass thrown.

Not to mention the age of the program comparative to Miami. Then the fact that schools like Miami didn't take football seriously until the 80s. Even FSU is a relatively new program in comparison to UF, Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, Michigan, ND, etc.
Flugauer said on his YT show today that the four "no votes" were FSU, UNC, Clemson and UVA.

WRT our Canes:

"Miami of Florida (midwestern hick🧑‍🌾:LOL: ) has been reported as of right now that they did vote for expansion. A lot of people are putting out their takes on that. Why, if true? If it is true, I don't think people should read too much into it ... Miami's president in an academic guy, a Harvard guy ... I heard a Florida State YouTube channel say that maybe Miami voted for expansion because they felt they didn't have a landing spot if the ACC should implode. I don't agree with that at all. I believe Miami does have a landing spot and it will be in the Big Ten. That's our strongly held opinion. We've been told that. Take that however you want it."
Still makes no sense. Who cares if Frenk is an academic guy? 99.9% of college presidents are "academic" guys. This isn't an academic decision, it's an athletic one.
Still makes no sense. Who cares if Frenk is an academic guy? 99.9% of college presidents are "academic" guys. This isn't an academic decision, it's an athletic one.
And even so, you don't think an "academic guy" would want to be part of the B1G and their AAU affiliation and research investments?

Find it hard to believe the administration would have an eye-opening experience with the athletic program 18 months ago and invest as many resources into it as it has only to look the other way when it comes to realignment and the potential to be stuck in a drowning conference that doesn't bring an ROI.
Flugauer said on his YT show today that the four "no votes" were FSU, UNC, Clemson and UVA.

WRT our Canes:

"Miami of Florida (midwestern hick🧑‍🌾:LOL: ) has been reported as of right now that they did vote for expansion. A lot of people are putting out their takes on that. Why, if true? If it is true, I don't think people should read too much into it ... Miami's president in an academic guy, a Harvard guy ... I heard a Florida State YouTube channel say that maybe Miami voted for expansion because they felt they didn't have a landing spot if the ACC should implode. I don't agree with that at all. I believe Miami does have a landing spot and it will be in the Big Ten. That's our strongly held opinion. We've been told that. Take that however you want it."
Miami could have voted "yes" for expansion...

because they know they aren't enough votes to pass...

this way they can claim "we did everything possible to save ACC, but now we must depart..."


Find yourself someone that looks at you the way Mama Cass looks at a ham sammich.

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Still makes no sense. Who cares if Frenk is an academic guy? 99.9% of college presidents are "academic" guys. This isn't an academic decision, it's an athletic one.

Probably symbolic since DanRad is likely (hopefully) advising the president.

Like I mentioned earlier, Miami's leadership may feel like it's inevitable they'll end up in the same conference with Stanford and Cal ... so it was a chance to demonstrate some pre-Big Ten solidarity
Flugauer said on his YT show today that the four "no votes" were FSU, UNC, Clemson and UVA.

I'm not mad at you, I recognize that there is a lot of conflicting information out there.




There was no vote taken.
I'm not mad at you, I recognize that there is a lot of conflicting information out there.


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There was no vote taken.

Is it possible there was a straw poll, Phillips knew he didn't have the votes and thus the vote was postponed in his hope he might be able change a couple minds?

What are the odds FSU, Clemson, UNC and UVA won't change to a "Yes" no matter how much Phillips begs or tries to sweeten the pot?
But it is possible there are 4-5 Presidents that would vote NO if vote was taken so no need to take vote yet..
Is it possible there was a straw poll, Phillips knew he didn't have the votes and thus the vote was postponed in his hope he might be able change a couple minds?

What are the odds FSU, Clemson, UNC and UVA won't change to a "Yes" no matter how much Phillips begs or tries to sweeten the pot?

I think the odds are very high, because there is a REASON.

But that's not the point I was making. What I was saying is...if you are sitting in a room (virtual or actual)...and you see there are already enough "No" votes...why even bother to vote "No" when it isn't necessary?

The reason why certain schools won't change to a "Yes" vote is because there is no "sweetens the pot", on its face (unless the sweetener is "no mor GOR").

There is zero reason...and I mean ZERO be concerned with whether Julio Frenk had a Diane Feinstein moment and voted to allow Stanford and Cal into the ACC. It never happened. There was no vote.
