MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The "conference" can't do what you propose. ESPN has a GOR for all ACC programs and as long as there is a conference any program that leaves the conference, in addition to having to pay an ACC exit penalty, the programs media rights still are retained by the ACC (and ESPN) until the 1936 termination date. The only way to get out of the GOR without ESPN's agreement is to dissolve the conference ... and that appears to be the most realistic course of action and the reason that the "magnificent seven" and several other programs are actively in discussions with the Big 10, SEC, and Big 12 regarding switching conferences. The ACC has no leadership, has no strength based on the few members who are not committed to exiting, and the ACC is therefore on borrowed time.
No. The media deal is with ESPN. The GOR is with the ACC. Would exiting the GOR and media deal result in ESPN renegotiating the ACC media payout? Yes. But we don't have to get approval from ESPN to leave the ACC.

If we come to a buyout agreement with the ACC to get out of the GOR and conference, ESPN has no power over us. Simple as that.

Would leaving the ACC for the SEC who also goes through ESPN be easier? Perhaps.

This is a question on how the ACC could actually survive. The ACC is NOT surviving with Miami, Clemson, FSU, ND, or UNC because they/we will leave for the Big2. Obviously. So how can the remaining schools get the most money for as long as possible? Accept the situation and get as large buyout agreements as they can asap that will offset the losses for a short period of time. Then when those payouts are fully distributed the ACC can try to merge with B12 or something.
And you read this clause in the GOR that nobody has a copy of? The "ironclad" and "modeled on the Big 12's 99 year deal" version?
What clause?

The University of Miami didn't sign a Grant of Rights deal with ESPN. We signed it with the ACC. The idea that if the ACC allows us out of the GOR that ESPN would have any power makes no sense.

If you don't think there is a way to get rid of the GOR, how exactly do you expect Miami to leave the ACC in the next 13 years? Lol. If you can dissolve the conference why would that let us Scott free if the GOR was signed with ESPN and not the ACC?

Make it make sense lol
What clause?

The University of Miami didn't sign a Grant of Rights deal with ESPN. We signed it with the ACC. The idea that if the ACC allows us out of the GOR that ESPN would have any power makes no sense.

If you don't think there is a way to get rid of the GOR, how exactly do you expect Miami to leave the ACC in the next 13 years? Lol. If you can dissolve the conference why would that let us Scott free if the GOR was signed with ESPN and not the ACC?

Make it make sense lol

And the ACC then assigned the GOR rights to ESPN. Where in the **** have you been?

Again, you are choosing to die on some random hill and it's just inexplicable. We've had dozens of pages of discussion about KILLING THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE to render the GOR meaningless, since it is likely impossible to simply vote to kill the GOR, and you show up late to the party acting like the ACC still owns our rights.

Please tell me you exerted more effort to research things when you were an undergrad at UM. Because you are NOT giving me a lot of confidence here to conclude that your diploma was conferred based on any sort of intellectual accomplishment.

No. The conference has a contract with ESPN.

The conference can dissolve, which would arguably dissolve/cancel the GOR. But so long as there is an ACC, there is a GOR.

He doesn't understand that the FIRST GOR deal was between the member schools and the ACC, and then the second deal involved the ACC going out and trading our rights to ESPN for a mess of pottage and a ****** ACC Network deal.

ESPN has our rights, not the ACC. We initially assigned rights to the ACC and then the ACC assigned those rights to ESPN.

It's like he's never taken out a mortgage before which was then sold to another bank. I certainly hope he doesn't try to pay off his mortgage to the bank that first gave him the money...
He doesn't understand that the FIRST GOR deal was between the member schools and the ACC, and then the second deal involved the ACC going out and trading our rights to ESPN for a mess of pottage and a ****** ACC Network deal.

ESPN has our rights, not the ACC. We initially assigned rights to the ACC and then the ACC assigned those rights to ESPN.

It's like he's never taken out a mortgage before which was then sold to another bank. I certainly hope he doesn't try to pay off his mortgage to the bank that first gave him the money...
And, more importantly, none of us has read the GOR
And, more importantly, none of us has read the GOR
What if I told you that eSECpn doesn't even have a copy of the GoR? That John Skipper's nose candy dealer stole it from his office thinking it was the deed to some property in the Carolinas.
And the ACC then assigned the GOR rights to ESPN. Where in the **** have you been?

Again, you are choosing to die on some random hill and it's just inexplicable. We've had dozens of pages of discussion about KILLING THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE to render the GOR meaningless, since it is likely impossible to simply vote to kill the GOR, and you show up late to the party acting like the ACC still owns our rights.

Please tell me you exerted more effort to research things when you were an undergrad at UM. Because you are NOT giving me a lot of confidence here to conclude that your diploma was conferred based on any sort of intellectual accomplishment.

View attachment 240933 it's viewed as impossible to kill OR CHANGE he GOR outright due to how many votes it would take. Not because it is impossible lol...As in it would take either 2/3rd or 3/4ths vote - can't remember which it says it would take in the ACC constitution I literally linker earlier. And schools wouldn't voluntarily vote for that because the bottom like 7-9 schools have little to no shot at getting Into SEC/B10. That is literally why I said the schools like Miami could offer a $100M as a buyout to leave and then all schools can vote to adjust GOR to allow certain schools to exit GOR & conference. It's really not complicated.

Again since you want to act so smart, explain HOW if ESPN owns our specific media rights how we are able to get out of it if the ACC was voted to dissolve? Explain this to me. Now explain to me why a full agreement among all members of this conference can't amend the GOR and allow programs to exit. You may want me to be wrong, but what you're saying makes zero logical sense. Our agreement is not with ESPN. ESPN holds our rights through the ACC. If we agree with the ACC to change that, ESPN doesn't continue to own us. If that was impossible so would the idea that we'd be freed from a GOR if the ACC died. You can't have it both ways.
No. The conference has a contract with ESPN.

The conference can dissolve, which would arguably dissolve/cancel the GOR. But so long as there is an ACC, there is a GOR.
So the conference has a contract with ESPN.

We have a contract with the conference.

The conference members can vote to change ALL aspects of the conference and it's contracts/constitutions/bylaws with a certain amount of votes. Therefore it is possible to get out of the GOR.

Also I do think it is hilarious that people think it's not possible (as in literally impossible - not difficult) to change the GOR because ESPN holds our media rights and the GOR separately yet think dissolving the conference gets rid of that too.
So the conference has a contract with ESPN.

We have a contract with the conference.

The conference members can vote to change ALL aspects of the conference and it's contracts/constitutions/bylaws with a certain amount of votes. Therefore it is possible to get out of the GOR.

Also I do think it is hilarious that people think it's not possible (as in literally impossible - not difficult) to change the GOR because ESPN holds our media rights and the GOR separately yet think dissolving the conference gets rid of that too.
Youre the reason Twitter was better with 288 characters
Advertisement it's viewed as impossible to kill OR CHANGE he GOR outright due to how many votes it would take. Not because it is impossible lol...As in it would take either 2/3rd or 3/4ths vote - can't remember which it says it would take in the ACC constitution I literally linker earlier. And schools wouldn't voluntarily vote for that because the bottom like 7-9 schools have little to no shot at getting Into SEC/B10. That is literally why I said the schools like Miami could offer a $100M as a buyout to leave and then all schools can vote to adjust GOR to allow certain schools to exit GOR & conference. It's really not complicated.

Again since you want to act so smart, explain HOW if ESPN owns our specific media rights how we are able to get out of it if the ACC was voted to dissolve? Explain this to me. Now explain to me why a full agreement among all members of this conference can't amend the GOR and allow programs to exit. You may want me to be wrong, but what you're saying makes zero logical sense. Our agreement is not with ESPN. ESPN holds our rights through the ACC. If we agree with the ACC to change that, ESPN doesn't continue to own us. If that was impossible so would the idea that we'd be freed from a GOR if the ACC died. You can't have it both ways.

First of all, I've never said anything is "impossible"in an absolute sense.

But here's why you shouldn't go charging up any unknown hills. Because you don't know what you are talking about. You keep yapping about the ACC Constitution, and that's not the operative document. Sorry. Also, you don't know how assignment of rights works.

Second, what you don't realize is that there are two separate contracts. There was the FIRST contract, the "Grant of Rights" proper, where the member institutions assigned their rights to the ACC in exchange for blood-oaths or whatever else they swore when they said they want to be togetha foreva.

BUT THEN, the ACC assigned those rights to ESPN in consideration for the TV deal. I'm not sure why you keep ignoring that part of the process, though it's at least the second time I've said it.

So, sure, IN THEORY, you could have whatever percentage of the ACC that you think is necessary vote to rescind the original GOR. But there's only one problem with your brilliant legal strategery. And that is, the ACC doesn't have the rights any longer. The ACC flipped those rights over to ESPN, AND NOW YOU WOULD NEED ESPN TO VOLUNTARILY RETURN THE RIGHTS TO THE ACC. Which ain't happenin', cap'n, not without some sort of huge negotiation and compromise.

You can't give something and then take it back.


The reality is that the ACC members can vote whatever they want on the GOR, but the ACC doesn't have the rights to return to the schools. Therefore, the member institutions need to kill the ACC, which then kills the TV contract, which then makes ESPN's retention of rights worthless.

But I realize you are just going to keep going on and on and on about the ACC Constitution. Which has no bearing or relevance here.

Carry on.
No one seems inclined to adding teams to the ACC nor if adding would alter the financial agreement? If ND became a full fledged ACC member the ACC would be more appealing. I don't understand why adding isn't applicable? Get ND, Cincinnati, WVU, try to get Rutgers for the NY area, maybe UCF?
No one seems inclined to adding teams to the ACC nor if adding would alter the financial agreement? If ND became a full fledged ACC member the ACC would be more appealing. I don't understand why adding isn't applicable? Get ND, Cincinnati, WVU, try to get Rutgers for the NY area, maybe UCF?

Cincinnati, WVU, and UCF have all signed 99-year GORs with the Big 12.

And nobody, I repeat NOBODY, is leaving the Big 10 for the ACC.
No one seems inclined to adding teams to the ACC nor if adding would alter the financial agreement? If ND became a full fledged ACC member the ACC would be more appealing. I don't understand why adding isn't applicable? Get ND, Cincinnati, WVU, try to get Rutgers for the NY area, maybe UCF?
You’re still ******* here with your asinine bull**** ignorance?