MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Miami and FSU are about to become irrelevant in college football. For sure buddy.
Interesting read from the perspective of the old Big East commissioner, Mike Tranghese.
Interesting read. Funny how the ACC had the largest yearly payout of any conference when we joined.

The only thing missing as the article slightly handled the Big East with kid gloves was that conference's complete lack of foresight in the prism of football vs basketball and future revenue streams/relevance. In the 80's they basically had Pedo State begging to join and that conference repeatedly rebuffed them based solely upon their mediocre hoops program.
Interesting read. Funny how the ACC had the largest yearly payout of any conference when we joined.

The only thing missing as the article slightly handled the Big East with kid gloves was that conference's complete lack of foresight in the prism of football vs basketball and future revenue streams/relevance. In the 80's they basically had Pedo State begging to join and that conference repeatedly rebuffed them based solely upon their mediocre hoops program.
Don't know who does the ACC morning show on Sirius, but they basically said that the ACC should become that the only way to combat all this realignment is the ACC becomes the premier bball conference.

Then in the same breath "It will barely keep the lights on in terms of revenue..." Swafford torpedoed the entire conference for the sake of bball and the Carolina schools trying to make it like the 80's again. He let ESPN negotiate a contract that several pundits have said is one of the worst tv contracts to ever be handed out regardless of sports and era. ESPN is pushing for the ACC to be their Carolina bball conference for their own benefit.