MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

That Rad interview was not encouraging at all:
Spoke about being #3
Need an invite to go to a wedding
Those conferences not adding on

I didn’t expect any actual news but Not bueno IMHO

i actually saw that as rad being calm and toe'ing the company line tbh. I'd rather see our AD be calm and collected while answering than being emotional like some of fsu's leadership tends to be
1. Why do you expect in this day and age, to have some corp exec come out and tell you what they are doing? The information he spewed was all common knowledge. Conferences have said publicly they aren't adding RIGHT NOW. That's true, today they aren't adding anyone. 8/1/23 that's true. 8/4/23 it will be different. Maybe. Maybe 8/7/23. or 13th. Who knows?
2. He's cold and calculated. He isn't going to show his hand or his intentions. Why have the conf breathing down your neck every 8 min calling your office for an answer on a question you won't listen to?

When and if it happens, it happens.
Yea I posted it in the practice thread as wqam was at practice but he was talking about being mediocre #3 sooo yea.. There is no figuring out revenue asap.. Its over
We still have a small *****, dont we! I thought the new influx of dollars would have bought us a bigger *****. But no! Sigh! Back to sucking. We need to make a move.
Some of you are so beyond clueless on things it floors me. Just because fsu ad is being loud publicly means nothing. Nothing.

Sec was super loud about texas and Oklahoma you gonna tell me til it just dropped? Or big 10 before Ucla and usc.

Stop being simple
Texas was loud for years about being unhappy with their sitting the Big 12. UT and OU almost joined the PAC 12 a while back, so yeah they had a history of making noise. Similar to what FSU is doing now.
Texas was loud for years about being unhappy with their sitting the Big 12. UT and OU almost joined the PAC 12 a while back, so yeah they had a history of making noise. Similar to what FSU is doing now.
Crazy how pac 12 thumbed their nose at them and now they streaming on apple :ibis-roflmao-sm3:Maybe we will go from Ballys to apple music
1. Why do you expect in this day and age, to have some corp exec come out and tell you what they are doing? The information he spewed was all common knowledge. Conferences have said publicly they aren't adding RIGHT NOW. That's true, today they aren't adding anyone. 8/1/23 that's true. 8/4/23 it will be different. Maybe. Maybe 8/7/23. or 13th. Who knows?
2. He's cold and calculated. He isn't going to show his hand or his intentions. Why have the conf breathing down your neck every 8 min calling your office for an answer on a question you won't listen to?

When and if it happens, it happens.
Not sure if that was meant for me I agree with you - Rad gave the company line calmly
My sauces are tasty!!!


He didn't given an overt signals Miami is going anywhere.

Nor should he.
You need to listen to what he said and read between the lines "we want to be a solid member of this conference and make it the best it can be in the INTERIM PERIOD BEFORE WE HAVE A CHANCE TO GO BACK TO MARKET". That means, as soon as there is ANY OPPORTUNITY to renegotiate the GOR (ie, ACC wants to ADD A MEMBER!!) we are out. Adding a new member automatically triggers a GOR renegotiation. Worst case scenario, If Miami DOES lose Clemson, FSU they will want to add another team. Then the GOR is back on the table.