Commit This Weekend?

Nothing is a slam dunk at this point. Staff will need to grind it out the rest of the cycle until we prove it on the field.
I think this team could go balls to the wall 12 games and still only end up 8-4. There's an old saying to the effect of "society grows great when old men plant trees for the shade they'll never sit in." We really need a class that takes on that mentality... that no matter what the W/Ls are, they will refuse to quit, refuse to allow others to quit, that they will set a culture that will last a generation, even if they'll never be the ones to wear those rings, or play in the big bowl. Then, and only then can Miami start rebuilding The U.

I think this team could go balls to the wall 12 games and still only end up 8-4. There's an old saying to the effect of "society grows great when old men plant trees for the shade they'll never sit in." We really need a class that takes on that mentality... that no matter what the W/Ls are, they will refuse to quit, refuse to allow others to quit, that they will set a culture that will last a generation, even if they'll never be the ones to wear those rings, or play in the big bowl. Then, and only then can Miami start rebuilding The U.
Deep bruh!
Tobe honest I can't think of any remakes that are better than the original and other than terminator 2 and a few other sequels not many sequels better than the original movie
I agree with you, the one exception for me was “It”, I felt the new versions were better than the original, plus the new movies felt more accurate to the story in the book than the original movie did.
Tobe honest I can't think of any remakes that are better than the original and other than terminator 2 and a few other sequels not many sequels better than the original movie
I prefer the True Grit remake with Jeff Bridges over the John Wayne original.
I think this team could go balls to the wall 12 games and still only end up 8-4. There's an old saying to the effect of "society grows great when old men plant trees for the shade they'll never sit in." We really need a class that takes on that mentality... that no matter what the W/Ls are, they will refuse to quit, refuse to allow others to quit, that they will set a culture that will last a generation, even if they'll never be the ones to wear those rings, or play in the big bowl. Then, and only then can Miami start rebuilding The U.

Nailed it.

Teaching patience and commitment to a goal that may not produce an immediate 12-0 result to college kids is difficult.
****, it's **** near impossible here on CIS and many here are wayyyyy past their early 20's. In the age of immediate gratification there is real wisdom in the saying that " slow and steady wins the race."

Patience, grasshoppers...

If no major improvement in 2 years then we can begin to assemble the lynch mob.
Tobe honest I can't think of any remakes that are better than the original and other than terminator 2 and a few other sequels not many sequels better than the original movie
I just think its gonna be cool
cuz its the backstory instead of a total
I was thinking the same thing. Hard for me to reconcile this kids obvious talent and potential plus our pressing need for big talented DL with PSU being the only green light he has at this point. Something doesn’t add up here. Clearly there is much more to this behind the scenes that most of us are not privy to. Going to be interesting to find out why if and when we ever do.
From Miami's perspective, I just look at it as higher prospects are on the board that the staff feels good where they stand (i.e. Franklin and Breland). We already have Jones and Russel committed at DT. So, Franklin and Breland would make 3 to 4 DTs in the class.

And it wasn't really a sequel. Both Godfather "I" and "II" are from the same novel. So it was just a two-part adaptation.
And really most of the novel was covered in I. But Puzo was a screenwriter for II so he basically wrote the before and after for I.
I still default to I as the best because as much as I love DeNiro, nothing to me tops Brando as the older Vito Corleone.
And really most of the novel was covered in I. But Puzo was a screenwriter for II so he basically wrote the before and after for I.
I still default to I as the best because as much as I love DeNiro, nothing to me tops Brando as the older Vito Corleone.

Actually, the novel had the wrap-around. It starts in the middle. I think the BALANCE is a bit stronger in the movie, between the three time periods, but the storyline is there in the novel. I've had this conversation with multiple people on the board, I had a Management class at UM where our "textbook" was The Godfather (novel). No joke.

The reason I like I as much (if not better) than II is because of the classic time period of the mafia, when there was still some honor and intent behind their practices. I am not nearly as enamored of the mafia of the "60s and 70s and beyond", it is also the reason why I was not as much of a fan of III.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Hyman Roth and Moe Green and Frankie Five Angels, but to me, the decline of omerta and honor in II was depressing. And I think Sonny's storyline, while brief, is completely emblematic of an ongoing problem that the mafia had, the hothead who can't keep things under control for the sake of the business.

Plus, there were just a few extra ALL-TIME CLASSIC Godfather moments in I more than in II.

---Bonasera asking for his favor
---Luca Brasi practicing his speech
---Michael describing his father to Kay
---Jack Woltz and his infamous double-racial-slurs
---The horse head
---Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes
---The worthlessness of Fredo when Vito is shot
---"Leave the gun, take the cannoli."
---The high drama of Michael protecting Vito at the hospital, including Enzo the Baker (who was the subject of the OTHER big "Connie's wedding" favor, shown in the book but not in the movie)
---Michael's meeting with Sollozzo and McCluskey
---Michael's offer to Apollonia's father
---Sonny's fight with Carlo
---Sonny's shooting at the tollbooth
---"It was Barzini."
---"You're not a wartime consigliere, Tom."
---"Don't ever take sides against the family."
---The OG "settling of all old Corleone family business."
---Michael assuring Connie that he would not kill Carlo.
---Closing the door on Kay.

Come on, now, every one of those elements is ******* CLASSIC.

That's what puts I above II for ME PERSONALLY.