MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The premiere public university in the state of North Carolina making a play to leave the conference that operates under that states laws should be pretty well versed in all the laws, and is likely to receive preferential treatment. And that's on top of basically being the "prize" of the ACC and their tobacco road leaning.
I think you’re overstating the importance of the first half. It’s not like it’s written in hieroglyphics and they are privy to certain secret sections. The state code is the state code and the organizing documents are the organizing documents and a lot of law firms have offices in the state or people well versed in the above. I’ll give you the jobs, founding member, etc. though, but at the end of the day, it’s a suicide mission for them to stay.
Surprised no one referenced today's interview of Dan Radakovich.

Rad is usually a cool, nice guy, BUT today visibly put pressure on the ACC commissioner to figure out revenue ASAP.

I believe this to be as aggressive as I've ever seen him. It's a clue to where his head is at. I would surmise we're on the precipice of action.

I guess he needs to talk the talk but he is talking about needing to expand the ACC blah blah blah. Not very promising. Also basically stated we need to strive to be #3 behind the big 2 conference's I know people are high on Rad but what has he done other than come from Clemson.
Surprised no one referenced today's interview of Dan Radakovich.

Rad is usually a cool, nice guy, BUT today visibly put pressure on the ACC commissioner to figure out revenue ASAP.

I believe this to be as aggressive as I've ever seen him. It's a clue to where his head is at. I would surmise we're on the precipice of action.

Yea I posted it in the practice thread as wqam was at practice but he was talking about being mediocre #3 sooo yea.. There is no figuring out revenue asap.. Its over
I guess he needs to talk the talk but he is talking about needing to expand the ACC blah blah blah. Not very promising. Also basically stated we need to strive to be #3 behind the big 2 conference's I know people are high on Rad but what has he done other than come from Clemson.

I don't think you can flirt openly with other conferences - you're liable to get sued that way.

No one suspected USC and UCLA were going to the Big 10 until it happened. Whenever something goes down, we'll know it the second it happens.
I don't think you can flirt openly with other conferences - you're liable to get sued that way.

No one suspected USC and UCLA were going to the Big 10 until it happened. Whenever something goes down, we'll know it the second it happens.
Why? There is an EXIT CLAUSE in the ACC bylaws so if there is an exit clause it would presume that if someone is leaving they most likely at the very least have exploratory discussions with other conferences that might be viable destinations.

The FSU Chariman of the BOT mentioned in his interview this evening that evaluating options is part of his job to determine where FSU might have the optimal financial resources for their university to achieve their objectives. "If you have a $140 million dollar athletic budget and your media deal only brings in $40 million dollars then you need to evaluate alternatives.". He also stated "we all feel that it would be nice to be able to drive 3 hours up the road for all of our games (SEC) but we're not sure what the financial resources would be on that option so we also have to look at another option even if it involves more travel. We are investing in research and want to have AAU accreditation". So they are clearly EVALUATING the cost benefit of both the Big 10 and SEC.

He also stated that the ACC unequal revenue distribution isn't sufficient incentive to remain in the ACC and apparently stated that the GOR would not keep them from leaving if the evaluation pointed to leaving as being the financially most viable alternative. Going to be a very interesting period regardless of how short term recruiting is going.
That Rad interview was not encouraging at all:
Spoke about being #3
Need an invite to go to a wedding
Those conferences not adding on

I didn’t expect any actual news but Not bueno IMHO
i actually saw that as rad being calm and toe'ing the company line tbh. I'd rather see our AD be calm and collected while answering than being emotional like some of fsu's leadership tends to be
That Rad interview was not encouraging at all:
Spoke about being #3
Need an invite to go to a wedding
Those conferences not adding on

I didn’t expect any actual news but Not bueno IMHO
Not really saying anything until it is time to say something. The AD's are communicating and working together ... especially Clemson, FSU and Miami.
The FSU Chariman of the BOT stated CLEARLY this evening "The least of my worries is the GOR. We are very familiar with that document, have invested significant financial and personnel resources into evaluating it, and that is not a document that will keep us from taking action".
Surprised no one referenced today's interview of Dan Radakovich.

Rad is usually a cool, nice guy, BUT today visibly put pressure on the ACC commissioner to figure out revenue ASAP.

I believe this to be as aggressive as I've ever seen him. It's a clue to where his head is at. I would surmise we're on the precipice of action.

After listening to that interview, I don’t think Miami has any intention of trying to make a move in the near future.
But miami fans see them as brothers and root for them, I still dont get it..

You mean fans like this guy?

spank wwe raw GIF

"Spank me harder please"
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FSU and/or Clemson filing to leave ACC by 15 Aug a shotgun sabot round to ACC's face.
Understated, as a grown adult that grew up during the 80s, 90s, 00s weird time to be alive. Change is never pleasant, but it's about time to ask for lube. Thats more like a power play to put a program of 2 to bed.
I guess he needs to talk the talk but he is talking about needing to expand the ACC blah blah blah. Not very promising. Also basically stated we need to strive to be #3 behind the big 2 conference's I know people are high on Rad but what has he done other than come from Clemson.
Yeah I’m sure he’s going on now rose and saying everything bs being political
After listening to that interview, I don’t think Miami has any intention of trying to make a move in the near future.
Some of you are so beyond clueless on things it floors me. Just because fsu ad is being loud publicly means nothing. Nothing.

Sec was super loud about texas and Oklahoma you gonna tell me til it just dropped? Or big 10 before Ucla and usc.

Stop being simple