MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Nothing would surprise me at this point, but I think people are sleeping on GT going to be the Big 10...academics and the Atlanta market make GT very attractive to the Big 10. I get GT isn't a large TV draw, but that's not the point, the point is opening up Atlanta to the entire Big 10, which people seem to overlook. Again, time will tell
What exactly is the argument for GTech over Stanford or even Cal? I mean I guess more football success than Cal? But not more than Stanford. It’s not like GTech has some major market advantage other than the fact it’s a new state they’d be entering. I’m not saying I don’t think Gatech can get in Big10. I just don’t think they’d be as desired as Stanford. I think the Big10 presidents would love the prestige of having Stanford, it would slightly help odds of getting ND, and it’s not like it’s some major difference to Fox. I’m pretty sure Sat ford gets better ratings than GTech period…
If FSU has to take out a half billion dollar loan to leave the ACC, I think most likely they either end up in the SEC or end up in the B1G with Stanford. Nobody wants to straddle down with debt of that magnitude, it would take longer to pay it off than just staying in the ACC and accepting whatever payout you get for the next 13 years.

As for all the other conference teams, it's fun to speculate about.

They are looking at selling equity not taking on debt is my understanding. Selling equity in what is the question.
In comments to ESPN on Friday, Miami athletic director Dan Radakovich echoed what Cunningham said. "Florida State is doing what Florida State feels like it needs to do," Radakovich said. "Each of our schools have to make their own decisions. But on top of all of it, we need to continue to try to make the ACC as strong as we can make it. We've got our grant of rights, we have all those other pieces that are associated with keeping ourselves together. Right now, we feel really strongly that our best course of action is to keep the ACC together and try to make it as strong as it can be."

PAC not interested in a merger earlier now they want a merger with nothing left. A merger and new grant of rights sinks us for good. The remaining PAC schools do not add to the ACC's marketability
What exactly is the argument for GTech over Stanford or even Cal? I mean I guess more football success than Cal? But not more than Stanford. It’s not like GTech has some major market advantage other than the fact it’s a new state they’d be entering. I’m not saying I don’t think Gatech can get in Big10. I just don’t think they’d be as desired as Stanford. I think the Big10 presidents would love the prestige of having Stanford, it would slightly help odds of getting ND, and it’s not like it’s some major difference to Fox. I’m pretty sure Sat ford gets better ratings than GTech period…

Well, @RVACane was waaaaay too premature in saying that you know "Conference Mathz".

It has been discussed FOR YEARS that the Big 10 gets more TV money going into NEW STATES.

Which is what Georgia would be. And what California no longer is.

Catch up.
What exactly is the argument for GTech over Stanford or even Cal? I mean I guess more football success than Cal? But not more than Stanford. It’s not like GTech has some major market advantage other than the fact it’s a new state they’d be entering. I’m not saying I don’t think Gatech can get in Big10. I just don’t think they’d be as desired as Stanford. I think the Big10 presidents would love the prestige of having Stanford, it would slightly help odds of getting ND, and it’s not like it’s some major difference to Fox. I’m pretty sure Sat ford gets better ratings than GTech period…
Never said Stanford wasn't desirable or that GT is a better academic school, but the Big10 already has USC and UCLA for the CA market, so getting GT and the Atlanta market could be highly desirable. Getting into GA is going to raise the Big 10's payout by adding another state. Bottom line, no one on this message board knows what is going to happen, just providing some food for thought. Personally, I'm hoping for the Big 10
Sounds like you're saying we could have some kind of public announcement before the 15th.

Humor me. If you were to predict, would that be an announcement that we're leaving the ACC or an announcement of where we're going?

There will likely be a few days in between those two separate announcements.

Just enough time for the Mope Squad to empty their bowels one last time.
Well, @RVACane was waaaaay too premature in saying that you know "Conference Mathz".

It has been discussed FOR YEARS that the Big 10 gets more TV money going into NEW STATES.

Which is what Georgia would be. And what California no longer is.

Catch up.
…which I literally stated. Is that the ONLY defense of GTech over Stanford? That’s what I asked.

Why not NCSt over GTech? I fully expect both Virginia schools to be rated above them…why not ASU?
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