MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Couldn’t agree more.

When Jim Phillips was hired I stated on here I was completely underwhelmed

Now with all the drama at Northwestern he looks even worse

Compare Jim’s resume to Kevin Warren and tell me which is better

****, compare it to Yormark and it’s no surprise we are sitting ducks
He's done nothing.. I agree.

But what could he possibly have done to right this ship? Take expansion teams that don't add value? I think it's been pretty evident since the Texas/OU and USC/UCLA that there's no solution and just ride it out. The ACC tv deal running to 2036 and everyone that signed that put all ACC programs in serious jeopardy. Blame Blake James and Dan Radakovich but Jim Phillips wasn't involved in that.
Miami is not in nor will be in a desperate situation later. Miami is a higher profile to the B1G than Clemson or FSU. The reason is academics. Miami and ND became AAU schools this year. AAU schools bring in research money from the federal government that exceeds all of college football and basketball combined.

The combination of academic research and high profile athletics is what the B1G wants. UNC has a better profile than FSU and Clemson.

Don't get it twisted, FSU may be barking, but the powers that be in the B1G know what time it is.

I'm not worried about the Big 10 decision-makers.

I'm worried about the Fox/CBS/NBC decision-makers. And everyone already knows how I feel about the ESPN/ABC decision-makers.
I'm not worried about the Big 10 decision-makers.

I'm worried about the Fox/CBS/NBC decision-makers. And everyone already knows how I feel about the ESPN/ABC decision-makers.
Watch the video I linked in the thread. Your worries will be gone when you understand what is in play. Football tv money is chump change compared to academic research money.
Miami is not in nor will be in a desperate situation later. Miami is a higher profile to the B1G than Clemson or FSU. The reason is academics. Miami and ND became AAU schools this year. AAU schools bring in research money from the federal government that exceeds all of college football and basketball combined.

The combination of academic research and high profile athletics is what the B1G wants. UNC has a better profile than FSU and Clemson.

Don't get it twisted, FSU may be barking, but the powers that be in the B1G know what time it is.
I have to say, this is the most reasonable, well reasoned post I've read in this thread in weeks. Thank you for making sense.
He's done nothing.. I agree.

But what could he possibly have done to right this ship? Take expansion teams that don't add value? I think it's been pretty evident since the Texas/OU and USC/UCLA that there's no solution and just ride it out. The ACC tv deal running to 2036 and everyone that signed that put all ACC programs in serious jeopardy. Blame Blake James and Dan Radakovich but Jim Phillips wasn't involved in that.

While I don't disagree with you on a basic level, I still think that Phillips should have been expected to be more of a visionary leader, particularly since he came from the Big 10.

---He should have done something to remove the GOR extension date, because it is not only a weapon to be used against current teams, IT ALSO SERVES TO DISSUADE EXPANSION CANDIDATES who do not want to be locked into a term that is egregiously longer than what any other conference requires. And what would ESPN have done? Cried?

---He should have been more proactive on the issues with getting **** ESPN+ streaming and Bally Sports timeslots. If ESPN wanted to push back, then sue them for bastardizing our content and prioritizing it so obviously below that of the SEC. And I realize that people are going to say "but Alabama and Georgia have better teams". Yes, but this stuff is all inter-related, it doesn't just happen overnight. I guarantee you, if the SEC gets better treatment than the ACC over a period of time, it will result in more recruits picking SEC schools over ACC schools.

---Merger possibilities with either the Pac 12 or the Big 12 - missed opportunities, plain and simple.
Watch the video I linked in the thread. Your worries will be gone when you understand what is in play. Football tv money is chump change compared to academic research money.

Sir, I watched that video when it first came out. There probably hasn't been a UM alum poster who has talked about "AAU" more than me over the years.

Annnnd...the Big 10 is still seriously considering F$U and Clemson (who they politely told "no" months ago) because Fox/CBS/NBC are pushing them to abandon "AAU" as a criterion.
While I don't disagree with you on a basic level, I still think that Phillips should have been expected to be more of a visionary leader, particularly since he came from the Big 10.

---He should have done something to remove the GOR extension date, because it is not only a weapon to be used against current teams, IT ALSO SERVES TO DISSUADE EXPANSION CANDIDATES who do not want to be locked into a term that is egregiously longer than what any other conference requires. And what would ESPN have done? Cried?

---He should have been more proactive on the issues with getting **** ESPN+ streaming and Bally Sports timeslots. If ESPN wanted to push back, then sue them for bastardizing our content and prioritizing it so obviously below that of the SEC. And I realize that people are going to say "but Alabama and Georgia have better teams". Yes, but this stuff is all inter-related, it doesn't just happen overnight. I guarantee you, if the SEC gets better treatment than the ACC over a period of time, it will result in more recruits picking SEC schools over ACC schools.

---Merger possibilities with either the Pac 12 or the Big 12 - missed opportunities, plain and simple.
Agree with that 2nd bullet but definitely don't know enough to speak on altering the GOR and how that would work.

Also don't really know how much the merger with those conferences would have helped.. it's still just a bunch of trash schools and wouldn't have kept Oregon and Washington around or dissuaded them from the B1G.

The handcuff on the conference has every school focusing on figuring out how to get out - no one wants expansion or partnership IMO. No one that matters.. of course BC, Cuse, Wake, etc would prefer the conference to stick around.
Miami is not in nor will be in a desperate situation later. Miami is a higher profile to the B1G than Clemson or FSU. The reason is academics. Miami and ND became AAU schools this year. AAU schools bring in research money from the federal government that exceeds all of college football and basketball combined.

The combination of academic research and high profile athletics is what the B1G wants. UNC has a better profile than FSU and Clemson.

Don't get it twisted, FSU may be barking, but the powers that be in the B1G know what time it is.
Dude. It's Fox calling the shots. It's about money!
He's done nothing.. I agree.

But what could he possibly have done to right this ship? Take expansion teams that don't add value? I think it's been pretty evident since the Texas/OU and USC/UCLA that there's no solution and just ride it out. The ACC tv deal running to 2036 and everyone that signed that put all ACC programs in serious jeopardy. Blame Blake James and Dan Radakovich but Jim Phillips wasn't involved in that.

I’m not saying Phillips could have done anything to change the TV deal from 2016/2019

I’m saying Phillips should have never been hired in the first place.
Doesn't help ESPN is almost broke and Disney is looking at selling ESPN
1. **** espn

2. facts matter. Espn is not almost broke. Espn is profitable still just not as profitable. And the only content in tv that is a sure fire appointment viewing for advertisers is sports. And Disney is not trying to sell espn in full. They are trying to bring in a strategic investor partner - which may or may not happen
Why should the ACC be charitable and further jeopardize the financial health of the members. They were abandoned by an100 year old conference. Andrea has her ESPN glasses on. If ACCN goes is her job also in jeopardy? Maybe the darling of ESPN, the SEC, should be charitable (fat chance)
Andrea was defending the ACC's decision not to add Stanford/Cal.