MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I thought I saw somewhere (might’ve been in Cane Mutiny) the only reason we’re not in the SEC right now is because the Turds (as an original member) contested us being admitted as they wanted to be the only Florida team in the conference and the other members conceded to that although there were some who were initially for us joining the conference? That flirtation was in the mid to late 60’s or so. Is that true or did I just make that up? 🤔
I think it was more complicated than that. One of the issues was also integration. Miami integrated in 61 and the first sec school integrated in late 60s. Georgia didn't integrate until early 70s.
This is functionally retarded. Literally the least important metric possible, ain’t nobody going to Vandy games, South Carolina only sells out major games, it’s literally a non issue to anyone who gives a crap about business, because Miami draws eyeballs nationally. That’s the metric that matters, and we do it better than 75-80% of the SEC even when we suck butt.

Look, I hate all of this, full stop. The sport I fell in love with was closer to high school than the NFL. This sucks and I don’t like it.

Also, this is why hiring Mario and Rad was the most clutch move we’ve made in 30 years. We are a brand again, we are run by dogs again, and we will be valued as such again. We will be fine.

This is why I have no desire to go to the SEC with all those self righteous morons.

If you go look at viewership, when Miami is good and playing teams with a pulse (non-ACC teams) they get top tier SEC level TV ratings. The week we played Notre Dame in 2017 we had the same viewership as Alabama-LSU the previous week.
I think Miami (and all other schools for that matter) should sit back and see how the overcrowded SEC pans out this next season before deciding to leave the ACC. Texas and Oklahoma's move to the SEC is going to kill some programs. Only time will tell. And if any of you think that Miami moving to the SEC would be a good thing, then you are still living in the 1980s heyday. We haven't even been able to win the Coastal Division (with one exception), much less the conference championship. If Miami ever moves to the SEC we can all kiss the football program goodbye.
And if any of you think that Miami moving to the SEC would be a good thing, then you are still living in the 1980s heyday. We haven't even been able to win the Coastal Division (with one exception), much less the conference championship. If Miami ever moves to the SEC we can all kiss the football program goodbye.
I do not want the Canes to go to the SEC but I also do not agree with this.
Texas A&M was not doing anything when they joined the SEC. They were basically doing far less than us as a program.
I think Miami (and all other schools for that matter) should sit back and see how the overcrowded SEC pans out this next season before deciding to leave the ACC. Texas and Oklahoma's move to the SEC is going to kill some programs. Only time will tell. And if any of you think that Miami moving to the SEC would be a good thing, then you are still living in the 1980s heyday. We haven't even been able to win the Coastal Division (with one exception), much less the conference championship. If Miami ever moves to the SEC we can all kiss the football program goodbye.
This is a dated belief in a program that is not your little brother’s Miami anymore.

“We can’t win the Coastal” was true when we didn’t care about football. We have the highest paid staff in the conference, are reconstructing our facilities, and hitching our NIL future to billionaires.

Your post reeks of “living in the 2010s”.
I do not want the Canes to go to the ACC but I also do not agree with this.
Texas A&M was not doing anything when they joined the SEC. They were basically doing far less than us as a program.
You could make the same argument for Texas, USC, and UCLA. Texas and USC haven’t been relevant since around the same time we were. UCLA to my knowledge hasn’t been relevant for even longer
I’m with joining the Big Ten or SEC..Geographically SEC makes more sense..but with the money coming in for football and basketball specifically it really doesn’t matter much
This is a dated belief in a program that is not your little brother’s Miami anymore.

“We can’t win the Coastal” was true when we didn’t care about football. We have the highest paid staff in the conference, are reconstructing our facilities, and hitching our NIL future to billionaires.

Your post reeks of “living in the 2010s”.
Your post
This is a dated belief in a program that is not your little brother’s Miami anymore.

“We can’t win the Coastal” was true when we didn’t care about football. We have the highest paid staff in the conference, are reconstructing our facilities, and hitching our NIL future to billionaires.

Your post reeks of “living in the 201
This is a dated belief in a program that is not your little brother’s Miami anymore.

“We can’t win the Coastal” was true when we didn’t care about football. We have the highest paid staff in the conference, are reconstructing our facilities, and hitching our NIL future to billionaires.

Your post reeks of “living in the 2010s”.
I share your enthusiasm for the future but we haven’t won an ACC title yet.
I think Miami (and all other schools for that matter) should sit back and see how the overcrowded SEC pans out this next season before deciding to leave the ACC. Texas and Oklahoma's move to the SEC is going to kill some programs. Only time will tell. And if any of you think that Miami moving to the SEC would be a good thing, then you are still living in the 1980s heyday. We haven't even been able to win the Coastal Division (with one exception), much less the conference championship. If Miami ever moves to the SEC we can all kiss the football program goodbye.

You’re forgetting the new leadership. Dan isnt going to let us sink into the abyss. We have the money. We have the coaches. We (soon) will have the facilities. Would be rocky asf at first sure, but in the end we’d be fine.
I think it was more complicated than that. One of the issues was also integration. Miami integrated in 61 and the first sec school integrated in late 60s. Georgia didn't integrate until early 70s.
That explanation makes a ton of sense. Thx
I think Miami (and all other schools for that matter) should sit back and see how the overcrowded SEC pans out this next season before deciding to leave the ACC. Texas and Oklahoma's move to the SEC is going to kill some programs. Only time will tell. And if any of you think that Miami moving to the SEC would be a good thing, then you are still living in the 1980s heyday. We haven't even been able to win the Coastal Division (with one exception), much less the conference championship. If Miami ever moves to the SEC we can all kiss the football program goodbye.

If we play in the SEC, what are they going to sell the top South Florida recruits to leave home?
Playing in the best conference? We in there
Money? We have that now
Coaching quality? We have that
Give Mario the SEC badge of honor and with NILs, we are competing for the best class year in year out no doubt.

Any of the last 15 years, I would’ve agreed with you but with Rad and Mario in charge, we rollin’!