MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


All the directors (except maybe FSU) are playing good company men and listening to the call.

Then will all vote "no" to expansion if it ever comes up.

The ACC isn't expanding now unless 2 things happen:

1. A new program increases the slice of pie for everybody (not sure there's anybody left that does that).
2. It allows them to get out of the conference much cheaper.
Stop bull****ting everyone. You were talking up Washington-Oregon as full-value takes, and they had to ***** themselves out at half-price.

You had NO IDEA that swerve was coming. You were acting like Washington-Oregon were better than most all of the ACC schools, when the reality is that they were worth far LESS than all the ACC schools likely to get an invitation.
I never said anything regarding how much they’d be paid before the half share rumors began. You also never mentioned half shares, yet you were pretty firm that they wouldn’t get in. So I didn’t mention half shares but that they would get in. You didn’t mention half shares and said they wouldn’t get in…. I was clearly less wrong about Oregon, and you don’t like it lol. Sometimes when you talk as much **** as you do, you end up looking ridiculous.

Oregon IS better than most ACC schools. there are 15 ACC programs, maybe 6 will get into P2. If an additional 2 got into P2, it likely would ALSO be at half shares. So objectively Oregon is better than “most” ACC programs. However although you try to constantly mislead regarding other people opinions/statements I have NOT acted like Oregon was better than the TOP ACC schools, and I guarantee you wont find any evidence otherwise.

Anyways carry on.
I don’t believe we have 10 days only to get this done because I think that even if the schools announce I’m not 100% sure that the next round would actually be able to be absorbed and scheduled in time for 2024.

Could very well be even if you announce before the 15th as FSU is rumored to do and there’s others I think will do if they do it could be towards 2025 to allow for both integration and legal to play out. No specific info on that just a take.

If another four teams come in in terms of TV slots, the grouping needs to get another partner most likely on board (hey espn want in in exchange for gor negotiation)!or create another time slot that works that does not go against the exclusive windows FOX, CBS and NBC have (like a Friday night one).

I disagree on Paragraph 1, because of Washington-Oregon.

The big key will be whatever the FIRST STEP is...legally...

If UM and others are smart, we will IMMEDIATELY file suit to challenge the GOR. ESPN will likely file suit to ask for injunctive relieve and/or specific performance under the TV deal.

Strangely...both cases might be able to proceed separately, in the event that Miami would argue that the ACC GOR was defective and unenforceable, while ESPN would likely argue that they currently hold the rights pursuant to the TV deal.

BUT...if those cases get rolled together, clearly the FIRST grant takes precedence over the secondary grant (to ESPN).

I'd say "books will be written" about this nonsense...but it's more likely to be "law review articles"...
Another interesting tidbit being talked about here in Charlottesville is that UVA would never go to the SEC due to them not having lacrosse. I suppose if the B1G didn't take them they would have a hard decision to make

Good lord, if the Big 10 can find a spot in the conference for JOHNS HOPKINS (menss/womens lacrosse), then I think UVa will be able to figure it out too.
If Miami goes to the B10 they will get full share from the outset. They DRAW VIEWERS and that is the criteria. Or / Wa don't bring in the same viewership.

Plus, the costs for ACC teams to exit is far greater than those incurred by Pac 12 or Big 12 schools.
If FSU has to take out a half billion dollar loan to leave the ACC, I think most likely they either end up in the SEC or end up in the B1G with Stanford. Nobody wants to straddle down with debt of that magnitude, it would take longer to pay it off than just staying in the ACC and accepting whatever payout you get for the next 13 years.

As for all the other conference teams, it's fun to speculate about.
its gonna be 8 teams voting to dissolve the ACC..just wait and see...these things take time and must be done delicately
B1G has been flirting with GT for years. GT might not be the top of their wishlist, but if it greases the wheels to dissolving the GOR and making the moves happen, I'd bet GT would go ahead and be a take. So I could see this as being plausible.

But the harder programs for me to believe leaving would be the NC and VA schools. Their roots in the ACC go back deep, politically it's going to be hard for them to peel out, with or without landing spots for all the programs in the league.
BIG flirting "for years" was using distinct criteria from the new Fox media evaluations using "TV Math" as the key criteria instead of academic "fit".
I first read this as "...their ****s will be cut off."

I thought to myself, ****, @RVACane is no longer ******* around. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.
I’m just a spectatator stirring the pot occasionally and cheering on team Cali at the moment because whatever he wants would likely result in me seeing Canes games live out here.
If you listen to Genetics long enough he’ll tell you a little bit of everything at some point. I still laugh thinking about his report from a couple months ago that Fox and NBC were going to somehow split a 7 game package of Notre Dame games that produces one or two important matchups a year at best.

Genetics is a good guy, and while I am obligated to make fun of his Nebraska accent (my family is from Missouri, and most of them pronounce "shorts" as "sharts"), he does say things OR OMIT THINGS from time to time which can cause heartburn. And/or cardiac arrest.
But I thought ACC was signing deal with Telemundo y Univision?

Muy Sabado Gigante Sooopear Plus Plus Especiale!
READ WHAT I SAID BELOW smart ***. What I posted are NIELSEN RATINGS ... media consumption. Tampa St Pete is the TOP MEDIA MARKET IN THE COUNTRY at #13 nationally while Miami is #18. Nielsen ratings are based on MEDIA CONSUMPTION .... not just bodies and TV sets in the market. Top MEDIA MARKETS command higher dollar ad costs.

When you add Miami and Palm Beach DMAs I believe it’s larger than Tampa. It’s not really that important though as who tunes in is. The most important thing is to look at the big games. We just have not had that many. When we do, even our crappy bowl games get pretty good ratings though.
But if they’re announcing that they are breaking a contract, I wonder what legal impact that has??? It’s not simply a free speech opinion. There’s a contract. One party says they aren’t honoring it. That party needs to be sure about their stance as does the other. It gets into anticipatory breach and all kinds of contract law stuff potentially.

Any school(s) that give notice to leave the ACC will no longer be allowed to vote on relevant business.

Texas-Oklahoma haven't had a voice in the Big 12 for a couple of years now.
they will have no choice if so.

I believe there is a real urgency of getting some solid Ws for Miami this season...Ws should equal increased ratings...


Absolutely correct.

We will be tying opponents' shoelaces together for the aTm game and then pulling down opponents' pants for the UNC game...