Clinton Portis believes in Alfred

Sapp isn't a "fraudulent supporter of the program."

Break down his comments: "Dont talk to me about Al Golden and whatever that D-coordinator's name is." What Sapp is saying is, "NO MORE EXCUSES. TIRED OF HEARING THEM."

Then Sapp said, "Don't hire someone you can't fire." No problem with this statement. It's a well known truism. And especially in this case.

"The D-coordinator is killing my school." Football-wise, this is absolutely true.

"That looks like no Miami defense in the history of our school." Absolutely accurate. Dead-nuts-on.

Since Sapp was entirely accurate in his statement, I fail to see the "fraudulent supporter" portion of your allegation.

Ya'll really been hoo-doo'd by this guy Golden, huh?

Should I even comment on this again or will it get deleted?

Nonetheless, I'm not basing my opinion of ME ME ME Warren on that comment alone. Sapp has a track record of running his mouth in a negative manner which would be fine if any of us could point to one positive contribution he's made toward the program since the day he was drafted. I personally can't remember a single thing he's done or given beyond calling out Billy Cohen or him clowning around with Michael Irvin on the NFL Network with them invoking the phrase "the U". Like I said before, ME ME ME Sapp is a NFL great that just happened to go to Miami. If his gripe is with Golden then where was he as some great supporter under any of the previous regimes? I count guys like Edge, Portis, Andre Johnson, Irvin, etc. as REAL Canes.


I think you'll agree, intermittent U supporter or not, that statement was dead-nuts-on.

Sure, he's on point with that D not looking like any Canes D we've seen. The rest will just rehash arguments that have been had daily on here though. That alone leads me to wonder how closely Sapp even follows the program if he doesn't realize that the D-coordinator that is "killing his school" is running the head coaches defense so a firing now would be moot. Again, this just rehashes debates on here that have been had ad nauseum and I respect your opinion if it mirrors Sapp's but I just stopped respecting Warren a long time ago.

I basically boil it down to this with Sapp. I bet if you asked him if he had a hypothetical son if he'd send that kid to Coral Gables now -that we'd get an answer that not too many people would like. Then we have Michael Irvin who we can pretty much count on forcing his real son to be a Cane. Warren's loyalty and pride in being a Cane only seems to be present when it benefits Warren.

sapp's an A-hole i get it, but i cant agree with you that he's only loyal when it benefits him. look at his hall of fame speech he mentioned the school several times, when many inductees dont mention their alma mater at all

Really? I just watched it and wasn't impressed and see no mention of anyone aside from Erickson, which is the least he could do for someone that tore up a positive drug test for him, and Irvin- which was in conjunction with him rambling on and on about all of his "tv teammates". Sure, he threw in an "it's all about the U- you wouldn't understand blah blah blah" but I wouldn't deem this some UM rah rah speech as the guy spent more time saying how he loves all the guys from NFL Network and Showtime or w/e than he did on almost any previous teammates- college or pro. Again, I'm still waiting for anyone to give me a story about Warren giving anything back to the program since the day he was drafted. Jesus Christo, the freaking Rock is a much better example of a great alumni and he barely played. I think I've seen him mention UM more in interviews for crappy movies.


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Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?
Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?

True but having said HoF'er bashing the program would exponentially hurt recruiting if we're going by that standard.
**** Tad really has a hardon for Sapp. Tad have you seen Sapps financials since 95' when he joined the league? I'm curious how you know he hasn't given anything back? I'm not saying you are wrong, I just want to know how you know?

If you read up on anything on Sapp and money, he doesn't handle his money very well.

All that aside, I'll still take what he states about Cane defense over some porster on a message board.

One thing he did well and knows it is defense.
Glad we have guys like Ray, Michael, Clinton, Edge, Don, Jimmy etc representing.

p.s. - GM know who you are.
Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?

True but having said HoF'er bashing the program would exponentially hurt recruiting if we're going by that standard.

This. This is what people don't get. I don't know why Travonte Valentine didn't sign with us, but sure as **** didn't help that Sapp bashed our school a couple weeks before signing day while he was still committed. Imagine Warren Sapp saying, I love my school and we just need that one local DT to come in and play like I played and bring the U back to greatness, just like when I was there. Don't know if Valentine would've stuck, but it certainly wouldn't have been pushing him out the door either.
Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?

True but having said HoF'er bashing the program would exponentially hurt recruiting if we're going by that standard.

This. This is what people don't get. I don't know why Travonte Valentine didn't sign with us, but sure as **** didn't help that Sapp bashed our school a couple weeks before signing day while he was still committed. Imagine Warren Sapp saying, I love my school and we just need that one local DT to come in and play like I played and bring the U back to greatness, just like when I was there. Don't know if Valentine would've stuck, but it certainly wouldn't have been pushing him out the door either.

Whoa, too much sense being made. Slow down.
Travonte wasn't committed then and again Sapp doesn't need to kiss someone's *** who he knows is garbage he represents this U more then any of you or golden ever has point blank period blame golden for keeping donofrio blame genron for being a sell out but dont blame warren sapp for speaking the truth
Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?

True but having said HoF'er bashing the program would exponentially hurt recruiting if we're going by that standard.

This. This is what people don't get. I don't know why Travonte Valentine didn't sign with us, but sure as **** didn't help that Sapp bashed our school a couple weeks before signing day while he was still committed. Imagine Warren Sapp saying, I love my school and we just need that one local DT to come in and play like I played and bring the U back to greatness, just like when I was there. Don't know if Valentine would've stuck, but it certainly wouldn't have been pushing him out the door either.


You're blaming Sapp for Golden's failings. Sapp told the truth. Golden's the one blaming the players and making excuses.

So Sapp calls it JUST LIKE IT IS, and he's hurting the program?

How about Golden is a crappy coach, and is hurting the program even more?

Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?

True but having said HoF'er bashing the program would exponentially hurt recruiting if we're going by that standard.

This. This is what people don't get. I don't know why Travonte Valentine didn't sign with us, but sure as **** didn't help that Sapp bashed our school a couple weeks before signing day while he was still committed. Imagine Warren Sapp saying, I love my school and we just need that one local DT to come in and play like I played and bring the U back to greatness, just like when I was there. Don't know if Valentine would've stuck, but it certainly wouldn't have been pushing him out the door either.


You're blaming Sapp for Golden's failings. Sapp told the truth. Golden's the one blaming the players and making excuses.

So Sapp calls it JUST LIKE IT IS, and he's hurting the program?

How about Golden is a crappy coach, and is hurting the program even more?


If I knew how to make a gif I would make one of billy loomis from scream: It's called tact, you ****rag.
Warren Sapp's social skills are comparable to Al Golden's coaching skills

Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?

True but having said HoF'er bashing the program would exponentially hurt recruiting if we're going by that standard.

This. This is what people don't get. I don't know why Travonte Valentine didn't sign with us, but sure as **** didn't help that Sapp bashed our school a couple weeks before signing day while he was still committed. Imagine Warren Sapp saying, I love my school and we just need that one local DT to come in and play like I played and bring the U back to greatness, just like when I was there. Don't know if Valentine would've stuck, but it certainly wouldn't have been pushing him out the door either.


You're blaming Sapp for Golden's failings. Sapp told the truth. Golden's the one blaming the players and making excuses.

So Sapp calls it JUST LIKE IT IS, and he's hurting the program?

How about Golden is a crappy coach, and is hurting the program even more?


If I knew how to make a gif I would make one of billy loomis from scream: It's called tact, you ****rag.

Tact don't get it done.

Tact was appropriate the first year. Maybe the second year.

Now? Tact done been used up.

Golden's defense is killing the Miami program.

Fcukin dipschitt.
**** Tad really has a hardon for Sapp. Tad have you seen Sapps financials since 95' when he joined the league? I'm curious how you know he hasn't given anything back? I'm not saying you are wrong, I just want to know how you know?

If you read up on anything on Sapp and money, he doesn't handle his money very well.

All that aside, I'll still take what he states about Cane defense over some porster on a message board.

One thing he did well and knows it is defense.

You make valid points even though being a great player doesn't always translate to being a great coach or even "understanderer" of schemes but that's neither here nor there.

In relation to me knowing anything about Sapp's financials, BELIEVE ME in that the program would have made it known if he gave any money or time. If there's one thing this athletic department gets right it's publicizing any money from or interaction with former Canes. I also don't see Warren as the type to do anything quietly as by all accounts from anybody that has had to deal with him off camera in Tampa or Oakland he's a Barry Bonds-esque jerk. That's neither here nor there either until you factor in that his bashing didn't just start once our D started giving up vomit inducing yards to teams like Dook, etc. This guy was already going public with bit**ing and moaning when Alfred didn't realize that he actually returned to campus for the first time in forever and didn't roll out the red carpet. Alfred actually had to kiss his fat a$$ and smooth things over. Things like that in conjunction with years of invincibility prior are why I personally couldn't care less about what he opines publicly about now- right or wrong. We have plenty of other alumni that are just as qualified pro career wise and have actually been great Cane alumni that can chime in.

I'm done now though as I personally don't enjoy bashing anyone related to the program once that horse is dead. I'm just thankful for every Sapp we have about 50 other guys with insane NFL resumes that are true supporters of the program and know how to act like adults when they have a problem.
My boys an alum . You couldnt pay him to say anything bad about the canes . I've tried to bad mouth them on occasion ,he ain't having it . Refreshing really with my bad attitude and all
My boys an alum . You couldnt pay him to say anything bad about the canes . I've tried to bad mouth them on occasion ,he ain't having it . Refreshing really with my bad attitude and all

My kind of guy. I'm sure he is privy to everything we are, but refuses to suck the sack of negativity.
Simply from his playing career at UM and being inducted in to the hall the highest honor a football player can recieve does more for UM than you or i ever could. Think it doesnt help in recruiting when you can tell a kid X amount of hall of famers came from this school?

True but having said HoF'er bashing the program would exponentially hurt recruiting if we're going by that standard.

This. This is what people don't get. I don't know why Travonte Valentine didn't sign with us, but sure as **** didn't help that Sapp bashed our school a couple weeks before signing day while he was still committed. Imagine Warren Sapp saying, I love my school and we just need that one local DT to come in and play like I played and bring the U back to greatness, just like when I was there. Don't know if Valentine would've stuck, but it certainly wouldn't have been pushing him out the door either.

Great. You want Sapp to outright lie.

He told the absolute, unvarnished truth. And those who continually deny the truth, are ****ed at him for telling it exactly like it is?

Sapp gained more of my respect by making those statements. Someone has to tell it plain, and who better than someone who actually knows a bit about defense?

Valentine would've sniffed out that lie in the blink of an eye. You guys aren't being honest - wonder why we can't get DT's? Ever wonder? Ever watch our dumbass scheme? If you're a hungry, hard-charging DT, and you love shooting the gap and pounding the QB, then you definitely don't want to play at Miami. Here, you line up face to face, and when the ball is hiked, you stand up, making the OT's job that much easier, and I haven't figured out WTF they're supposed to do after that, because our DT's never get beyond that point.

We afford every advantage to the opposing OT's.

And you can't see it? High School DT's can.
Don't be so naive only thing Valentine saw was some green paper with some dead presidents face on it that he probably doesnt know the name of.

And can someone tell me what Sapp said that you couldn't find being said here by an unqualified mope.
I mean it most have surely been something insightful about what makes D'onofrios defense bad cause Ya know he's a professional.
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Don't be so naive only thing Valentine saw was some green paper with some dead presidents face on it that he probably doesnt know the name of.

And can someone tell me what Sapp said that you couldn't find being said here by an unqualified mope.
I mean it most have surely been something insightful about what makes D'onofrios defense bad cause Ya know he's a professional.

Thank you. It's true. Sapp, a pro, verbalized what we "unqualified" can and have been watching for three years.

We "unqualified" have been saying the defense is all wrong - for over 2.5 years!

And yet, some here can't see the painfully obvious.
My boys an alum . You couldnt pay him to say anything bad about the canes . I've tried to bad mouth them on occasion ,he ain't having it . Refreshing really with my bad attitude and all

How is not dealing with reality "refreshing"... I know plenty of people that stick their head in the sand, that doesn't make them anything but bad decision makers. These are the same people that instead of dealing with issues as they arise, they do things like ignore red flags, make excuses for poor coaches. We've seen it here on this board and others. We have a 10 year track record of this bull****.