MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Perhaps, Hawaii is on the phone with ACC?
You're not going to believe this but I was on the conference call with them and it went something like the following:

Hawaii: "You guys like coasts, right?"

ACC: "I mean, I guess. We are the Atlantic Coast Conference..."

Hawaii: "You're not going to believe this but... We got some of the best coasts in the world! The Atlantic part might be an issue though. We are in the Pacific."

ACC: Hold on you might be onto something. We do like our coasts! Miami, FSU, ND, UNC, UVA, VT, and Clemson are leaving soon though... BUT, we are also talking to Cal, Stanford, and SMU and their states have coasts! What if we changed it to the Pacific-Atlantic Coast Conference? If we added you guys too we'd have 12 teams."

Hawaii and ACC in union: "The PACC 12! Great idea!"

If the final nail wasn't in the coffin before it surely is now. I don't know how you go through a failed expansion attempt and come out the other side, given the state of things.

I think there are some differences here.

First, there is a difference between HIRING a guy vs. supporting or disagreeing with everything he does. Hiring a guy is not a blanket endorsement of his actions, unless he promised to reject all reasonable offers and destroy the conference.

Second, when it comes to the actions of the conference, it depends on what the commissioner was responsible for and what the presidents are responsible for. For instance, if the Pac 12 membership vote for Texas failed because of a couple of presidents, then they should be blamed.

So let's use some common sense here. I'm mad at Jim Phillips and his predecessor for not having the vision and leadership to herd 15 university president cats towards a better future. You can't expect university presidents to be athletic visionaries. But you can **** sure demand better of a conference commissioner.

And I think that an accurate assessment of Phillips' leadership would be to look back at his time at Northwestern, and what is happening today. Not for a SECOND do I believe that he was completely oblivious to what was happening on his watch. And I think he applies the same standards of laziness to his job as ACC commissioner.

Couldn’t agree more.

When Jim Phillips was hired I stated on here I was completely underwhelmed

Now with all the drama at Northwestern he looks even worse

Compare Jim’s resume to Kevin Warren and tell me which is better

****, compare it to Yormark and it’s no surprise we are sitting ducks
Has anybody ever confirmed if 8 votes (majority) would get the ACC to dissolve and effectively end its GOR?
8 votes are needed to dissolve the conference and that will make ESPN's position of having media rights for ACC members much more difficult to litigate effectively. If the conference is dissolved then the ACCN is neutered.
I could see all those schools having an "understanding" with the SEC (which in turn has figured out the logistics of adding the 4 acc teams with ESPN) . Fits the geographic profile. The only one that doesn't bring as much business is NC St, but I think the SEC knows the NC legislature is going to insist on NC ST getting an invite as well. As for the B1G, they are probably interested in UM, but makes no business sense to talk money until the SEC moves on the 4 teams. UM will be in a desperate situation after that (whereas Clemson and FSU could potentially go to either B1G or SEC, UM only has the B1G) and would likely take half shares like Oregon and Washington, because there is no alternative. My guess is Rad knows this too, which is part of the reason he thinks saving the ACC is currently UM's best option.
Miami is not in nor will be in a desperate situation later. Miami is a higher profile to the B1G than Clemson or FSU. The reason is academics. Miami and ND became AAU schools this year. AAU schools bring in research money from the federal government that exceeds all of college football and basketball combined.

The combination of academic research and high profile athletics is what the B1G wants. UNC has a better profile than FSU and Clemson.

Don't get it twisted, FSU may be barking, but the powers that be in the B1G know what time it is.
Miami is not in nor will be in a desperate situation later. Miami is a higher profile to the B1G than Clemson or FSU. The reason is academics. Miami and ND became AAU schools this year. AAU schools bring in research money from the federal government that exceeds all of college football and basketball combined.

The combination of academic research and high profile athletics what the B1G wants. UNC has a better profile than FSU and Clemson.

Don't get it twisted, FSU may be barking, but the powers that be in the B1G know what time it is.

What else are you hearing from inside the B1G? Announcements expected by the 15th?
The fact that Im agreeing with Andrea Adelson is throwing a real wrench in my day
Why should the ACC be charitable and further jeopardize the financial health of the members. They were abandoned by an100 year old conference. Andrea has her ESPN glasses on. If ACCN goes is her job also in jeopardy? Maybe the darling of ESPN, the SEC, should be charitable (fat chance)
Why should the ACC be charitable and further jeopardize the financial health of the members. They were abandoned by an100 year old conference. Andrea has her ESPN glasses on. If ACCN goes is her job also in jeopardy? Maybe the darling of ESPN, the SEC, should be charitable (fat chance)

That’s exactly what she’s saying. Re-read it
8 votes are needed to dissolve the conference and that will make ESPN's position of having media rights for ACC members much more difficult to litigate effectively. If the conference is dissolved then the ACCN is neutered.

Actually, it's an interesting Catch-22 for ESPN.

First, if ESPN were to actually and effectively argue for the "we own your rights until 2036" position, that would mean that...they actually plan on honoring every word, every punctuation mark, and every space in the original contract.

On the other hand...I highly doubt that ESPN would honor a contract with the ACC after the 8 best teams leave.

Second, here's a very interesting thought experiment...if the BASIS for the monetary "damages" in a GOR case is "well, you forfeit the payments", then what would it mean if...ESPN wants to pay the ACC a lot less money. Bear with me for a moment. If only TWO teams left the ACC, and two replacements were found, then it is POSSIBLE that ESPN could give us the Pac 12 treatment ("we will honor the contract even though you just lost two teams"). But what happens if ESPN decides to pay the ACC less money than before. Now, any additional teams that leave...would be walking away from LESS money, so the argument can be made that this is no longer "35 million times number of years remaining".

This stuff is crazy.

Bottom line, I'm completely in favor of 8 teams giving notice, but I'm not yet QUITE convinced that the Power 2 plus the Big 12 are ready to absorb everyone. People underguesstimate how much alums of the Big 10 (and SEC) schools are already agitating towards their Presidents and ADs about expansion, and how it is "destroying" college sports, even though we all know the real reason is that a lot of people want to maintain the "exclusivity" appearance of their particular conference.