MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Remember Yormark is seriously looking at Naming Rights, and he said during media days the other day, that private equity funding is also being looked at too, he said he already has offers on his table for a lot of this stuff.. so he is trying his best to market and make sure the B12 does not get left behind.

And don't think for a second that if he is successful in that, that the B1G and $ec won't follow soon as well.

Meanwhile the ACC and **** Phillips stay getting cucked! They think this will all pass and nothing will happen, and they are dead wrong. Most of the shows that cover college sports all know...the writing is on the wall, and ACC is doomed.

Look, I hate the ACC and all of the ACC Commissioners over the past decades.

But "private equity" is not the answer. Having worked for companies owned by private equity, I can tell you firsthand what a miserable experience that can be.

Private equity bankrupted Red Lobster (and NO, it wasn't the "all you can eat lobster/shrimp" promotions). Private equity always makes money, while the businesses owned by private equity frequently fail to regain the heights they once hit.

But, yeah..."private equity"...that will solve everything...

It's one of his most worthless rambles yet.

First, the idea of "real estate" is not nearly as revolutionary as he makes it out to be. When I was in business school, I heard a variation of that EXACT SAME STORY from both Wayne Huizenga himself (when he was running Blockbuster) and the head of all of the Florida Wal-Mart stores.

Second, for anyone who ACTUALLY knows Ray Kroc's story, he was ALL ABOUT the efficiencies of the business. Ray Kroc was selling McDonald's the MILKSHAKE MACHINES that they used, and he became interested in expanding McDonald's. He convinced the McDonald brothers to let him expand the concept, and among his many "MAKING FOOD" ideas was the concept of the assembly-line production and the standardized menu.

So for some dopey porster to act like Ray Kroc had an epiphany about being a "real estate" company rather than a "making food" company is just a joke, it completely obliterates all of the MANY innovations that Ray Kroc introduced to the fast food industry. And, sure, maybe he realized the importance of real estate ALSO, but that is NOT what helped McDonald's to "turn the corner". That is just about the most brain-dead and misguided summation I've ever heard.

I could name a dozen major "MAKING FOOD" ideas that Ray Kroc pioneered, having nothing to do with "real estate selection". As if the magic of "picking a good corner" suddenly fixed all of the McDonald's "quality control" and "supply chain" issues that this non-genius is yapping about.

To quote South Park's description of Mormonism, "Dum dum dum dum dum".
If only there were documentaries about it. Maybe Michael Keaton could star in a drama about it
If only there were documentaries about it. Maybe Michael Keaton could star in a drama about it

Yes, it would be a fascinating 5 minute movie where Ray suddenly exclaims "Eureka, this is a real estate business, Ethel!" and then the credits will roll.

We all know that ONE GOOD BUSINESS EPIPHANY absolutely fixes all your quality control and supply chain issues. Miraculously. That's really all you need.

Good lord...
Once upon a time, there was this scrawny kid from Palmetto High school, and he started a business selling books on the internet. One day he was watching the Oprah Winfrey Show and she said "If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life." About a week later, became the largest company on the planet. The End.
Three questions:

(1) Why is it better to be the king of the kiddy table and college football g-league than to have a seat at the table in the P2?

Because we would no longer be in the same conference as Duke. I've seen how they play politics.

(2) How do you overcome the recruiting and tv/streaming disparities with the P2? Who’s gonna come play for us in the Big 12, if they get same or similar NIL in the P2? Why would they play in a conference with less national visibility?

You overcome it the best you can. I can elaborate but it would all be highly debatable. Im just not that into it. Sorry.

(3) Why do we care if we’re the premiere team in a conference? Nobody cares who the premiere team in the AAC, MAC sunbelt, etc is. A Miami that’s a top 3-4 team in the BIG 10 gets way more respect than a Miami that’s #1 in the Big 12. It’s not hard to be the “premiere option” when your competition is Baylor, Cincinnati, Houston, OKST, TCU, etc

The Big 12 isn’t an option you take unless you have no other options.

A conference only needs 2-3 major power programs to be a top level on-field conference. The Big XII can get there with UM, Clemson and the development of 1-2 more (SMU, UCF, etc.)

Of note, we spent 20 years in a power conference and won 5 less national championships than we did in a "basketball conference." It'll all come out in the wash and UM will be in a stronger position ten years from now. They just need to make sure UM leadership doesnt foul it up the way they did with the current ACC contract.

My belief is that the current round of program & conference shuffling is not the last. This will take more than a decade to fully shake out. We go to the Big XII, win the conference a few times and do well in the playoffs and something good will happen.

It's one of his most worthless rambles yet.

First, the idea of "real estate" is not nearly as revolutionary as he makes it out to be. When I was in business school, I heard a variation of that EXACT SAME STORY from both Wayne Huizenga himself (when he was running Blockbuster) and the head of all of the Florida Wal-Mart stores.

Second, for anyone who ACTUALLY knows Ray Kroc's story, he was ALL ABOUT the efficiencies of the business. Ray Kroc was selling McDonald's the MILKSHAKE MACHINES that they used, and he became interested in expanding McDonald's. He convinced the McDonald brothers to let him expand the concept, and among his many "MAKING FOOD" ideas was the concept of the assembly-line production and the standardized menu.

So for some dopey porster to act like Ray Kroc had an epiphany about being a "real estate" company rather than a "making food" company is just a joke, it completely obliterates all of the MANY innovations that Ray Kroc introduced to the fast food industry. And, sure, maybe he realized the importance of real estate ALSO, but that is NOT what helped McDonald's to "turn the corner". That is just about the most brain-dead and misguided summation I've ever heard.

I could name a dozen major "MAKING FOOD" ideas that Ray Kroc pioneered, having nothing to do with "real estate selection". As if the magic of "picking a good corner" suddenly fixed all of the McDonald's "quality control" and "supply chain" issues that this non-genius is yapping about.

To quote South Park's description of Mormonism, "Dum dum dum dum dum".
Damnit man now I’m all fired up and mad as ****… and I’m not gonna take it anymore.

30 years ago brown diamonds were considered junk and worthless. Then someone came up with the idea to call them "chocolate diamonds" and demand (and the price) soared. Branding and marketing. Yormark himself called the Big12 a "mature start-up." I think that is exactly correct. He has the flexibility to make moves that even the P2 can't because they are locked into contracts with monolithic media companies.

It sounds like you can predict the future and you know the B12 isn't going to be successful long term. You should use your powers of clairvoyance to make lots of money.

Personally I like the idea of small scrappy conference doing unorthodox things to shake up the good ol' boys in the SEC and B1G, and then establishing itself as the cool alternative to the P2. Reminds me of a certain program in the 1980s...
I understand what you’re saying. Using long shots that hit as the rule is disingenuous though. For every McDonald’s there are 10,000 similar ideas that went under. Could the B12 end up being something? Sure. Is it likely at this point? Definitely not. Even if they added UM, FSU, Clemson, and UNC it’s still the ACC with more flexibility. That conference can’t compete with the P2. Sorry, it just isn’t happening. The P2 have majority of the schools with major alumni bases and history. No amount of unorthodox marketing is changing that.
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I mean yeah, I’ve got some customers in here. Nothing too crazy but enough to tide me over for a bit until the fish really start biting.

Y’all think these big hits just happen at will but it’s a lot of work with a lot of small bites, thread in and thread out, before the big strike comes. But I’ll stay on it and I’ll be ready.

"Dude" ?? What are you 12? Why do YOU think a group of SEC schools don't want to add a 2nd Florida school to the SEC? Doesn't bring carriage fees so there is no immediate $$$ bump. Just like FSU fans want to see Miami "relegated" to the B12 leftover conference, many of the SEC programs would prefer to just leave FSU where they are ... in the crappy ACC or let them be "relegated" to the B12 .... makes it much easier for the SEC programs to recruit against.
Sorry, I shouldn't have called you "dude", you may be a lady and with how sensitive you are reacting to anyone questioning your "sources" reasoning, it appears that is the case. My lady, I apologize for making that assumption.

Now, since we are both over the age of 12, let's look at the validity of the "reasoning" provided by these "sources" who reek of hailing from the panhandle of Florida and have an oversized opinion of that former girl's school in Tally.

What carriage fees did Texas bring that weren't already there with A&M already being an SEC property? Why would these same SEC programs allow Texas to join and not "relegate" them to the crappy Big XII, but they have this vitriol for FSU? Why would Kentucky and Mississippi State all of a sudden grow a pair and be afraid of losing "from a competition standpoint" to FSU, but not Texas (as if Kentucky or MSU were ever on the same competition level to begin with as far as football is concerned with FSU or Texas historically)?

IF there was even a vote to begin with (I doubt it), these supposed nay votes would probably be more related to: adding FSU doesn't cause the average payout per team to rise AND/OR FSU is in the midst of legal entanglements that some teams want to see ironed out before any thought is given to add them to the SEC.

Now granted, these reasons don't involve FSU instilling "fear" into the SEC or its teams which probably hurts the pride of these "sources" in their garnet and gold institution, but they are much more probable IMO.
Because we would no longer be in the same conference as Duke. I've seen how they play politics.

You overcome it the best you can. I can elaborate but it would all be highly debatable. Im just not that into it. Sorry.

A conference only needs 2-3 major power programs to be a top level on-field conference. The Big XII can get there with UM, Clemson and the development of 1-2 more (SMU, UCF, etc.)

Of note, we spent 20 years in a power conference and won 5 less national championships than we did in a "basketball conference." It'll all come out in the wash and UM will be in a stronger position ten years from now. They just need to make sure UM leadership doesnt foul it up the way they did with the current ACC contract.

My belief is that the current round of program & conference shuffling is not the last. This will take more than a decade to fully shake out. We go to the Big XII, win the conference a few times and do well in the playoffs and something good will happen.
I appreciate your response, but two of your answers are non answers.

The political angle with the ACC is overblown. We’re not part of Tobacco Road and get no help there, but that’s not why we’ve sucked for 20 years.

On recruiting, you should elaborate. I’d be interested to hear. No one who’s advocated for the Big 12 as an option has explained how we’d sustain Top 10 or even Top 15 recruiting. It’s a huge concern and it can’t be waived off. My position is that we will not beat out the P2 schools with similar NIL when we’ll have worse matchups, less TV/streaming visibility, and less prestige. Why play for Miami in the Big 12 when you can play for FSU, Alabama, OSU, Michigan, UGA, etc. in prime time? We’d get good enough talent to compete in the Big 12, but we’d get smashed in the CFP anytime we made it.

Also, in my opinion, perception matters. If we choose the Big 12, the perception will be “Miami’s not good enough for the P2. They had to run away to a weaker conference to win.” Our rivals will run with it, and sports media will eat it up.

To me, a Miami that’s a consisten top 3-4 team in the P2, with CFP appearances is far more respected, formidable, and in national contention than a Miami team in the Big 12 that gets smashed every time it gets to the CFP because of the talent deficit.

I also agree that realignment is going to continue for awhile. I just don’t think we can afford to make a choice that will diminish our perception, recruiting ability, and regulate us to the CFB g-league. Maybe Yormack turns out to be a visionary and transforms the Big 12 into a conference at parity with the P2. He’s a smart guy, but we can’t afford to take such a risk.