MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Fact 1: fsu is not doing what they’re doing without a clear, definitive home in a P2 league.

Fact 2: your athletic department will be dead if you don’t get into the P2 very, very soon. (In comparison to the other P2 schools)

This isn’t my opinion. This isn’t message board rhetoric. These are facts. So if you think fsu is “milking” things, great. The fact is, they’re aggressively pushing to get out of a dead league and get into one of the only 2 that matter. Is Miami doing the same in silence? We’ll see. But fsu is doing exactly what they need to do for survival.
We have different definitions of the word facts.
Please explain how #1 is a fact. As of now that is pure speculation.
Come on at least try and act and THINK like an adult. No major university is going to initiate the type legal action FSU did without a definitive back channel confirmation that they do have a P2 landing spot. You cannot expect an OPEN letter of invitation to be publicized by either conference in today's litigious society, due to risk of being sued by ACC members. There is a reason that most UM fans are HOPING that the UM leadership has been very ACTIVE in back channel activities in order to establish that very same option of a P2 home for the University of Miami.
Come on at least try and act and THINK like an adult. No major university is going to initiate the type legal action FSU did without a definitive back channel confirmation that they do have a P2 landing spot. You cannot expect an OPEN letter of invitation to be publicized by either conference in today's litigious society, due to risk of being sued by ACC members. There is a reason that most UM fans are HOPING that the UM leadership has been very ACTIVE in back channel activities in order to establish that very same option of a P2 home for the University of Miami.

Literally, and I couldn’t be more direct here, LITERALLY…how in the absolute ****, AFTER ALL THIS TIME, do people not understand this?

This is the reason I don’t frequent this thread much. Obviously nobody knows everything, and that’s fine. We don’t even know much of anything. But we have people in here, after literal YEARS, and a thousand pages of this, who can’t even grasp the absolute bottom floor of all this. Under the floor. FSU leaving for a P2 league is the ******* basement. And you still have people like ohhh not so fast I don’t know about that 😂 😂. Get a ******* clue. A clue about a clue. Jesus Christ.
Literally, and I couldn’t be more direct here, LITERALLY…how in the absolute ****, AFTER ALL THIS TIME, do people not understand this?

This is the reason I don’t frequent this thread much. Obviously nobody knows everything, and that’s fine. We don’t even know much of anything. But we have people in here, after literal YEARS, and a thousand pages of this, who can’t even grasp the absolute bottom floor of all this. Under the floor. FSU leaving for a P2 league is the ******* basement. And you still have people like ohhh not so fast I don’t know about that 😂 😂. Get a ******* clue. A clue about a clue. Jesus Christ.
Is it selective blindness because it is FSU?

If it was UNC and Clemson, do you think it would be different?

I think the constant rambling conjecture on here contribute to it...

FSU is gone. The question is where is Miami in all this. All the conjecture is to paint the picture that Miami is safe going forward with intermittent worry and concern by the loudest voices...
The people that are just shouting their own personal beliefs are those claiming FOX would pressure the league to take non AAU schools. That is just pure speculation. What is a known fact is that the Big Ten wants to be made up of all AAU schools.

Historical Shot:

Historical chaser:

Modern bonus chaser:

Nebraska looking around for its current AAU status
Confused John Travolta GIF by LASFAR

Chat gpt enters the chat
**Preference**: A choice or liking for one option over others, not essential but desirable.
**Requirement**: A necessity or condition that must be met.

If you can't tell the difference between a preference and a requirement, it's no wonder you think pineapple on pizza is mandatory!

(Hi my name is google except for pizza references)
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Come on at least try and act and THINK like an adult. No major university is going to initiate the type legal action FSU did without a definitive back channel confirmation that they do have a P2 landing spot. You cannot expect an OPEN letter of invitation to be publicized by either conference in today's litigious society, due to risk of being sued by ACC members. There is a reason that most UM fans are HOPING that the UM leadership has been very ACTIVE in back channel activities in order to establish that very same option of a P2 home for the University of Miami.
Once again, you two are claiming it as a fact. Where is your evidence to prove what you are claiming is factual?

Historical Shot:
View attachment 293260

Historical chaser:
View attachment 293261
Modern bonus chaser:

Nebraska looking around for its current AAU status
Confused John Travolta GIF by LASFAR

Chat gpt enters the chat
**Preference**: A choice or liking for one option over others, not essential but desirable.
**Requirement**: A necessity or condition that must be met.

If you can't tell the difference between a preference and a requirement, it's no wonder you think pineapple on pizza is mandatory!

(Hi my name is google except for pizza references)

Read my post again. Where did I say it was required? Google the definition of “want”.
Is it selective blindness because it is FSU?

If it was UNC and Clemson, do you think it would be different?

I think the constant rambling conjecture on here contribute to it...

FSU is gone. The question is where is Miami in all this. All the conjecture is to paint the picture that Miami is safe going forward with intermittent worry and concern by the loudest voices...

I really don’t know, man. It’s incredibly frustrating. This is the most important thread/topic in the history of the program, so I like to come in here and listen/talk shop with people who are infinitely better versed in law and proceedings like this than I am. But I started this thread TWO YEARS AGO tomorrow. And we still have people who can’t grasp the bottom rung of all this.

It’s like a thread discussing advanced calculus and you have people walking through who can’t add. What’s the point?

As far as the fsu specific thing, it’s gotta be just some blind hatred. But, as much as we hate fsu, are you literally just incapable of accepting reality? What are you, 8 years old? I don’t like fsu, they’re buttheads, so I’m just gonna say they’re ******* suing their current conference for the right to leave to go….nowhere? To the Big 12? LMAO try to dig real deep and find one (1) brain cell.

Anyway, and this is NOT fact and only opinion, I expect fsu to announce relatively soon. IMO before the season. So things should start happening faster and faster. As has been the case for a day short of two years, my only dog in this fight is that I just hope we’re working towards being on the train.
Who’s keeping TRACK of the QANON folks?

Going to be some real EGG on some peoples face when FSU “unexpectedly” ends up in a P2 conference. OR is that going to be a conspiracy and they’re really BEHIND THE SCENES still in the ACC?
Who’s keeping TRACK of the QANON folks?

Going to be some real EGG on some peoples face when FSU “unexpectedly” ends up in a P2 conference. OR is that going to be a conspiracy and they’re really BEHIND THE SCENES still in the ACC?

It won’t matter. These are living lobotomy patients. People with the brain capacity of a spoon aren’t suddenly going to admit they misread the room. They don’t even know what ******* room they’re in. Just oblivious to life.
Fact 1: fsu is not doing what they’re doing without a clear, definitive home in a P2 league.

Fact 2: your athletic department will be dead if you don’t get into the P2 very, very soon. (In comparison to the other P2 schools)

This isn’t my opinion. This isn’t message board rhetoric. These are facts. So if you think fsu is “milking” things, great. The fact is, they’re aggressively pushing to get out of a dead league and get into one of the only 2 that matter. Is Miami doing the same in silence? We’ll see. But fsu is doing exactly what they need to do for survival.

I would modify your Fact 1:

"FSU believes they have a clear path to joining a P2 league once free of the ACC"

Fact 2 your point is well made.

I would modify your Fact 1:

"FSU believes they have a clear path to joining a P2 league once free of the ACC"

Fact 2 your point is well made.

This isn’t something you leave to chance. This isn’t a risk. These are people’s lives and jobs at stake here. Many, many, many of them. The trajectory of an entire university with hundreds of thousands of alumni. You don’t do what they’re doing on a whim, or a verbal agreement between urinals. FSU has a home in a P2 league. I honestly can’t even fathom how that could be any more clear.
It’s just a PROJECTED insecurity and a sore reflection on OUR lack of action. Tables turned, NONE OF US doubt we’re suing on the “off chance maybe we get an invite”. We know we’re GETTING OUT when we sue.
This isn’t something you leave to chance. This isn’t a risk. These are people’s lives and jobs at stake here. Many, many, many of them. The trajectory of an entire university with hundreds of thousands of alumni. You don’t do what they’re doing on a whim, or a verbal agreement between urinals. FSU has a home in a P2 league. I honestly can’t even fathom how that could be any more clear.
the discussion around FSU isn’t if they got a P2 home, it’s should be which P2 home do we want FSU to go to?
I’m hoping ESPN comes through and helps them to the SEC with Clemson, paving the way for Miami’s eventual move to the B1G, whenever that might be.
But if FSU goes to B1G and Clemson goes to SEC, eekers, I’m not sure I’m confident in Miami to a P2 in the next 5 years then. We’ll likely be waiting for the next media deal and/or for the implementation of the supposed SUPER league that will eventually form (and I’m one thats skeptical that will happen).

I read posters want the conference where they can continue rivalry with FSU. I think our need to get to P2 trumps any rivalry wants.
This isn’t something you leave to chance. This isn’t a risk. These are people’s lives and jobs at stake here. Many, many, many of them. The trajectory of an entire university with hundreds of thousands of alumni. You don’t do what they’re doing on a whim, or a verbal agreement between urinals. FSU has a home in a P2 league. I honestly can’t even fathom how that could be any more clear.

That’s deductive reasoning leading to a conclusion. You are very likely (I’d say 99% chance) right, but the fact is what you are saying is not a fact, it’s a conclusion.