MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Interesting read. Funny how the ACC had the largest yearly payout of any conference when we joined.

The only thing missing as the article slightly handled the Big East with kid gloves was that conference's complete lack of foresight in the prism of football vs basketball and future revenue streams/relevance. In the 80's they basically had Pedo State begging to join and that conference repeatedly rebuffed them based solely upon their mediocre hoops program.
I think the article referenced how much stronger NCAA basketball was at the time period. The commissioners of the conferences didn't take into account the possibility of market shifts in sports entertainment. Perhaps Swafford isn't being given enough credit for expansion in the early 2000s. I really hate saying that but it may be true.

If you liked that different perspective, this is a good read.
Does SEC bring UCF and USF?
Can you think of 3 non ND schools they'll rather grab first? Ignoring FSU, Clemson, and Miami, I'll say UNC, Louisville, Oregon, Washington, UVA, Duke (bball), and OK St above UCF and USF. Also Cinci. I get potentially wanting a Florida foothold, but I doubt the market UCF brings outweighs those others.

I think super conferences are at 22 by the time UCF gets considered
Does SEC bring UCF and USF?

Both B1G and SEC probably like having those schools stay where they are so they can basically be farm teams. UCF, USF and the like can get the 2&3 star recruits and develop them, then the best ones can use their 1 time transfer to go to the P2.
We know Mike is plugged in. We also know he posts here.

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