MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.
I will bet the AD is all over this. More shoes to drop.
You rather go to games in the snow or travel to Hattiesburg Mississippi (Southern Miss), Toledo, Tulane and Marshall?

Which of those teams are in the SEC? None, and I can't imagine any of them would be. The SEC is at 14 members right now, 16 when Texas and OU join next year.

Miami, FSU, and Clemson should be SPRINTING out of the ACC and into the SEC. That would give them 19. I think the sweet spot for the mega-conferences will be somewhere around 22 or 24 members. So they'll add a few more schools, most likely in big markets. Marshall is not going to be in the SEC.
I was responding to the poster that said he don’t want to go to games in the snow. I assume he was referencing he doesn’t want to go to the BIG 10.

This is functionally retarded. Literally the least important metric possible, ain’t nobody going to Vandy games, South Carolina only sells out major games, it’s literally a non issue to anyone who gives a crap about business, because Miami draws eyeballs nationally. That’s the metric that matters, and we do it better than 75-80% of the SEC even when we suck butt.

Look, I hate all of this, full stop. The sport I fell in love with was closer to high school than the NFL. This sucks and I don’t like it.

Also, this is why hiring Mario and Rad was the most clutch move we’ve made in 30 years. We are a brand again, we are run by dogs again, and we will be valued as such again. We will be fine.
This is functionally retarded. Literally the least important metric possible, ain’t nobody going to Vandy games, South Carolina only sells out major games, it’s literally a non issue to anyone who gives a crap about business, because Miami draws eyeballs nationally. That’s the metric that matters, and we do it better than 75-80% of the SEC even when we suck butt.

Look, I hate all of this, full stop. The sport I fell in love with was closer to high school than the NFL. This sucks and I don’t like it.

Also, this is why hiring Mario and Rad was the most clutch move we’ve made in 30 years. We are a brand again, we are run by dogs again, and we will be valued as such again. We will be fine.
Which of those teams are in the SEC? None, and I can't imagine any of them would be. The SEC is at 14 members right now, 16 when Texas and OU join next year.

Miami, FSU, and Clemson should be SPRINTING out of the ACC and into the SEC. That would give them 19. I think the sweet spot for the mega-conferences will be somewhere around 22 or 24 members. So they'll add a few more schools, most likely in big markets. Marshall is not going to be in the SEC.
If that’s the case, NC and maybe Louisville should be sprinting as well.
What happened in 1992 when The SEC extended an invite to us to expand its conference? Did the Gaytes stop that, too? didn't really happen like that.

Remember, this was the early 90s (actually 1990-91), right after the Supreme Court case that allowed conferences to televise their own games. The SEC at the time was...not quite...the SEC that it is today.

Most of the time, expansion has been a 2-way discussion, with the conference and/or the school making PowerPoint presentations, etc. Lots of stats and demographics are shared. Money is discussed.

Motherfvggin' SEC gave us a 24-hour take-it-or-leave-it proposition and we had NO TIME to even convene a Board of Trustees meeting to discuss and/or vote on it. SEC ******** went out and took Arkansas and South Carolina, two of the thirstiest $2 whores you ever met. Arkansas was in a conference that was falling apart (Southwestern Conference) and South Carolina was an Independent.