MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.
Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.
Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.

Nothing earth shattering but there has been contact. Rad working on cementing his legacy with our facilities and "the move"
Not if/when it expands.
We’ll get lost in the traffic & logjam of the SEC.

Don’t underestimate the politics that will be at play...

Us moving to the SEC is like a Cartel setting up shop right in front of the DEA headquarters; we’d be playing with fire hoping to not get burnt.

I’m in favor of moving, but panicking & being the last team to hop on the SEC cruise ship will have unforeseen effects that could leave us trapped in situation we can’t get out of.

We don’t wanna end up like TAMU & Mizzou...
Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.
To be honest, as an institution, we line up better with the big ten, and they would increase their television market which is the only thing they care about
I rather go to B10:

Makes for a **** football conference

(All w/in the top 70 in the Nation)
Makes for a **** academic conference

The B1G is already a strong b-ball conference, so adding a newly cemented Elite 8 team in Miami + the legend of UCLA will bolster the B1G’s rep.

Thoughts? @Liberty City El
I think it was more complicated than that. One of the issues was also integration. Miami integrated in 61 and the first sec school integrated in late 60s. Georgia didn't integrate until early 70s.
The school may have integrated in 1961 but the first African American player (Ray Bellamy) didn't take the field for UM until 1968.