MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Some of y’all don’t understand. It’s not going to be like it is right now for much longer. The “haves” are going to take their ball and play in a different park. Luckily, Miami has cache’ and a renewed financial backing and will not be left behind. We’re looking at a NEW division 1 football with ~60 of the highest revenue programs playing essentially minor league football while the rest of the FBS just becomes an afterthought. Whether it’s the SEC or the BIG10 doesn’t even matter. The whole system will be flipped. Conferences will become as meaningless as the NFC or the AFC in the NFL
Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.
Who called USC and UCLA to the Big10? I’d like to know his other predictions…thanks in advance.

Go Canes!
I rather go to B10:

Makes for a **** football conference

(All w/in the top 70 in the Nation)
Makes for a **** academic conference

The B1G is already a strong b-ball conference, so adding a newly cemented Elite 8 team in Miami + the legend of UCLA will bolster the B1G’s rep.

Thoughts? @Liberty City El
If we’re moving because of a TV deal from a financial standpoint the B1G would be the most feasible because we could make could money from conference TV payout & still be a relevant team in Top heavy conference that really only has 1 possibly 2 dominant teams (in Football).

If it’s a regional move & more centered around potential future opponents & recruiting opportunities the Big XII would be the move where we would come in as the new Top program of the conference & would be as close to a shoo-in lock to win it on an annual basis. But the financial side would be varying & we probably wouldn’t make as much than we would going to the SEC or B1G, unless the Big XII reaches a new TV deal as well.

It depends on what’s the motivation for moving, because if we simply are looking for money, we can go to the SEC & be locked in battles for 5th place every year while being well paid lambs for slaughter, or we can go somewhere else to be a top dog in the conference but maybe not bank as much off the top as we would going to a Super conference.

It’s a matter of if we want to be a medium sized fish in an Ocean, or a Big fish in a little pond.
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Thinking seems to be that the ACC really needs to get ND signed up asap as a full-time member. Otherwise, prognosis for the conference is not good.
We go where Rad tells us to go. Lets go win the ACC this year and go to the Playoffs. Everything else will handle itself.
If we’re moving because of a TV deal from a financial standpoint the B1G would be the most feasible because we could make could money from conference TV payout & still be a relevant team in Top heavy conference that really only has 1 possibly 2 dominant teams (in Football).

If it’s a regional move & more centered around potential future opponents & recruiting opportunities the Big XII would be the move where we would come in as the new Top program of the conference & would be as close to a shoo-in lock to win it on an annual basis. But the financial side would be varying & we probably wouldn’t make as much than we would going to the SEC or B1G, unless the Big XII reaches a new TV deal as well.

It depends on what’s the motivation for moving, because if we simply are looking for money, we can go to the SEC & be locked in battles for 5th place every year while be well paid lambs for slaughter, or we can go somewhere else to be a top dog in the conference but maybe not bank as much off the top as we would going to a Super conference.

It’s a matter of if we want to be a medium sized fish in an Ocean, or a Big fish in a little pond.

I don’t think the Big 12 will really be an option. The SEC already poached the 2 biggest programs. If others, like Clemson, Miami, FSU go, that obviously strengthens it even more. Perhaps when all the dust settles, there are enough crumbs for a 3rd conference to be lucrative enough, but I doubt it. I think the SEC and B1G settle around 20 teams each, and take their ball and go home. No need for the NCAA. Revenue for each school pushing $100M. Maybe you have some sort of postseason with the other super league, maybe not. If the SEC got, say, Miami, Clemson, FSU, and Okie State, Baylor…one of those teams, they’d most likely just have their own league. If everyone got $100M to start, then more for “playoff” games, that’s good enough. They believe in their brand and league enough to say we’re OK crowning an SEC champion and the rest of you peons out there, do whatever you like. We’re good and rich over here.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Andy Staples? His opinions are always some version of “if football programs were action figures this is the matchup that would be the mostest fun!!!!!’b’dh! huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh!”

Literally he just ran through the list of ACC school with value to other conferences like 6 times on his show and not a single time mentioned Miami.

Oh and he also once listed peppermint as one of the best 5 ice creams ever. I could literally get better opinions from dog drool scraped off my pants.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Andy Staples? His opinions are always some version of “if football programs were action figures this is the matchup that would be the mostest fun!!!!!’b’dh! huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh!”

Literally he just ran through the list of ACC school with value to other conferences like 6 times on his show and not a single time mentioned Miami.

Oh and he also once listed peppermint as one of the best 5 ice creams ever. I could literally get better opinions from dog drool scraped off my pants.

I know we clown on them and have the tears thread and all that but they are truly the worst people on earth. I can’t stand any of them. This goes way beyond football, a rivalry…**** even sports. I genuinely dislike 99.9% of the people who have any affiliation to that school. In real life. Not just on Twitter, or on GameDay. No, I wish them the absolute worst as people.
The school may have integrated in 1961 but the first African American player (Ray Bellamy) didn't take the field for UM until 1968.
True. I think he signed in 66, and the first sec integrated signee was in 67 or 68. But I remember reading that other sec teams weren't happy about it and didn't want to further integration and a couple of schools like Georgia held out until the early 70s
Mehhh I’d rather join the big ten

Sorry, a lot of you in this thread are saying things like this and disagreeing with me. Honestly, I’m fine with that too. If you want to replace SEC with B1G in my OP, that’s fine. I’d personally rather the SEC because it’s a better football conference, but @Liberty City El makes fine points against that.

My overall premise here was just get the fvck out of the ACC, now. Don’t be caught standing with our pants down. Because there ARE going to be 2 super conferences VERY soon, and the NCAA is going to essentially no longer exist to over half the current P5. So if it’s B1G, fine. If it’s SEC, fine. But we need to be on the phone with anyone other than Jim Phillips right now.

OU and Texas made a move.

USC and UCLA made a move.

It’s time for Miami to make a move.
The only ACC team the SEC would accept is Clemson. Gates, baga, gawja, aubun and tenn would never vote for us.
Idk, maybe before but it's a different world. They took Texas in despite Texas A&M's objection. Miami would make sense for them financially- Miami draws good ratings. But i still think Big 10 would make the most sense.

Miami would give Big 10 coverage for all four corners of the country. Miami, ND, VT, Pitt, UNC/Duke would make a lot of sense. Would also solidify them as basketball conference. I know ACC bends over for tobacco road teams, but this would give them more money. Plus, everyone saw when the big east was left behind as a conference made up of a bunch of basketball teams. That would essentially be the new ACC. I think UNC amd Duke would consider leaving if Miami, Clemson, FSU, VT, etc leave.
I’m down for either conference tbh. We’re literally the definition of ‘south eastern’. My brain says Big10 my heart says SEC. Hopefully we can make it into whatever conference FSU/ND goes into so we can hold onto those rivalries. Unless we just flip the script on rivalries and make UF our main and ditch FSU.