MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


Because we are trying to read tea leaves wherever they are, maybe (hopefully?) this is Rudy referring to realignment in light of the negativity over the past few days.

He does not tweet a lot so this also made me remember, for all the Rad talk, I will say, especially if you listened to the Orange Bowl Boys episode with the hour long interview of Rudy last year, this is an incredibly smart dude who we are lucky to have. If you do not have a lot of trust in Rad for his role in the GoR while at Clemson, I think Rudy is a guy we can count on doing whatever it takes for the university and athletic department.

But alas, as someone just mentioned, this all may be irrelevant, neither Rad nor Rudy can save us here if the networks do not want us.

Because we are trying to read tea leaves wherever they are, maybe (hopefully?) this is Rudy referring to realignment in light of the negativity over the past few days.

He does not tweet a lot so this also made me remember, for all the Rad talk, I will say, especially if you listened to the Orange Bowl Boys episode with the hour long interview of Rudy last year, this is an incredibly smart dude who we are lucky to have. If you do not have a lot of trust in Rad for his role in the GoR while at Clemson, I think Rudy is a guy we can count on doing whatever it takes for the university and athletic department.

But alas, as someone just mentioned, this all may be irrelevant, neither Rad nor Rudy can save us here if the networks do not want us.

Wasn't Rudy one of the few #MannyBros that was against firing him?
the rumours spilling out now don't have miami as part of the voting block against. Allegedly it was FSU, Clemson, UNC and NCST

If true (and it's certainly possible), this has Sankey's fingerprints all over it.

FSU and Clemson are SEC no-brainers despite Midwest homers beating the drums for the B1G.

But UNC being aligned with NCSU instead of UVA (again, if true) would be telling. Could easily see the SEC taking both those schools, while it's hard to see NC State as a serious Big Ten target.

If the Heels and the Cavaliers were voting in alignment, that would fit more in line with UNC looking the Big Ten's way
While I understand on-field success isn’t a driving force in realignment, I don’t know how the AP/coaches poll and playoff rankings are going to work in a world of only 2 super conferences (BIG/SEC) without considering the Big 12 as a potential 3rd. We know the current system heavily favors all Power 5 schools and makes it virtually impossible for anyone else to earn a CFP birth. There’s no way you can have a similar system favoring only the SEC/BIG programs in the future.

The majority of the current Big 12 is better than the BIG and that’s just a fact. Ohio State, Michigan, and Penn State are really all they’ve got. The rest of the BIG would lose to almost every school in the Big 12. Are AP rankings seriously going to treat TCU, Baylor, Kansas State, Oklahoma State, and Iowa State like we treat G5 programs now? And favor far weaker programs like Rutgers, Indiana, Illinois, Purdue, Northwestern, Maryland, and UCLA just because they’re considered part of a freshly deemed “super conference”? I just can’t envision a scenario where that happens. You’re setting yourself up for playoff snubs and a large majority of the Big 12 would have good cause to call the rankings bull****.

I don’t expect the quality of play in the Big 12 to drop off significantly in the near future despite the revenue gap and I wouldn’t expect Rutgers to improve their on-field product either. The BIG/SEC aren’t going to boot their under-performers. I think you have to envision a world of 3 super conferences who should receive equal respect from the AP/CFP rankings that are based on actual performance.
And abstaining is the same as voting no if that's what he did.


And "significant roadblocks" is not "hey, guysm, we're one flipped vote away from expansion!!!".

This is just sad and pathetic, that the Mope Squad is so **** ready and happy to sow discord over the perception of Miami's position, based on falsely assuring "don't sue me" words and behavior.

Miami wants out. But the Mope Squad is going to try to convince you otherwise.
I mean, he is talking about the Conference Commissioner - both the current one and the one before. No idea if he voted for either of them, but people on this board have no problem yelling at Jim Phillips even though the ACC schools appointed him.

Dude is the AD at Washington State.

He's got about as much clout as the tennis coach at Wake Forest
I mean, he is talking about the Conference Commissioner - both the current one and the one before. No idea if he voted for either of them, but people on this board have no problem yelling at Jim Phillips even though the ACC schools appointed him.

I think there are some differences here.

First, there is a difference between HIRING a guy vs. supporting or disagreeing with everything he does. Hiring a guy is not a blanket endorsement of his actions, unless he promised to reject all reasonable offers and destroy the conference.

Second, when it comes to the actions of the conference, it depends on what the commissioner was responsible for and what the presidents are responsible for. For instance, if the Pac 12 membership vote for Texas failed because of a couple of presidents, then they should be blamed.

So let's use some common sense here. I'm mad at Jim Phillips and his predecessor for not having the vision and leadership to herd 15 university president cats towards a better future. You can't expect university presidents to be athletic visionaries. But you can **** sure demand better of a conference commissioner.

And I think that an accurate assessment of Phillips' leadership would be to look back at his time at Northwestern, and what is happening today. Not for a SECOND do I believe that he was completely oblivious to what was happening on his watch. And I think he applies the same standards of laziness to his job as ACC commissioner.